Redfall Reviews

Redfall is ranked in the 12th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2023

Redfall is a letdown. Arkane Studios' signature immersive simulation and level design are nowhere to be found in the game. Instead, their typical poor shooting experience, lack of polish, and rough performance issues are present in the game, which is a little too rebellious.

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7 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Redfall shows some good ideas (especially in its level design), but they are not enough to compete with the brilliant previous works that Arkane gave birth to.

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5 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Redfall is Arkane's most underwhelming game to date. A fascinating setting and some remnants of the developer's beloved gameplay formula aren't enough to overcome the game's numerous issues, from stiff controls and disappointingly rote design choices to lackluster storytelling and technical deficiencies.

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Niche Gamer
Augusto A.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

It still feels a bit unfinished in some aspects, but it has a good amount of content that is bound to have you hooked for 20 hours or so, maybe longer considering how addicted you get to clearing the vampire nests like I did.

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5 / 10
May 19, 2023

As much as we love Arkane Studios and their works, Redfall exceptionally disappoints in almost every aspect, and it seems that there is still a long way ahead for Arkane to polish all the issues up to the standards.

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3 / 10.0
May 13, 2023

When Arkane releases a new game, it's always a celebration. But not this time. It's rare to see a new game from a big publisher of which you can't come up with anything good to say.

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Top Critic
May 3, 2023
Redfall - Before You Buy - YouTube video thumbnail
4 / 10.0
May 10, 2023

Redfall is an amalgamation of ideas from other more popular video games, however, lacking in its own originality and entertainment value.

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6 / 10.0
May 3, 2023

Redfall is proof that Arkane's familiar design habits don't fit well into the open-world formula, especially when there are raw online elements involved. That's why it's by far Arkane Studios' worst game.

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6 / 10.0
May 1, 2023

Redfall's fun with friends, but there are a few problems with the formula.

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50 / 100
May 3, 2023

Redfall is a fantastic idea that just doesn’t pan out. Clunky combat, horrible AI, and boring gameplay make this one an easy pass.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Arkane Studios brought co-op in the world of vampires, but the game does not reach the quality of the titles Dishonored, Deadhloop, Prey, for which autors became famous.

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8.3 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Redfall is an entertaining and very fun game to play with a colleague or a team of four people, taking down hordes of Vampires and saving survivors and fulfilling objectives of the shelter. Its person-enhancing mechanics and movement agility give a unique twist to the Arkane Studios title, hooking the player quickly and keeping them exploring Redfall's not-so-large open map.

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6 / 10
May 1, 2023

Redfall sees Arkane experiment with melding genres, to mixed results. There's plenty of flashes of the style and narrative flair we've come to expect from this incredible studio as you explore the town and face off with its undead inhabitants. However, the mixing of FPS action and story beats with open world exploration and a relatively relaxed pace leads to a balancing act that may leave hardcore shooter aficionados and Arkane super fans alike wanting more. If you come at it looking for a chilled out bit of vampire hunting there's still plenty to enjoy here, but some irksome AI issues and a lack of clarity over what it really wants to be leave it feeling a little lost in a limbo of its own making.

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5 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

After some updates, Redfall may well become a Game Pass must-play, whether you like to play alone or with others. But right now, while you can have fun with it if you grit your teeth and give it some leeway, it’s very hard to wholeheartedly recommend. While some issues here are likely to persist even once the title has been polished up a little, such as the world feeling too empty at times and skill trees being underwhelming, it’s the technical problems that are the stake to Redfall‘s heart.

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5 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

The idea of fighting vampires in a world designed by arkane sounded exciting, but unfortunately, Redfall cannot meet the 2-year wait of fans and becomes a one-time and forgettable experience. Numerous technical problems, lack of innovation and outdated gameplay are some of the problems that ruin the experience. For now, maybe the existence of the game on Game Pass can be the only reason to justify playing this title and it might entertain you for a short period of time.

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7 / 10.0
May 1, 2023

It's a bit difficult to parse out the overall quality of Redfall. If you're talking about it from a technical perspective, it's scattershot but comes out better than some games that look and sound pretty but have terrible performance. If you're looking at it from a story perspective, it's a slow burn that cranks up things once you get close to beating the first major vampire, and the same can be said for the gameplay. Solo play is also better than co-op, based solely on the issues we ran into with connectivity, but mileage can vary. Overall, Redfall asks quite a bit of time from players before getting really good, which makes it perfect for Game Pass but tougher for those who don't have the patience to spend the time to wade through the jank to reach that point.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 2, 2023

Redfall's a great title with lots to do throughout its world, but the lifelessness of the NPCs and story alongside the amounts of bugs and the steep entering fee, I can't assume it'll be for everyone.

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5 / 10
May 2, 2023

Redfall may be Arkane's first disappointing game! This is not because the studio moved away from what distinguished it in its previous games, but rather through the game itself as an open-world game that did not offer anything special and did not try to move away from the issues of this type of game that has been criticized in many games since the beginning of the last generation. And on top of that the fact that the game is technically tragic, and it is preferable to wait for a lot of updates to fix its problems, whether from technical issues or wobbly performance.

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4.5 / 10.0
Sep 24, 2023

Redfall might not be the worst game released in 2023, but I don’t think I have played something more uninspired. It looks dated, its performance is disappointing, its plot is bland, the controls are glitchy, and the entire gameplay loop is the most generic and passion-devoid AAA schtick you could think of. If Arkane clearly wasn’t willing to make this game, then why would any of us should or want to care about it? Not even the fact it’s on Gamepass makes it being worth downloading it and playing for a day or two.

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