I Am Setsuna Reviews

I Am Setsuna is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Aug 19, 2016

I Am Setsuna lacks confidence in itself but still tries to stand with the greats. Chrono Trigger was a tremendously ambitious and far-reaching game because iIt ventured across space time and took huge risks with its characters. I Am Setsuna wants to remind you of classic games such as Chrono Trigger but doesn't have the courage to do anything more than that. If I Am Setsuna had been released as a $20 indie title, it would be more understandable, but as a $40 game published by Square Enix, it is found lacking. RPG fans will probably have a fun, if forgettable, time with the game, but there's no need to rush out and buy this one unless you've exhausted your other options first.

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55 / 100
Aug 10, 2016

At its core, I Am Setsuna plays precisely like a classic JRPG of the Active Time Battle variety, and requires smart, spur-of-the-moment strategy as those games once did.

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Jul 20, 2016

I Am Setsuna is perfect for those hoping to get their JRPG fix without sacrificing all their available free time for the next six months or anyone interested in completing a role-playing game that prioritizes enjoyability over hours played.

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Jul 19, 2016

This game, which is about sorrow, provides us with a mournful look at humanity and yet also gives us hope that there is good in people, even in the darkest of times. The game itself is a nostalgic hymn for so much of what we’ve lost in the JRPG genre as it pushes ever closer to visceral action. Wrapped together they make for one of the most heartfelt and meaningful games that you’ll play for quite some time to come

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2016

I Am Setsuna is a very good JRPG. Its combat system is very good and despite its long story, the combo mechanism doesn’t allow the game to get repetitive. I Am Setsuna’s Locations are very beautiful and exquisite and it also has a very immersive story. It is not flawless but every JRPG player will enjoy this.

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8 / 10
Jul 19, 2016

This is almost certainly the fanboy in me talking but I Am Setsuna deserves more

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jun 16, 2018

There are better JRPGs that could be played portably on the GBA, DS, and Vita, but I Am Setsuna is the best JRPG that can currently be played on Nintendo Switch. The game isn't without its faults, though - namely the repetitive nature of environments, enemies, and bland NPCs. However, it has a powerful narrative that is driven by its backdrop and score; elements that should be greatly appreciated by all fans of the genre.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2017

A strong base game is at the core of I Am Setsuna, but it’s surrounded by some very depressing environments that make getting the best of the battle system difficult. Bundle up and get ready for a short story with a lot of snow.

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Aug 3, 2016

A charming and competent RPG which is let down by a lack of variety, depth and originality.  Retro JRPG fans will like it though.

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Jan 2, 2020

I Am Setsuna is a beautiful, peaceful game that oozes nostalgia in most ways, with some sharp flaws.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2021

I Am Setsuna is RPG made by RPG fans in Tokyo RPG Factory. The battles are good, the music is good, the characters are well designed, decently developed, and the setting is very melancholic. There may be some balance issues for some as the rift between normal battles and special/ boss battles is larger than some but that is to be expected in most games in my opinion. It has been a few years since Tokyo RPG Factory, the company responsible for I Am Setsuna has released a game which is a sad thing for old-school RPG lovers. I Am Setsuna is a classic game in my opinion and should be checked out by classic RPG lovers if you haven't already. I kind of hoped there would have been a little more to the ending or even a sequel of sorts.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2016

I Am Setsuna does a great job of reminding us what we loved about the genre and what it was like to play a JRPG back when the genre was at its best. There’s enough here to make the experience feel fresh and new, without changing too much of the core gameplay. If you’ve been in the mood for a classic adventure on your PS4, then this is the game for you

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50 / 100
Nov 9, 2020

If you lived in the era of SNES JRPGs and truly understand the definition of how classic games were meant to be played, the detailed stories and music will at least shield you through most of the ‘stuff you had to endure’ back then.

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Aug 5, 2016

Egal ob alt oder neu: I Am Setsuna verfolgt zwar einen spannenden Ansatz, konnte mich allerdings nicht über die komplette Spielzeit fesseln. Die inhaltsarme Welt sowie die über Strecken unnötig gezogene Story haben es mir schwergemacht, am Ball zu bleiben. Weiterhin hat mich das Balancing der Kämpfe gestört. Während die Zwischengegner fast immer mit nur einem Schlag erledigt gewesen sind, fahren die Bossgegner eine unausgewogene Stärke auf, welcher man nur mit Grinden entgegnen kann. Der Piano-Soundtrack ist stimmig und die Grafik nett anzuschauen. Dennoch hätte ich mir mehr Abwechslung im tristen Alltag der Welt gewünscht, welche mich immer und immer wieder an die gleichen Orte geführt hat. Hier wäre sicher mehr drin gewesen. Gleichwohl ist I Am Setsuna für alle Fans von RPG-Spielen der 90er Jahre mit Einschränkungen zu empfehlen. Das Spiel ist teilweise schwere Kost und die schwermütigen Piano-Sounds sowie das gewollt altbackene Gameplay könnte euch schnell vor den Bildschirmen einschlafen lassen. Wenn das nicht stört, gibt es immerhin solide Unterhaltung, welche selbst auf schwachbrüstigen PC-Systemen erstaunlich gut läuft.

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3.4 / 5.0
Mar 9, 2017

I am Setsuna is an enjoyable and more than competent JRPG, which while weak in story more than makes up for this with a strong combat system and fantastic presentation.

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Jul 25, 2016

I am Setsuna is a wonderful game. The game has excellent characters and it has a very strong emotional story. That being said this game is very short and loading times can be long and repetitive.

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8 / 10
Jul 19, 2016

I am Setsuna is a beautiful, snow-filled love letter to former JRPGs. While the lack of variety may strike some players as boring, it sticks to its aesthetic and presents us with bits and pieces of what we loved from older JRPGs years ago.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 8, 2016

I am Setsuna is a wonderful tribute to the SNES era. Even with all the familiarity from the older titles that it pays homage to it doesn’t come across as a copy paste and instead is capable of standing on its own even with the heavy nostalgic feel. Graphically and audibly beautiful sounding this RPG is more than worth the time in the snow covered reaches that are traversed.

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78 / 100
Jul 29, 2016

I Am Setsuna does pay off on its promises to hearken back to the old days of JRPGs, but it gets a bit too old school for its own good.

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6.3 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2016

If I am Setsuna stands as an example of what developers would accomplish if they more frequently looked back toward the golden age of RPGs, I enthusiastically urge the industry to continue pressing forward in further modernizing the genre.

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