Brawlout Reviews

Brawlout is ranked in the 23rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Generación Xbox
Top Critic
8.1 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2018

A fun game with a wide variety of modes, but with little content.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2018

Brawlout is a pretty fun Smash Bros.-esque fighter that's quite a bit more fast paced.  While the roster selection is small, and the unlockable characters are similar or just alternate versions of the original lineup, the fast-paced action and unique moves for each character make this a pretty fun game to play with friends, either at home or online.

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80 / 100
Sep 8, 2018

Brawlout is a good brawler action game that is enjoyed both solo and accompanied, although a larger cast of characters and more interactive and dynamic settings would have been excellent for the game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

Good but limited Smash Bros. like game that can conquer the hearts of those that are waiting for a real Smash Bros. game while they're waiting.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2017

At first sight, it is easy to call the new Brawlout a Super Smash Bros. clone, but it's more than that. When you first start the game, the core of it is very reminiscent of Nintendo's fighting game series, but where Smash Bros is a party game, Brawlout feels much closer to a competitive title, which veteran of the Gamecube brawler might be tempted to try out.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 26, 2017


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72 / 100
Jan 4, 2018

Brawlout doesn't quite reach the bar set by Smash Bros, but it does prove itself to be a fighter worthy of recognition.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2017

Brawlout is positioning itself as the sort of indie Smash, especially with its addition of Hyper Light Drifter and Juan into the mix. With proper post-launch support, and most importantly, an audience, it could grow and fill that Bowser-sized hole that Smash Wii U left. Until then it'll serve as a fun party game that could be a little more.

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7 / 10
Jan 12, 2018

Brawlout is fundamentally a great take on the Smash Bros. format, and they've nailed the weight of the characters, movement, and the pure fun that getting four players together for some combative carnage can bring. Unfortunately the limited roster and the unrewarding grind of the in-game store can temper that somewhat, but as a starting point for a new indie fighting franchise there's a lot here to like.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2018

An enjoyable enough party fighter that doesn't quite do enough to stand out.

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7 / 10
Dec 19, 2017

Brawlout's core action is a lot of fun; with a huge amount of ideas inspired by genre greats such as Super Smash Bros., the action feels tight, fast, and can be a pleasure to play. The limited character roster means that attack variations can only go so far, and some performance hiccups prevent Brawlout from being truly wonderful, but for an on-the-go, cheaper alternative to a game that hasn't even been announced for the console yet, this isn't a bad choice – just make sure to keep the issues we mentioned in mind.

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70 / 100
Jan 12, 2018

In its current state, Brawlout is a competent Smash clone. While its frantic and deep mechanics are a fun time for competitive types, the overall lack of features can make the game feel empty at times. However, with promised updates and patches, this game could take the spot as one of the better fighting games on the Switch.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2018

A tournament level fighter strictly focused on being that and nothing more. Though the rest of the game suffers, with multiple modes to fight in, including online and couch co-op and tournaments abound, this is a good fighter to pick up if you're looking for that specifically, or just want a decent Smash Bros. clone for your kids.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2018

Brawlout is a fine smashlike for Nintendo Switch, though has got some pretty evident flaws.

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7 / 10
Dec 21, 2017

This is a actually a pretty decent clone of Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch, and it might scratch that certain itch, but the terrible shop-based unlock system really sours the experience of playing the game and unlocking everything naturally.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 21, 2018

Brawlout is affordable, has a great weight and feel to its gameplay and is fun to get a group of friends together to play.

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Dec 18, 2017

Brawlout is a very fun, fast-paced game inspired by the Super Smash Bros series. It has clean visuals, but the frame rate has occasional stutters that can hinder gameplay when you need precise inputs at all times to perform well. The game incorporates important competitive features from Smash Bros which helps players who have played those games for years feel right at home. Most importantly, it brings wavedashing from Melee while also improving upon the air dodging mechanic which allowed for it. The biggest problem the game suffers from is an unbearable grind to unlock new stages and characters. However, this could be eased if you have four people to play with at all times because the points needed to unlock stages will be acquired a little faster when multiple people play at once. While I do have some complaints about this game, I also had a lot of fun with it because of how similar it is to Super Smash Brothers. It does not exceed its brethren in any way, but it is certainly a fun game to have while we wait for the real deal to be finally released on the Nintendo Switch. If you are a big fan of the Smash Bros. series and would love to have an experience like it on the Nintendo Switch, look no further than Brawlout. It will certainly scratch that itch. I especially recommend it to players who loved Melee because you just can't go wrong with having a solid implementation of wavedashing after the main series has done away with the feature for the past two iterations. I also recommend it if you have other people who could play with you frequently. It is a much better experience than playing it solo. If you don't care for fighting games, loved the party elements of Smash Bros games such as items, or don't want to grind to unlock stages and characters, then I can't really recommend this game. In the end, I had fun with it and will rate it as a solid 7/10.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2018

Brawlout is a solid brawling title with gorgeous environments, wacky characters and combat that generally feels just alright.

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6.8 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

It’s like a Diet Smash Bros, with the character unlock model leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2018

Brawlout lacks gameplay variety and standout characters. It may be good enough for Smash Bros. fans supremely desperate for a Switch release, but everyone else can safely sit this one out

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