FutureGrind Reviews

FutureGrind is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 22, 2019

If your life's work is mastering this specific brand of platforming, then this is an obvious purchase. Most of the rest of us will find more enjoyment in watching the game streamed during an Awesome Games Done Quick event than actually playing it.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

FutureGrind is an awesome take on the platforming genre that, despite some flaws, results in a fun and challenging experience from the beginning to the end.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

FutureGrind's story and sounds may not be the most grippin,g but the breadth of what's offered in terms of bikes, courses, and challenges make up for its other shortcomings. In the end, the quick thinking and creativity it requires make it a ride you won't want to miss.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2019

FutureGrind may only be made up of some bright colours, but it delivers a solid and challenging experience in the platforming genre. Simple mechanics and a selection of dynamic gameplay styles result in a satisfying playthrough.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2019

FutureGrind forges, destroys, and rewrites neural pathways until gray matter is shaped to command its style of acrobatic vehicular platforming. Uniracers meets Trials is an easy shortcut, but it undersells the succinct density and progressive challenge of its level design. FutureGrind has the goofy novelty and formidable sincerity of what's expected from a platformer in 2019.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 7, 2019

If these “one more go,” perform tricks and get huge scores, type of games are something you enjoy then FutureGrind is worth your time.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

FutureGrind is a brilliantly simple 2D application of extreme sports game concepts that offers a lot of variety packed in a relatively lean package. Surprise was at every corner of this game and the engaging trick system and enjoyable campaign made for an awesome time.

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Jan 23, 2019

FutureGrind is a colourful and highly addictive vehicle-based platformer that'll thoroughly test your 2D gaming skills.

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8.6 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

Probably the closest game I could compare it to, though only in its more limited stunt segments, would be Uniracers back on the SNES...

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80 / 100
Jan 22, 2019

If you are a fan of stunt games and extreme challenges, FutureGrind is definitely a must buy. A very fun and challenging game that will push your skills and reflexes to the limit. With an eye-catching OST and a wide variety of circuits and tests, we have a good amount of hours ahead of us.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 29, 2019

FutureGrind is a fun experience and can satisfy Trials fans. Given the current situation, it might not be wise to spend twenty dollars on such a title, but believe me, it is worth it at a discount!

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Feb 27, 2019

FutureGrind is a game easy to understand, but pretty hard to master. Not only its gameplay is quite addictive but also is good enough for short sessions, unfortunately the progression system is not as intuitive as you think and can be a little frustrating most of the time.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

Overall, Future Grind is a bit too flawed for long play sessions, but as a game to take on the go it’s fun. In short spurts, there is enough depth to continue playing occasionally. I don’t see the game having much of a long life, but there is enough of an interesting foundation that could be improved to create an excellent sequel.

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Jan 23, 2019

An intriguing, but not essential plot serves as a solid base for tightly refined, highly polished gameplay systems, making FutureGrind a highly enjoyable experience, just don’t go expecting it to consume a whole lot of your time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2019

WORTH CONSIDERING - FutureGrind has a fair amount of effort in some places but comes up short in others. The gameplay is simple yet creative, the tracks are challenging, and the backgrounds and music really draw you into the game’s world. On the other hand, there’s a severe lack of content and the game never goes far enough with its premise.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2019

FutureGrind may not do much to reinvent the genre, but it is an enticing and ludicrously addictive entry into an under-served gaming niche.

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Feb 1, 2019

As an experience, FutureGrind is an excellent example of the balance between punishing and satisfying gameplay. Scoreboards and trophy systems are in place to encourage gamers to beat their previous scores, creating a level of player-induced difficulty. The ease of resetting a level goads gamers into trying more daring acts to boost combos in a high risk, high reward scenario. The varying environments and changes of pace from using the differing bikes is enough to prevent the experience from becoming stale. Overall, FutureGrind is a brilliantly addictive title with a tonne of replay value for those competitive gamers eager to better themselves and show off their skills.

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8 / 10
Jan 28, 2019

As imaginary sports games go, FutureGrind is one of the most rewarding on the PS4 – not because of any in game trophy or narrative pay off. No, it’s because everything in FutureGrind is achievable but challenging and any failure is because you’re thumb wasn’t fast enough or you weren’t paying enough attention.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

While the story is lacking and does ultimately feel unnecessary, it's not enough to take away from what is a super fun and replayable game.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2019

With plenty of challenges, gameplay mechanics, and a moderately enjoyable story, there’s not much you can’t enjoy about FutureGrind, which makes it a perfect fit for those looking for a game to fill in the time between upcoming titles like Daemon X Machina and Pokemon Sword and Shield.

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