Vanquish Reviews
A great port of an entertainingly subversive cover shooter. It's short, but the core loop never gets old.
Even after nearly seven years, Vanquish still has some of the best combat of any action game.
Is Vanquish the legendary success that you may have heard others describe it as? Nah, but it is a distinctive and solid good time with excellent movement and controls, and some delightfully tricksy setpiece battles.
Vanquish deserved this second chance to reach a larger audience. The game has aged very well and is still as fun as it used to be.
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Platinum didn't create a captivating narrative with Vanquish, but it serves as a showcase of some of their best pure action work. If you haven't had a chance to give it a shot yet you might as well with the definitive version on PC.
Vanquish does have its problems, but very few of them are tied to the PC port, which incidentally makes this version the best one by default. It's B-movie nonsense at its best, with a science fiction setting, and very cool action sequences. It could definitely do with a bit more variety in enemies at times and it's a little on the short side, but it's still a great romp seven years later.
Vanquish is likely one of the smoothest all-around PC ports in recent memory, limited framerate in cutscenes notwithstanding. Sporting features I wish similar modern games had, Vanquish now has a firm place in today's generation. Should Shinji Mikami and Platinum Games feel so inclined as to revisit this title and make it into a series, I would be the first in line.
Its lack of longevity and ancillary options are an issue, but this still plays like a classic and is one of the best shooters of its generation.
It may be basic as a remaster, but Vanquish manages to hold up in the PS4's twilight year. Brimming with enjoyable, fast-paced action which is exemplified by the knee slide, one of PlatinumGames' best experiences has a new lease of life that it's going to take full advantage of. Vanquish doesn't look the part, but it most certainly plays like it.
Vanquish is still an excellent and original TPS game, even if this PC port suffers some technical issues.
Review in French | Read full review
Platinum Games' groundbreaking shooter blends dazzling speeds, Matrix-like slow-motion effects, and simple but creative gameplay into one the best shooters ever made.
Vanquish gets another shot at the limelight fixing its presentation flaws from the first time it was released. With possible 4K resolution and an unlocked, constant frame rate during its high paced action sequences, the PC version of Vanquish is the definitive version.
Vanquish stands apart by nailing its unique mechanic, but fails on aspects that other third person shooters have done better now. In its heyday, it was a game that impressed us with its speed and flexible aesthetic. Nowadays, the gaming scene has evolved well past it, serving only for nostalgia.
Vanquish it's the same cocky, powerful and magnetic shooting experience we fell in love with in 2010. Now, on PC, it's even better with full resolution and no limits on fps, and it represents the definitive edition of this little Platinum Games masterpiece.
Review in Italian | Read full review
It’s been approximately 9 years since the original Vanquish was released, but other than graphics, we can all agree that the gameplay and masterful storytelling can still keep the player entertained throughout the whole playthrough
Review in Persian |
Vanquish is one of the best Third person Shooter ever made and it's also one of the most unique ones. It's so nice that now we can play its smooth remastered version on this generation's platforms. Either you play original Vanquish or not, Vanquish Remastered is a must-buy game for you to play, because you don't see shooters like Vanquish a lot.
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A frenetic shooter that might be short and with a cookie-cutter plot, but there's still nothing like it even 10 years later.
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Compared to Bayonetta, Vanquish has some catching up to do. The story and characters are forgettable, the environments quickly get stale, and there's no progression in weapons and powers. At the same time, the gameplay remains brilliant, with solid shooting that melds well with some very fast action; it's enough to overcome any visible flaws. With the improvements in frame rate, Vanquish is a good action shooter for anyone with even a mild interest in the genre.
Like Bayonetta before it, Vanquish for the PC is, hands down, the best version yet, and maybe even better than Bayonetta in that regard, as the keyboard and mouse control support fits like a glove. As for its gameplay, it's definitely a title that will offer lots of fun to third-person shooter aficionados, as long as its short length and lack of replayability isn't much of an issue.
Vanquish almost flawlessly delivers relentless action, awesome weaponry, and tight and varied gameplay with a solid amount of challenge to boot.