Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Reviews

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions didn't completely win us over. On one hand, it's simple and fun to play, but on the other, this same accessibility proves to be a double-edged sword, as boredom sets in rather quickly. It doesn't help that the game launches with limited content, which makes it even easier to get tired of Quidditch matches sooner than expected. As with all online games, much will depend on how the publisher manages it in the coming months: we'll see if they allow Unbroken Studios to keep working on and improving the game as planned.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2024

Quidditch Champions is an enjoyable, well-made game that, starting out with very low expectations, surprised me in a positive way. The gameplay is not trivial and requires a good degree of attention to bring home good results. The multiplayer is fun with a group of friends and pushes you to learn all the roles well and have good teamwork. But how long such a simple game formula like this can last?

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2024

When you’re flying around the pitch, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions can be a blast, but there just isn’t much off of it to keep you playing long-term.

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Sep 12, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions does a great job of scratching that Quidditch itch, but one or two concerns could keep it from achieving glory.

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70 / 100
Sep 5, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions takes the key elements of the wizarding sport and adapts them very successfully into an entertaining, agile and tremendously fun video game. It lacks incentives to last over time, but the playable base it presents is so good that it is hard to resist playing another game.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Sep 12, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions offers a magical and fun experience that stays (mostly) true to the Wizarding World. Winning feels incredibly satisfying, but the gameplay stumbles when it comes to switching between each player.

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5 / 10
Sep 6, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions’ simplistic gameplay and barebones content are fun for a couple of hours, but provide little more depth than it likely would have as a minigame in Hogwarts Legacy.

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6 / 10
Sep 12, 2024

On first impressions, I had Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions down as a broomstick crash waiting to happen. It isn't that, thankfully, but without some major improvements this game will glide, but never fly.

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IGN Italy
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions could have offered a better and more complete experience, but it remains the ideal way to experience the magic of Quidditch in a video game.

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7 / 10
Sep 8, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is a surprisingly fun experience, with a variety of modes to sink your teeth into. There are some nice references to the books and films for diehard Potter fans, in addition to smooth flying controls that ultimately make the game fun to play. There are a few issues, noticeably regarding balance and the longevity of its single player content, but if you like the idea of playing a competitive sporting game in the Wizarding World, then it's definitely worth checking out.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is not for those looking for fine technicalities, both in graphics and gameplay. It is a decent pastime for the early hours that hides the potential to create its own fan base, but to allow it to do so, more content is needed and a review of the multiplayer section starting with the integration of effective 6VS6 PVP, to allow the most competitive to challenge each other without bots in the way.

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7.3 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions from developer Unbroken Studios finally brings a decent version of Quidditch to the video gaming world. While the controls are going to certainly frustrate some, especially when mixed with the chaotic Quidditch gameplay, the game does a decent job of bringing some good modes and reasons to keep playing. This is very much a vanilla beginning and hopefully, that can be improved in the coming months.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is a solid return to the Quidditch pitch and is a must try for fans of the overarching series.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions gets the core fundamentals of Quidditch right - it's fast-paced, frenetic and a joy to zip around the field. But despite some robust multiplayer options, there's just not a whole lot here to keep you interested beyond a few hours.

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65 / 100
Sep 15, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions delivers a simple game without much emotion, but it serves to bring back the Quidditch spirit that many fans of the wizarding sport have waited for over 20 years.

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7 / 10
Sep 13, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions offers a fast-paced gameplay experience with a decent amount of customization, but an overall lack of content and innovation drags it down into a repetitive cycle and eventually prevents it from breaking away from mediocrity.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2024

While Quidditch Champions successfully captures the magical atmosphere of the wizarding world, it falls short in several areas and feels somewhat incomplete. Hardcore Harry Potter fans who have long dreamed of mastering the broomstick sport may find joy in it, but the gameplay may not captivate all players or keep them engaged for long.

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8 / 10
Sep 5, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions plays the best game of Quidditch we've ever seen in video game form. There's good fun to be had both solo and with other people online, and the customisation aspects are pretty cool too - especially considering there are no paid microtransactions to be found. We have concerns about longevity considering the limited campaign and singular 3v3 multiplayer mode, but the quality of the gameplay should be enough to keep our brooms from getting too dusty in the foreseeable future.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions doesn't even have enough content for a free game, while charging $30 from the audience. Although the game has a relative value with its various roles and has been able to provide standard control systems, but due to the lack of game modes, effective artificial intelligence problems and unattractive visual effects, it can only be recommended to die-hard Harry Potter fans or PS Plus subscribers.

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2.8 / 5.0
Sep 11, 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is good for what it is, but it also looks like a missed opportunity from Warner Bros to expand on an already popular release with a DLC. Between the short-lived campaign and the repetitive gameplay, it can be somewhat fun for the first few hours, but it’ll likely become one of those releases that live on your shelf for the occasional couch co-op.

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