HoPiKo Reviews

HoPiKo is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Oct 25, 2016

Even with its safe confinement to a generally unchanged art-style and environmental aesthetic, HoPiKo remains enjoyably engaging and challenging from beginning to tantalizing end.

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8 / 10
Jan 8, 2019

Simultaneously hardcore and casual, HoPiKo is a pick-up-and-play speedrunning platformer delight that demands the utmost precision and perseverance from the player. It's not for the easily dissuaded, or for anyone looking for anything other than a manic arcade experience, but those who dig its frantic ways will find it very hard to stop snacking.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2017

Even if not every minute of HoPiKo is classic, I definitely think the game is worth playing. You can grab this new PC release or opt for one of the many other platforms it is available on, but don’t miss out. If nothing else, that soundtrack is worth the price of admission.

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Top Critic
4.5 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2016

Saying that the later levels in HoPiko require precision would be a gross understatement – they require absolute perfection in timing and all else. Some may like that about it, but no one will enjoy dying randomly and starting over on levels they’ve completed a dozen times already.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 9, 2017

HoPiKo is a cheap and cheerful game and while if you play too much of it you may end up with an RSI, nailing that level was worth it, right?

2.5 / 5.0
Jan 24, 2019

HoPiKo is challenging and moves at a lightning pace, although it can't escape the fact that it feels more like a game you'd play on your phone than on a console.

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8 / 10
Oct 31, 2016

Hopiko is a solid, action-packed platformer that will push your limits in ways that its traditional counterparts could only dream of.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 13, 2019

HoPiKo is a catchy retro platformer with amazing chiptune soundtrack but the game would greatly benefit from better controls.

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9 / 10
Dec 7, 2016

I loved a lot of what HoPiKo brought to the table. Its retro minimalistic design is great, with fun platforming and simple controls. When you struggle it gets a bit frustrating, but that’s how the game was designed. As you can tell from my HoPiKo review, there’s a ton of fun to be had here, so you should definitely check it out!

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2019

Despite a few hiccups, HoPiKo is still an incredible game. It's a pure test of mechanical skill set to a breathtaking chiptune soundtrack, and while that may not be for everyone it is absolutely for me. Playing each level over and over until I had mastered the quickest path through it was insanely fun, and I can see myself coming back to this one to beat my best times again and again.

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Borja 'VodKaVK' Henry Vilar Martos
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2016

Although currently HoPiKo's controls are not perfect, the combination of electric visuals, music and pace achieves both the best and the worst of drinking too much coffee, but in videogame format.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jan 25, 2019

Those without the calmest of dispositions need not apply. HoPiKo is the type of game that can quite easily cost the lives of a few controllers, and on Switch that could get a little pricey for those who like to play in handheld mode. Few will enjoy this, but those that do, will bloody love it this punishing, maddening, insane, brutal, and brilliant pain in the behinds. Those looking to be truly challenged, buy this now.

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Feb 2, 2017

I had a lot of fun with HoPiKo. It’s a great arcade-style experience that can be played in short bursts between other larger and more complex games, and it’s very entertaining. There’s plenty of content in this indie release and a sizeable challenge for those of you who like to 100% your games. I’ll keep coming back to HoPiKo as I try to unlock the trophies I’m missing, and I’m sure I’ll have a blast doing so.

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Jan 21, 2019

Overall, HoPiKo is a game with well designed levels and mechanics but is held back by the controls, as far as the Switch version is concerned. If there was far more consistency in regards to going from platform to platform, then going by muscle memory would be viable. As it stands however, many times I felt like I got through a level by mere luck alone. If it weren’t for that, the game would be more along the lines of a 4/5. If the touchpad allowed the player to merely tap on where they wanted to go, then perhaps everything would’ve been more feasible on the Switch. With a standard price of $9.99 and multiple worlds with 11 levels each, combined with good replay value, it’s otherwise worth the price alone. As such, perhaps it might be best to look into the other versions to see how they handle before buying.

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Oct 27, 2016

HoPiKo is a great example of why we need to be paying closer attention to Indie Games out there.I know a lot of people can and do argue that we are being bombarded weekly with too many indie games, but HoPiKo is truly a gem!

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2016

HoPiko is simplistic and incredibly good fun. It's punishing, paced action makes you think and react so quickly you'll feel awesome when you succeed. Conversely, you will probably walk away from your console infuriated at times, but you'll come back for "just one more go."

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2019

Overall, I can see where this title could appeal to the right segment of gamers, people who don’t mind some frustration and want something that looks and sounds great and has a focus on quick action. Just be ready for some difficulty spikes in odd places, stages you’ll absolutely need to die on a few times to get the hang of the goal, and an occasional feeling of betrayal at your thumb and the joystick for completely botching up a critical shot at the end of the fifth level, making you start over again. It’s not going to be a mainstream hit but it can deliver some thrills at a reasonable price if that’s what you’re looking for.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 8, 2019
Hopiko Nintendo Switch Review (SUPER QUICK TWITCH) video thumbnail
4 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2016

Unfortunately, none of this is enough. HoPiKo is a great idea, badly let down by being suited to one very specific control scheme. In a wider sense, it's another release in a long line of mobile ports that just don't need to exist.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 8, 2019

HoPiKo is quick paced, chaotic and fun, though there’s no denying that the tough difficulty might be a hurdle for some gamers. Sure, it’s satisfying to progress through levels, but the difficulty spikes and requirement to finish all five levels in a stage can certainly be frustrating as you try to work your way through to the end. A tricky difficulty doesn’t make a game bad though and HoPiKo is certainly very enjoyable, whilst the fantastic chiptune soundtrack will definitely keep you entertained as you attempt to eliminate the Nanobyte Virus for good. It won’t be for everyone, but those who enjoy a satisfying, well-polished and challenging platfomer should give HoPiKo a try.

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