Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars Reviews
Konami Digital Entertainment's Suikoden I&II HD Remaster is light on updates, but it still delivers two of the greatest RPG experiences of all time.
These are decent enough remasters, but not the outstanding ones these RPGs deserved.
The Gate Rune And Dunan Unification Wars is still the easiest way to access the first two games in the Suikoden franchise, and despite my many quibbles, the quality of the original titles bears out. That is more than enough to justify this collection’s existence, even if it does feel like a bit of a squandered opportunity.
Suikoden I and II are all-time RPG classics, but this remaster collection doesn't quite do them the justice they deserve
While not as feature-rich as some collections, Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars proves that these RPGs have largely stood the test of time. While the issues with this remaster don't take away too much from the original games' brilliance, we think these classics deserve the very best. Boasting ambition, narrative stakes, and heart that few other RPGs of the time can muster, Suikoden burns bright in its origins, and we hope Konami sees just how important this series is to many and makes a handful of tweaks.
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster does a nice job at remastering two classic entries that were once absolute references in the JRPG genre. There are a bunch of improvements, such as the noticeable increase in battle speed as well as the ability to easily enable the auto-battle mode. However, the UI still lacks elements to actually make this feel like a revolutionary step-up when it comes to user experience.
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Suikoden I&II HD Remaster is a polished window into JRPG history with only a few minor flaws that keep it from feeling absolutely perfect.
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Konami's Suikoden I&II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars revives two beloved JRPG classics, preserving their deep storytelling and strategic gameplay. While the remaster improves visuals and adds quality-of-life updates, presentation leans heavily on HD aesthetics, which may divide longtime fans. The lack of a full retranslation and some dated mechanics hold it back from being a true definitive edition. Still, Suikoden II remains a masterpiece, and this collection is a welcome return for the franchise. Hopefully, Konami's renewed interest signals future installments or improvements.
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Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars combine two incredible JRPGs from the genre's golden age on PS1, lovingly remastered and improved for PS5 and PS4. They suffer from the same issues many games did back in the day: unwieldy, occasionally grindy, and sometimes obtuse. Still, the package offers fans the chance to experience these lesser-known gems, and both deserve a place in the collection of any fan, even the least bit interested.
Suikoden I & II shine even more brightly here than they have for over 25 years. Plus, building up your base is still a blast, and I got the same dopamine hit every time I added someone to my army.
Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars brings the classic pair of PSX-era titles to modern consoles in a delightful package.
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster should still be considered a must-buy for anyone who considers themselves a classic JRPG fan and has even the tiniest amount of interest in the franchise, as this will be the first time that these two games will be available in HD and English for every modern platform (excluding mobile).
Suikoden I - II HD Remaster is a good enough compilation to discover (or re-discover) two of the most influential JRPG of all time, both treated with respect and both still very enjoyable today. The budget Konami allocated for this project was probably minimal, but the effort put in recreating these two classics is commendable nonetheless.
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The Suikoden games often go out of their way to do these things, and that’s the kind of grit I miss from the genre. This is a fantastic remaster for Suikoden I and II, which are two of the greatest JRPGs ever made. The stars shine bright in this franchise, and I hope to see Suikoden III make a return now after this incredible change of events.
If you've never played Suikoden II and consider yourself a lover of Japanese-made RPGs, you should already have this game pre-ordered. This is a game that belongs on the podium near the '90s classics from Square Enix. I'm not nearly as hot on Suikoden I, but the first game is more like the NES Final Fantasy entries to Suikoden II's SNES Final Fantasy entries. It's cool to see the evolution, but we all know what game has ascended to all-timer status.
Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars is an exceptional collection of two important JRPGs, including one of the greatest masterpieces of the genre. The gameplay system works well, but the real highlight is the two great narratives that deserve to be played by any fan of the genre.
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Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune & Dunan Unification Wars is an excellent updated port of two great games. Almost all of the changes are for the better, the translation is massively improved, and it still maintains all of the charm and flavor of the original games. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer to the franchise, there's genuinely no better place to start than the Suikoden I & II HD Remaster. Even if you're just a fan of RPGs, it's well worth a try, if only to see what all the hype is about.
Suikoden 1 and 2 are two more than solid JRPGs, which are a living example of the golden age of the genre, and which receive with this collection their best exponent to date. They are not perfect, and they drag certain rough edges from their original release, but they are two must-haves for any fan of the genre.
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It's impossible not to love the first two chapters of Suikoden, which this HD collection brings back with extreme graphical care and some quality-of-life improvements.
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