Lost Dimension Reviews

Lost Dimension is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

Lost Dimension is greatly held back by its inability to keep up the pressure of the disappointing betrayal system and its poorly written story. Still, this RPG manages to find its footing with its excellent combat system and interesting character abilities. Though the enemy balance frustratingly swayed from time to time, it was genuinely fun to come up strategies to overcome each levels challenges.

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7 / 10
Jul 28, 2015

Lost Dimension successfully blends challenging tactical combat with unique judgment sequences that force you to eliminate various party members.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2015

Lost Dimension is flawed but fun

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3.5 / 5.0
Jul 27, 2015

Lost Dimension is a sound SRPG that should be played by anyone who loved Valkyria Chronicles or adores Japanese roleplaying experiences.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2015

Even with the addition of the Traitor mechanic, Lost Dimension falls into the "mostly seen it all before" category of role playing games.

8 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2015

What this title may lack in the more memorable qualities of classic RPGs, it more than makes up for with its clever gameplay and cast of characters — while it may not be filled with grand, epic moments, Lost Dimension instead is filled with situations and events that will make you think twice.

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7 / 10
Aug 25, 2015

Lost Dimension is a well thought out tactical RPG, but it’s the traitor system which is the star of the game. It constantly makes you second guess your choices as you progress, but it comes at the cost of a compelling story. If you’re looking for a tactical RPG on PS3 or Vita then Lost Dimension is worth a go, but don’t expect it to blow you away.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2015

Lost Dimension isn't particularly exceptional at anything it does, but I still really enjoyed the overall experience. It's a genuinely satisfying and memorable tactical RPG that I won't soon forget.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2015

A fun detective-esque RPG that punishes and rewards at the same time through its original story and game mechanics. Lacking RPG fundamentals like side quests and super-powered equipment will turn off some genre enthusiasts, but those who give it a chance will be captivated.

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7 / 10
Aug 12, 2015

Lost Dimension isn't a game for the impatient. Learning the combat system and paying attention to each and every line of dialogue requires a large amount of focus but can feel massively rewarding when you get it just right. Those willing to invest will find that the loveable characters and attractive art style provide more than enough incentive to replay the game multiple times, but the generic story and often frustrating judgement system prove to be traitors at times.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2015

It promised an experience quite unlike anything I have played before but in the end, the surrounding pieces around the core began falling apart one after another until all I was left with was that idea itself, buried deep within the rubble of potential.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2015

Like I said, keeping your friends close and your enemies closer could not be more apropos in Lost Dimension. The depth of this game makes it a pretty solid addition to the Vita library, even if it does come off a little heavy handed about some life lessons.

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8.2 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2015

It’s actually a fascinating metasystem, which, in coordination with the engaging combat, makes Lost Dimension well-worth playing.  The game’s story and other systems are very much in service of this core dynamic of forging relationships and weeding out traitors, which is a bit disappointing, as there is the potential for an interesting narrative and world here.  Still, it’s a fun single-player RPG experience, and a fair investment for PS3/Vita owners.

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Jul 27, 2015

Even if you’re not a fan of Atlus’ usual Japanese RPG fare, “Lost Dimension,” thanks to a manga-esque storyline and a fun tactical battle system, can eat up hours of time on your dormant PlayStation Vita.

Jul 27, 2015

If you’re nuts for strategy RPGs, I wholeheartedly recommend that you get Lost Dimension.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jul 29, 2015

Still, the game is an enjoyable romp, especially due to its inclusion of the turncoat mechanic into the mix to freshen up its more standard JRPG elements. If you're looking for a solid Japanese RPG that's a tad different from the norm, Lost Dimension is worth taking a stab at.

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85 / 100
Mar 13, 2016

Lost Dimension is a unique, innovative RPG that can pride itself on fantastic characters and an engaging combat system. While the narrative isn’t fantastic, the NG+ features and intricate Gift skills will likely have you coming back for seconds. A fantastic addition to the Vita library.

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Jul 28, 2015

This thrilling game of high-stakes detective falls short narratively but remains strangely compelling throughout.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2015

Taken as a full product, Lost Dimension is one of the most unique Tactical RPGs that I've played in a long time. Although not everything about it is 100% perfect, enough about the game is unique and interesting that it can easily be recommended to both fans and newcomers to the genre.

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Jul 28, 2015

Lost Dimension is a fun and deep tactics RPG with interesting mechanics and a horrible story with horrible endings.

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