Concord Reviews

Concord is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
45 / 100
Aug 24, 2024

Concord is a decent 5v5 hero shooter but does not offer enough to stand out from the mature competition. This game really needed some sort of hype, X-factor, for it to even catch the eyes of gamers. The aesthetic is impressive, but the character designs are nothing to write home about. The gunplay has some potential, but the move speed is too slow, and you simply have too much HP. I don't have high hopes for this game's longevity.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Aug 23, 2024

Concord is not a bad game, but unfortunately, it is more uninteresting than it deserves to be, with the foundations of a basic free-to-play (despite having a cost) and few incentives to keep us invested.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

6 / 10
Aug 24, 2024

Concord's story isn’t particularly intriguing, the characters aren’t memorable, half of the game modes don’t exactly fit and the progression is lacking at best. Does this sound like a live-service that has staying power? Probably not.

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50 / 100
Aug 23, 2024

Concord disappointed me as a service game sold at almost full price despite the lack of originality in the gameplay.

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