Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Reviews

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Paul Semel
Top Critic
80 / 100
May 7, 2015

It's pretty simple: If you enjoyed Wolfenstein: The New Order you'll like Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, too. And the same goes for people who like shooting Nazis in the face from the first-person perspective or just first-person shooters. With the exception of that stealth part that goes on too long, it's an engaging action-packed shooter that not only gives you options when it comes to taking out your enemies but also gives your enemies the same options when it comes to taking you out as well. That it's yet another chance to shoot Nazis, and their stupid dogs, is just the icing on the, well, dog food.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 5, 2015

Somehow Wolfenstein: The Old Blood makes killing Nazis and zombies, the two worst things in videogames next to quick-time events, a fun and worthwhile time.

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May 13, 2015
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8 / 10.0
May 5, 2015

The fact this prequel hasn't been phoned in, and actually improves upon the prior groundwork, only further demonstrates the care that has been put into this particular iteration of the esteemed shooter series. I, for one, hope Bethesda keeps MachineGames working on this property for many years to come, as it's quite clear the folks there know damn well what they're doing. And what they're doing is making nazi-killing fun again!

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May 7, 2015

[F]ifteen quid, lots of bullets, lots of steampunk Nazis and some monsters too. If that's (still) your poison, you can't go far wrong with this.

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May 10, 2015

A solid shooter standing atop fan service and nostalgia

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May 12, 2015

What gives the MachineGames' Wolfenstein titles their own mojo is the casual way they pair generic gameplay with silver-tongued characters who reflect on their faults, speculate on their fates, and enjoy mundane occurrences like going to a pub and cadging free drinks. In this way the game's B-movie vibe is evocative of the work of those skilled filmmakers who embrace the silly or even the self-consciously stupid.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 8, 2015

For a standalone DLC, I am impressed. MachineGames took the best parts of The New Order and gave us the moments leading up to its opening. While The Old Blood could have definitely either turned up the grindhouse factor in part two, or stayed more true to part one, it still had incredibly fun combat and satisfying Nazi killing. By itself, it could feel like it was lacking something, specifically in the character and story department, but Wolfenstein: The Old Blood performs as both a supplemental work for fans of the series and as a vehicle to introduce players to the world and play style of The New Order.

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70 / 100
May 11, 2015

Wolfenstein: The New Order established a new life into the Wolfenstein series. While that life has not been squashed with The Old Blood's release, it has taken a slight hit. Many of the key aspects that made The New Order so enjoyable have not been carried over into The Old Blood. Of course, the enjoyable combat is still available to all, and is still a blast to partake in with the new weapons being absolutely brilliant additions. But, in the end, you cannot help but think, "this could and should have been so much more."

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May 25, 2015

This generous standalone prequel to the excellent Wolfenstein: The New Order may be leaner than its parent game, but its breathless rhythm entertains from the off.

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May 11, 2015

If you're craving a great shooter and you've already played Wolfenstein: The New Order, then Wolfenstein: The Old Blood might scratch your itch. If you're looking for the story and characters that made the former stand out, though, you'll find yourself wanting for something more.

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May 12, 2015

Like Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon before it, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood sets a new standard for standalone, downloadable content. At $19.99 (or your regional equivalent), it represents one of the best values in current games. Between the 8-10 hour campaign full of fantastic moments and scenarios, the challenge maps, and the nightmare levels there's a lot to love for the money. While the massive file size (over 37 GB!) may cause some internet connections to cry, it is well worth the space in your Xbox One's hard drive. The New Order was one of the underground hits of 2014, and The Old Blood has taken that torch and ran with it. Get psyched and consider it a must play.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2015

A lovely, bloody and bullet-riddled trip down memory lane is soured somewhat after reaching the weaker second act that serves to remind how much nostalgia is too much. Thankfully, The Old Blood is still an ultimately satisfying addition to the Wolfenstein family.

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7 / 10
May 8, 2015

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood has its fair share of problems – but it's still worth playing. With an enormous amount of content available for such a slender sum, fans of The New Order shouldn't hesitate when it comes to this alternate history treat.

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8.8 / 10.0
May 27, 2015

Simply put, if you liked The New Order, you'll like The Old Blood. The more than competent shooting, likable protagonist, writing, and gameplay choices make up for some small issues and a few static characters.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2015

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a fantastic follow-up to last year's rebirth of the series. I hope a full-fledged sequel is in the works, but for now this definitely satisfies my hunger for more Blazkowicz. The campaign will run a little over five hours to complete, and for $20 that is certainly worth the price of admission.

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87 / 100
May 10, 2015

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood doesn't reinvent the franchise or really stray from what made The New Order a success but taking this abbreviated journey with B.J. Blazkowicz put a smile on my face from beginning to end.

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85 / 100
May 8, 2015

After an extraordinary comeback of the Wolfenstein series last year with The New Order, now Machine Games studio and Bethesda deliver a prequel of the events that happened during the middle of the 1940's decade with the Germans experimenting with technology and soldiers to win the war. B.J. Blazkowicz is back in action to stop the Nazi threat and save the day.

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May 15, 2015

Even the zombie material, which is still painfully boring and overdone conceptually, manages a few surprises.

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Top Critic
May 5, 2015
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