Doki-Doki Universe Reviews

Doki-Doki Universe is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2013

Doki-Doki Universe is unique and fun, even if it does get quite repetitive.

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Dec 15, 2013

Doki-Doki Universe uses creation instead of destruction to progress through a rewarding, off-beat story. Some sticky challenges, load times, and other issues mess up its open-ended flow, but they can't keep a good robot down.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2013

The simple gameplay may be a turnoff, but Doki-Doki Universe emphasizes important qualities like empathy and communication that everyone should appreciate

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7 / 10
Dec 9, 2013

Doki-Doki Universe is a simple game that uses humor and eccentricity to carry its warmhearted message.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2013

Doki-Doki universe is a gleeful game of self-reflection

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7 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

Doki-Doki Universe is a very odd, very cute, and very simple game. There isn't a whole lot to it, so don't go in expecting a deep and rewarding adventure title. So long as you don't mind spending an afternoon helping a tiny snowman bond with his father, Doki-Doki will be more than adequate.

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7 / 10
Dec 16, 2013

Cute and silly but also impressively insightful when it comes to ordinary people's wants and desires – even if those ordinary people are portrayed as talking sushi rolls.

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5.5 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

On the presentation side, the game is a bucket full of colors, with every world being vibrant and bright. It is a very appealing and cute look that works well with the equally childish look of the characters and planets. As with the presentation side of things, the audio is a mix of 8 bit quirkiness that really shines during the levels. Though the game has some rather annoying sound effects throughout, like the random fart noises that seem to play every time to go to summon an item or way too often when you are talking with people. Outside of that, most of the noises found in the game just work and really expand the experience.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

Originally, I wasn't too thrilled with the game, but after giving it some time and exploring multiple planets, I can see the appeal and I actually enjoyed most of what I played. Just don't expect much action out of the experience and you'll be fine.

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6 / 10
Feb 9, 2014

Doki-Doki Universe is a unique and quirky timewaster that unfortunately runs out of steam due to a lack of challenge and variety in its gameplay. While the colourful characters and brilliant art style keep it off the scrap heap, those craving a more involved experience would be better off summoning a different title to add to their collection.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

Doki-Doki Universe is a cute and interesting timesink, but some uninspiring stories and mechanic issues keep the game from shining and replayability low.

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7.4 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

From the creator of ToeJam & Earl comes a game about a robot searching for humanity. Doki-Doki Universe has players flying through twenty different planets, all in hopes of finding what makes humans tick. Meet more than a hundred characters and solve missions in this quirk, though terribly shallow, adventure game for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PS Vita!

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Dec 19, 2013

The game treats its themes with such absurdity and reductive PSA qualities that there might as well be a planet named Glee.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2014

Doki Doki Universe is enjoyable for the first hour. After that, it becomes unbearably repetitive

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5 / 10.0
Dec 27, 2013

Say what you want about Sony, but their ability to dig through the randomness of third-party content and produce the odd anomaly is almost unrivalled. And really, 'anomaly' is a great way to describe the latest uncovering, HumaNature Studios' Doki-Doki Universe. Ambitiously releasing on PS Vita, PS3 and PS4 at the same time Doki-Doki Universe is a tale about humanity, about self-realisation, about magicing items out of a non-existent hat. It's also about flying poo, but more about that later. Hold on to your (hopefully real) hats, this is about to get crazy. Again.

8 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2014

Doki-Doki Universe isn't a game for everyone. As much as I enjoyed playing through it, I highly recommend checking out some gameplay videos of the game before committing. For those that want to take a cute journey of self-discovery, I can't think of a game that does it better.

Jan 9, 2014

Few games involve this much personal reflection, both in and out of playtime. Doki-Doki Universe may start as a story about cartoon wackiness, but it ends as a story about you.

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jan 7, 2014

Doki-Doki Universe isn't a game in the traditional sense and, whilst there's some enjoyment to be had in it, the entertainment value was lacking.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2014

In the end, Doki-Doki Universe is a fun and unusual romp. It feels like a children's title that also appeals to older gamers thanks to the art style and strange method of conveying its morals to the audience. The game feels like it should only be played in short bursts, due to the monotony that sets in after long sessions of performing the same tasks over and over. The technical glitches on all platforms can be annoying, especially when you play on the presumably weaker hardware. While it isn't for everyone, Doki-Doki Universe is worth checking out if you want something different from the norm.

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Dec 19, 2013

Doki Doki Universe isn't going to appeal to everyone, it isn't a game that pushes the limits of what is possible, but it is a nice family friendly game that you can go back to time and time again. A game that allows you and your closest to share an experience in a medium that can often be exclusive to outsiders.