The Technomancer Reviews

The Technomancer is ranked in the 12th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 10.0
Jul 28, 2016

In fairness to The Technomancer it is consistent and by that I mean consistently disappointing.The Technomancer ticks all the boxes of a AAA game, but lacks the polish of its peers and does little to stand out as an RPG. Yes, at times the game can really shine. Mainly when you're admiring scenery from afar. This is the part that annoyed me the most. Obviously time was spent to make the game pretty,  but at what cost? The writing is predictable and cringe worthy and the combat is boring and dry. Somewhere beneath its surface lies a polished game. Its unfortunate the flaws are so deeply ingrained within the game that they cannot be ignored and it breaks the immersion.

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4 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2016

I honestly believe that the team at Spiders wanted to deliver the very best game that they are capable of producing and sadly I think that is exactly what they have done. The Technomancer is not a bad game, but it is devastatingly mediocre.

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1.5 / 5.0
Jul 4, 2016

Developer Spiders’ Technomancer had the potential to be a great role playing experience if it weren’t for its many problems. The combat, while plentiful and entertaining when using technomancy, feels stiff with an over reliance on dodging and ineffective stance system.

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Jun 28, 2016

Technomancer is a great mid-tier Sci-Fi RPG. Those waiting patiently for Mass Effect: Andromeda might find their appetite satiated for the time being, but those wanting a flawless AAA experience will be left frustrated. The depth of the game is extremely admirable and well-handled, the influences are well placed without being beaten to death, and the game overall straddles the line between good and fine.

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Jul 5, 2016

The developer's ambition to make a triple-A title without the resources of a larger studio gets the better of them.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

Technomancer makes a valiant effort to be the next big open world RPG and comes close to achieving it, but in the end it feels like the developer was trying to fit too many things in to one game.

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Jun 28, 2016

The Technomancer tries hard to grab some originality in a very congested genre market. While it doesn't always stand out on its own, it does enough with a familiar formula and a solid story to make it more than worth your time. The Techomancer's tale is certainly one worth telling.

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Top Critic
Jun 28, 2016
The Technomancer Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
6 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2016

The Technomancer isn’t anything to write home about, but if you’re willing to overlook its flaws, this is Spiders’ most compelling world to date. Their vision of Mars is one that would be worth exploring even with its rough edges, if not for the sheer imbalance of a combat system that persistently drags the experience into the dregs of frustration. Spiders isn’t short on interesting ideas, it’s just the execution.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

Decisively average, The Technomancer can be an amusing role-playing experience thanks to its combat system, provided you are ready for constant repetition baked in a sub-par shell.

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Jun 27, 2016

If you’re a fan of other action RPG’s such as The Witcher or even Dark Souls, then Techomancer may be just the game for you. Despite some rough edges, Technomancer does more ​good than harm, it just suffers from doing too much during certain elements and not enough with others. Despite that,the journey is very enjoyable and that’s all that matters in the end. Read more at The Outerhaven: The Technomancer Review (PC)

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Jul 15, 2016

It�s far from great, but sometimes just being good really is good enough.

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Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2016

Honestly, I’m disappointed that The Technomancer couldn’t deliver. I want to like it so much! The seeds of an excellent game are there, but they just haven’t been tended to a level that really needs to be played. Hopefully Spiders will patch the game to improve some of the difficulty wall issues and this will become a more enjoyable experience, but I don’t think it’s a must-play for now. Overall it feels like an atmospheric step forward for the developer, but a mechanical trip backwards. Until that gets sorted, the red planet can wait.

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7 / 10
Jul 4, 2016

While The Technomancer is not the first and won’t be the last title to have a different price tag based on platform (PC vs. consoles). At a cheaper price point on Steam (and just about everywhere else that sells digital PC games), the game’s jank can almost be forgiven at the lower price point, especially when coming from a small independent studio. Sure, there are parts of the game that I do not enjoy, but when you compare this to many AAA and full-priced games that have come out recently, The Technomancer includes much more bang for your buck. On console, however, that is another story altogether. As a full-price $59.99 game, I find it a bit harder to recommend the game on consoles until it can be purchased for a discounted price.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2016

And every now and then, the feeling of playing a classic BioWare RPG from a decade or so rises to the surface.

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3.5 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2016

Derivative setting, dull NPCs, and clunky combat make The Technomancer an exemplar of lost potential

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4 / 10
Jun 28, 2016

I highly recommend playing this game with a controller of some kind, especially if you are playing on the PC like I did, as it makes the game feel more fluid as the combat system is generally just a serious of non-sensical button mashing, think Tekken but with customisable boots.

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3.2 / 5.0
Jun 28, 2016

The Technomancer is an ambitious sci-fi RPG limited by the realities of budgets. Fun and intriguing, but lacking polish and certain genre staples.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

The Technomancer has some interesting hooks but falls by the wayside. With more time, polish and a lot more heart, it could have been something more but this vacation to Mars is imminently uneventful and forgettable.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

If you’re not a gigantic fan of the genre, I can’t really recommend The Technomancer.

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