Black Mirror Reviews

Black Mirror is ranked in the 10th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2017

Despite some decent puzzles, a confusing story and bland characters worsen the experience

6 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2017

After The Book of Unwritten Tales series, Black Mirror feels like a clear step back for the developer King Art Games.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2017

Black Mirror comes back again to the videogame world and brings a great story full of mystery and horror. Although it has some technical issues, these problems do not interfere with the potential of the game.

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75 / 100
Nov 27, 2017

Black Mirror is "13 Dead End Drive" of video games, but with more tension and puzzles to solve. Their lighting, music and sounds are combined correctly to give us the feeling that something is waiting for us. A good recommendation for those who want to have a good time of mystery in the house of the Gordon.

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Steve C
Top Critic
4 / 10
Jan 31, 2018

Black Mirror is a good story that suffers from a dated application of game styles. While this is interesting in a meta way, it is not much fun to play. The narrative itself plays out fairly successfully. but it is hard to recommend it for this alone. There is definitely space for such old school adventures on modern consoles, but this is not the game to fill it. As it stands, Black Mirror itself is a title haunted by its ancient roots and will horrify the player for all the wrong reasons.

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5.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2017

That is simply the best way to describe the game—it just doesn't work. Besides a clever story that reveals itself every so often and an eerie atmosphere that is perfect for this type of game, Black Mirror is a missed opportunity to truly modernize the 2003 original. I feel like the game hasn't learned anything from the likes of Tales From The Borderlands or Life Is Strange in the same way that Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier has. It feels like a game that is purposefully ignoring its competition in an era where Andy Serkis and other filmmakers have made it a point to get into the story-focused, adventure game genre. Black Mirror, unlike the Netflix show with the same name, refuses to trek into the future, instead resulting in a game that feels stuck in the past.

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Nov 27, 2017

While Black Mirror manages to get some things right with horror atmosphere and great exploration of the setting, it fails to achieve success on almost every other front. Between the poor writing, average voice acting, the low-quality lighting and camera, and the god-awful performance, Black Mirror is a game that offers you little for what you pay. I would recommend missing out on it until KING Art releases an optimization patch — if they do so.

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Nov 30, 2017

Black Mirror will leave you feeling a bit torn. It's a good story told in a good location, accompanied by an ideal soundtrack. The fact that it is carrying on with the same family from the original games is the icing on the cake. Sadly, it is let down by too many problems, including annoying movement and camera tracking, poor facial character designs and other issues that mount up to make the game more of a struggle than it should be.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Dec 11, 2017

Black Mirror has an interesting storyline and interesting puzzles, but at the same time game suffers from terrible optimization and lots of flaws. Of course, if you love the "old school stories", you can give the game a chance, but everyone else should pass by.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2017

If you can look past its litany of rough edges, a genuinely enjoyable suspenseful adventure thriller awaits in Black Mirror.

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4.8 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2017

This reboot is a very big fail. The good subject is wasted becouse of a careless and a techincally poor execution. Just buy the original trilogy on and live happy.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2017

KING Art's take on the series was supposed to introduce it to a new generation of fans, but as things stand, it would be better for those interested in getting the older Black Mirror games, as the reboot is marred by a variety of issues that prevent from being a memorable experience. There is a decent adventure game beneath the mediocre writing, bland characters, and technical issues, but it would be better to look elsewhere if one is looking for a masterpiece.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2017

The Black Mirror is ripe for being that classic creepy haunted manor mystery type setting, but everything surrounding its tale makes it hard to get pulled into and constantly pulls players out of the experience with its follies. This mirror is still worth looking into, but its cracks definitely show.

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6 / 10
Nov 30, 2017

We really wanted to like Black Mirror more than we did, but a few too many technical hitches put a cap on our enjoyment. This mystery is absolutely one worth solving thanks to the captivating plot and engaging characters, but be prepared to wrestle with poor controls, glitches, and frequent load times.

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61 / 100
Nov 28, 2017

… for being a new game its full of  issues that shouldn't have plagued this otherwise enjoyable experience.

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Dec 6, 2017

Black Mirror often alludes to the Gothic classics that inspired it, to stories full of disturbing, evil forces that threaten to overtake their characters, but the only unsettling thing about it is a glut of technical issues.

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Top Critic
60 / 100
Dec 1, 2017

This new version for the 2004's Black Mirror game features some nice and enjoyable puzzles, but it deeply fails at its technical side.

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3 / 10
Dec 4, 2017

This Black Mirror reboot is a wonky adventure game flawed witfh some terrible gameplay ideas and a lot of loadings issues. Even if you're a fan of the genre and a patient gamer, it's hard to recommend it.

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2.5 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2017

Black Mirror starts with an interesting premise and decent voice acting, but the combination of poor controls and atrocious camera angles paired with a garbled story and uninteresting characters drag this experience to the bottom of the abyss.

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Nov 29, 2017

Despite creating a macabre atmosphere and delivering some decent puzzles early on, Black Mirror is a somewhat insipid and uninspired adventure game exacerbated by frequent loading screens and shoddy presentation throughout. It belongs at the bottom of a deep loch.

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