One Piece Odyssey Reviews

One Piece Odyssey is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
78 / 100
Jan 20, 2023

One Piece Odyssey is first and foremost made for longtime followers of the manga and anime. That said, there is enough backstory and information to keep the casual gamer engaged. One Piece Odyssey is a robust, well-made JRPG that’s faithful to the core audience but fun for almost any turn-based action fan. Aside from the somewhat annoying, patchwork pacing and occasionally repetitive backtracking, One Piece Odyssey’s combat and oddball characters are fun to spend time with.

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8 / 10
Jan 11, 2023

As far as games in the series go, One Piece Odyssey is one of the best if you don't mind the narrative issues. I wasn't expecting it, but it ticks all the boxes that a solid JRPG needs.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 13, 2023

It's not every day you get to play a video game based on an anime or manga designed to utilize every aspect of the source material to make a great game, rather than simply cashing in on its popularity of it for a quick buck. One Piece: Odyssey tells a good story that spawns many of the franchise's various arcs allowing you to experience the vast One Piece lore in a brand new way. Its turn-based combat is simple but addicting and fun, utilizing each and every member of the Straw Hat crew to the best of their abilities.

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8.7 / 10.0
Jan 11, 2023

One Piece Odyssey is definitely the best game dedicated to Eiichiro Oda's omnibus work, and a perfect JRPG for newcomers. Those who don't like One Piece or are looking for a more challenging and in-depth experience would do well to look elsewhere, knowing however that such successful adaptations are a very rare commodity indeed.

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Top Critic
7.1 / 10.0
Jan 11, 2023

A tale built on revisiting past adventures in media res, One Piece Odyssey relies so much on retelling great stories that came before it that the adventure in Waford alongside Lim and Adio feels like an afterthought.

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8 / 10
Jan 11, 2023

No matter whether you're a hardcore One Piece fan or a complete newcomer, One Piece Odyssey is an utter joy of a JRPG. Its combat system remains incredibly enjoyable throughout, and new mechanics provide depth and strategy in droves. Most certainly the highlight of the experience, but with fun exploration to boot, you're always assured of a good time. One Piece Odyssey plays a lot like Dragon Quest XI, and it's not that far off being just as good as it.

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5 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2023

ONE PIECE ODYSSEY - Reunion of Memories is a listless appendix to say the least. Net of interesting narrative premises at first glance, the DLC proved to be disappointing in every respect: an already superfluous and forgettable plot is in this case aggravated by the total removal of the exploratory component, which on balance translates into an extremely linear and boring experience, and by the exasperating recycling of settings and bosses already proposed by the main game.

Review in Italian | Read full review

85 / 100
Jan 26, 2023

A must-play for all fans of the manga/anime. A perfectly written adventure that boast the most traditional JRPG elements. If you are a fan of Luffy and his crew, get this game.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2023

While One Piece Odyssey doesn’t revolutionize the genre, it does provide a pretty good JRPG experience that proved to be better than I expected. Add the hilarious hijinks of the Straw Hat crew and what you have is an entertaining romp overall. It might not quite satiate the appetites of folks who don’t particularly care about One Piece. If you love Luffy and the gang as well as JRPGs to boot, however, One Piece Odyssey is like hitting two South Birds with one stone.

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Top Critic
80 / 100
Jan 18, 2023

So, One Piece Odyssey is a game that as an RPG can be tackled without any problem, but I really don't recommend it if you're not interested in the saga, even if you want this to be your gateway. On the other hand, if you're a fan from hell and it doesn't bother you that the genre is turn-based, the invitation to Waford Island is within reach.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 11, 2023

Finally ended the long era that saw Ganbarion working on ONE PIECE and after many tie-ins only half successful, the ILCA team has shown that that of musou is not the only formula able to adapt and fully exploit the precious pirate license.

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Top Critic
72 / 100
Jan 11, 2023

One Piece Odyssey scores with a lot of wit and heart, but is sometimes tough as rubber.

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4 / 5.0
Jan 11, 2023

Fans of One Piece and turn-based RPG lovers alike will be more than pleased with what One Piece Odyssey has to offer. Its combat offers a great new spin on the genre’s trademark battle systems, and is far deeper than one would expect from an anime-inspired title. Even if it isn’t perfect, the game takes chances in the best way possible and could very well lay the groundwork for much more promising One Piece games in the future.

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4.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2023

One Piece Odyssey fails to captilize on a strong IP, telling neither an interesting original story nor adapting the manga into a fun game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 28, 2023

One Piece Odyssey is a great RPG when the story isn’t getting in the way of its pacing. There is so much to enjoy about the gameplay with its action and creativity, as well as the turn-based structure that is typical of this genre. On its own, the story isn’t too bad either. It is fun and light-hearted with a small sense of good drama to keep it engaging. But the unbalanced space sharing between both gameplay and story causes such a stop-and-go pacing problem that in the end the gameplay experience is so heavily disrupted that it is tough to enjoy the game.

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Top Critic
Feb 5, 2023

One Piece Odyssey is a fun enough diversion for hardcore fans with ample patience, but others won't find much to drive them through the conclusion.

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Jan 30, 2023

One Piece Odyssey is a solid JRPG experience with great animations, characterizations and story beats. It lets you relive some of the best moments of the series in bite size chunks. The ease of difficulty can feel boring to fans of the genre but overall a great experience.

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6 / 10
Jan 26, 2023

One Piece Odyssey unfortunately fits the "it takes twenty hours to get good" shoe. I find it difficult to recommend it to those who aren't already fans of the series, and not just because it's a mostly bland RPG.

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Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2023

If you are a fan of both One Piece and classic JRPGs, then One Piece: Odyssey is not bad. It has restored the original plot well and has built vivid characters. However, the experience of playing it may not be a pleasure due to some outdated design.

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3.3 / 5.0
Jan 16, 2023

One Piece Odyssey could've been one of the best anime game adaptations to date, but it failed painfully in providing a competent narrative separate from the original story. Thankfully the game offers well-crafted gameplay elements that make it worthy of being recommended to at least One Piece fans.

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