Danger Zone Reviews

Danger Zone is ranked in the 23rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Ryan McCaffrey
Top Critic
6.9 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2017

Danger Zone is a simple and barebones game that manages to recapture some of the car-smashing action of the classic Burnout series, but not enough of the joy. Though Burnout's Crash mode was always the star of the show in those games, it turns out that Road Rage, Burning Lap, etc. defined Burnout just as much as Crash did, as well as its personality. Their absence here is felt deeply, though to Danger Zone's credit it's priced accordingly at just $13. As such, it's worth a look for Burnout veterans, as long as you calibrate your expectations appropriately.

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May 30, 2017

Pared-back and wonderfully focused, this is a welcome blast of Burnout magic.

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7 / 10.0
May 30, 2017

The puzzle-game intricacies remain once the excitement of the explosions wears off

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6 / 10
Jun 1, 2017

Danger Zone is the beating heart of a concept in search of a full-fledged game to pump life into. While it won't satisfy your lust for chaos the way the Burnout games once did, Danger Zone provides enough thrills to make you want that hypothetical successor more than ever.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 30, 2017

In the end, isn't that exactly what Danger Zone should be? It may be short, but it is ever so sweet. Hopefully we can see more of this, either with a full-on sequel or some DLC, because it's been too damn long since we've had a proper Burnout game. Arcade racers need a comeback and Danger Zone would be a perfect reigning champion.

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7 / 10
Jun 22, 2017

It takes a little while to reach its best, but Danger Zone takes the classic Crash Mode from the Burnout series, distils it and then finds ways to push it to new, even more ridiculous heights. Crash Mode is back, and despite a few flaws, it ends up being as morbidly compelling as ever.

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6 / 10
Jun 7, 2017

Short, not very beautiful and with a lot of room to improve, but still funny while we wait for a new Burnout game.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2017

Whilst it may not encapsulate the wonder of Burnout's Crash mode, it's still quite fun, and will give you something to do for a few hours.

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65 / 100
Oct 23, 2017

While Danger Zone provides some thrills and serves as an interesting revival of one of Burnout's beloved game modes, it's often too slow and lifeless to give fans the fix they were hoping for.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2017

Danger Zone might be a lean package, but the car-smashing joy that package contains is more than worth investing in.

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7 / 10
May 30, 2017

Danger Zone is about as barebones as arcade games get, and yet its explosive gameplay loop is so addictive that it's somehow passed our crash test relatively unscathed. The presentation may be offensively simplistic and the runtime a little on the short side, but once you've launched your Smashbreaker a few times, you'll feel like all is well in the world.

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65 / 100
Oct 14, 2017

…the last two Test Phases were vastly more enjoyable than the first two Test Phases

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
May 30, 2017

That Danger Zone's core design works is unsurprising, given that it's been borrowed wholesale from a different series, but Three Fields has done little to build out the concept into anything worthy of a full game. You'll enjoy what's here well enough, but don't expect it to last very long—or to dazzle much beyond the explosions and sparks.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2017

Danger Zone tries to amuse us with its destruction simulator. However, it achieves the opposite due to its lack of scenarios being these repetitive and without great detail. Its gameplay is simple and with just a few minutes we will drive the vehicle as experts. It won't take us long to complete the scarce content of this title.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2017

Danger Zone's gameplay is rock solid, but its sparse presentation and short length make for a pretty forgettable experience.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2017

Danger Zone is well made game. Unfortunately, the low production budget is visible right from the start. Only one location quickly bores and does not encourage for long hours of gaming.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jun 3, 2017

For all its talk of destruction and carnage, Danger Zone plays it pretty safe.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 30, 2017

Wonderful retro-entertainment with this re-imagining of Burnout's crash mode. Play with the laws of physics in your car and get that high score.

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5 / 10
Jun 5, 2017

Danger Zone may crib liberal notes from the Burnout series, but its lack of personality and options greatly hinders it in the long run. Those dying to relive days gone by might find some enjoyment here, but those looking for the next coming of Criterion's classic are better off playing the originals.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jun 2, 2017

If you are craving that Burnout action but can't be arsed to pull out an old console, then sure, Danger Zone will at least remind you of those glory days. Unfortunately it'll do little else.

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