Tchia Reviews

Tchia is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2023

Tchia's ambitious ideas and brightly textured open world come together in harmony. Despite an air of familiarity, there's simply nothing else like Tchia, and I have no doubt it will be high on my game of the year list.

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Niche Gamer
Augusto A.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2023

Tchia is a beautiful tropical painting given interactive form, and is a fantastic way of getting lost and immersed in a new culture.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2023

It has its annoying flaws, but if you're looking for a peaceful and calm game to breathe when you're overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of gaming and life, give it a shot.

Review in Turkish | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2023

Tchia certainly wanted to be a bigger, more distinctive game than it is, I have no doubt that it was created with noble motives, but in the end it unfortunately feels like a half-baked advertising game promoting New Caledonia through loving images and excellent music, but with no real sense of enrichment in it.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

9.5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2023

Tchia has heart, a beautiful world, and some cool gameplay concepts. The story is filled with emotion but also grounded. Exploration is easy and rewarding, with a lot of great sights to see and interesting characters to interact with. Even the ukulele mini-game associated with musical numbers works.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2023

Tchia has a lot of heart and charm. It's clear that the developers really wanted to honor the culture, traditions, landscapes and music of New Caledonia. Unfortunately, the exploration is repetitive after a few hours, the soul-Jumping mechanic never reaches its true potential and the combat is bland. That's unfortuntely, as the game tries with love and honesty be a memorable experience.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

90 / 100
Mar 20, 2023

With minor technical adjustments to be made, Tchia is a true masterpiece in all its aspects, which together allow us a journey through the rich and still unknown culture of New Caledonia. With solid and light gameplay, captivating graphics, mesmerizing music, and a subtle and delicate narrative, it is a simply delightful game.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2023

Tchia might be a game-long love letter, but it's a real love letter. It's a fun little exploration game, and the BotW-inspired movement mechanics make it a delight to move around the world. It shines most when it is an outpouring of love for New Caledonia's culture and environment. It's rare that I've played a game that makes me want to visit somewhere more, and it's hard to pay Tchia higher praise than that.

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Top Critic
3.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2023

The most infuriating part about Tchia is that the very few enjoyable moments are incredible, letting you see exactly how great of a title this could have been if it weren't for its many lacking elements.

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8.4 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2023

Tchia is a highly enjoyable and varied coming-of-age adventure game with a ton to see and do. The possession mechanic is a ton of fun, the sights and sounds are undeniably attractive, and it has a good dose of dark humour to top it all off.

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7.4 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2024

Tchia will make you smile, grimace in horror, and laugh out loud. Maybe occasionally grind your teeth in frustration when Tchia parkours off a high place suddenly for the umpteenth time. (...) I’d pitch Tchia to those seasoned gamers who are looking for something a little bit different but still has those warm familiar comforts. A great palate cleanser between those AAA titles.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2024

Tchia may stumble in what it offers through combat, but the world and charm built around this archipelago is truly special. The culture and approach to depicting it certainly feels passionate and thought out. Each village has its unique blend of people, history, and music, making engaging with them feel worthwhile and memorable.

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75 / 100
Apr 27, 2023

Tchia is a prime example of a game that shines by keeping things simple and not adding too many elements to please a wide audience. Without the tedious combat sequences, the rating would have been much higher. Focusing on the adventurous part, Tchia is a love letter to New Caledonia, capable of moving players and inspiring a future visit to this fascinating place.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2024

Tchia is an indie title that deserves players' attention, because although it is not technically excellent, it is the fruit of love, passion and has an important story to tell. While there are some technical problems, remembering once again that this is an indie game in its own right, these do not spoil the good value experience that the title offers players. An act of love for their place of origin, through which the developers have shared their customs with the world.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2023

Tchia is one of those productions that is good for the entire industry and the video game media. Beyond particular play merits, the title is indeed a mere open world inspired by the last generation with flashes of Nintendo school ideas. However, it is in the feelings it manages to evoke that the Awaceb production shines its own light. It is a magical and dreamy journey in a tropical world inspired by the landscapes and traditions of New Caledonia, in which one breathes and experiences the sensations of being in a place so different from our everyday lives and far from the hectic pace of our societies. Tchia's adventure may not be playfully unforgettable: but the young girl's journey may mark you inside for a very long time.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.8 / 10.0
Jul 29, 2024

Tchia is a great title for cozy game lovers and Breath of the Wild fans. The atmosphere and music give you a warm and fuzzy feeling that leaves you thinking about the game long after finishing it. It’s also fantastic to see a cozy game represent another culture and teach you about different ways of life. While I wish it offered more ways to interact with its inhabitants, Tchia is a great adventure game, and one I’m happy to recommend.

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Jesse Norris
Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2024

Tchia is the latest, and one of my favorite, late ports to Xbox that’s arriving thanks to Game Pass.  It’s a beautiful game, with an incredible soundtrack, fun gameplay, and an emotional story full of loss and love.

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7.2 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2024
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Apr 6, 2024

Tchia is a love story of the New Caledonia region and its people. The gameplay is fun and pretty satisfying, with many quests for the player to complete and collectables to find. The soul mechanic sets you up for some very weird and interesting solutions to puzzles or circumstances in Tchia, and it’s my favourite thing about the game. If exploring a beautiful island is your thing, too, you will enjoy playing this game.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2023

Tchia is a delightful game that just needs a bit more polish.

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