Assetto Corsa Reviews

Assetto Corsa is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Jun 6, 2019

Without having to pay for iRacing or rFactor, Assetto Corsa Competizione is as real as it gets when getting behind the wheel.

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The Games Machine
Alessandro Alosi
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2019

Assetto Corsa Competizione sets a new standard in the racing simulators genre. The driving feeling is unparalleled, amusing and passionate in its complexity, while the spasmodic search for detail exudes passion.

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3.6 / 5.0
Nov 9, 2016

I'm the end Assetto Corsa may lean more towards the professional virtual racer which offers some great features and tweaks available for the gamer who wants to maximise their realistic experience. I also commend the developers on creating such as engaging title but it does border a little on budget when compared to other games of this calibre but the cars look great and they handle how they should. The career mode is in-depth and the other modes are fun, especially the events and of course multiplayer which is where this title shined for me.

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Oct 5, 2016

Die herausragende Physik, welche selbst den Reifendruck und Abtrieb genauestens simuliert, fordert mich als Spieler insbesondere in den ersten Rennen enorm. Dabei ist es wenig hilfreich, ohne dynamische Ideallinie auf den Rundkursen unterwegs zu sein. Auch hätte dem Spiel ein Tutorial zu den wichtigsten Einstellungen am Auto gut getan, um so auch weniger versierte Spieler besser in die Welt des Motorsports integrieren zu können. Selten war eine Fahrphysik derart realistisch abgebildet wie hier. Entsprechend werden Fehler hart bestraft, sodass der Schwierigkeitsgrad hoch und die Lernkurve möglicherweise zu fordernd sind. Die überarbeitete Gamepad-Steuerung sowie die angepasste KI machen es absoluten Beginnern dennoch schon wesentlich leichter, in die Motorsportwelt abzutauchen, als noch zu Release. Visuell muss sich Assetto Corda deutlich hinter dem kürzlich veröffentlichten F1 2016 einordnen und wer eben mal nur kurz eine Runde fahren möchte, ist dort ohnehin besser aufgehoben. Erst nach einiger Einarbeitungszeit lässt sich die vielleicht beste und am ehesten realistische Fahrphysik auf Konsolen wirklich genießen. Hier spielt Assetto Corsa aber in einer eigenen Liga und lässt selbst Rennspielveteranen ins Schwitzen kommen. Sehr löblich: Die Entwickler bemühen sich, nah mit der Community zusammenzuarbeiten, und haben mit dem kürzlich erschienenen Patch gezeigt, dass sie das Spiel weiter auf die richtige Bahn lenken wollen. Wenn die Jungs hier am Ball bleiben und weiterhin Bonus-Content nachschieben, bietet sich Assetto Corsa durchaus als Alternative zu anderen Genre-Vertretern auf Konsolen an. Das gilt ebenso für Simulationspuristen wie Anfänger, wenngleich letztere sich erst einmal durch die harte Lernkurve kämpfen müssen. Umso größer sind aber die Glücksgefühle, wenn eine fehlerfreie Runde oder die Bestzeit unterboten wird.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 3, 2016

In conclusion, ignoring the stat glitches, lack of private lobbies and the somewhat questionable way the game is packaged, what's underneath the hood is seriously impressive. Any dedicated racing nuts who feel like testing themselves at the wheel on console should look no further. While there are other console games, such as Project CARS, with more cars and more courses, claiming also to be serious racers, Assetto Corsa undeniably owns the genre on console now, due to its uncompromising and unwavering dedication to realism. For now, there's nothing better for that on console. It's just a shame that it lacks the polish and omits some major draws, such as private online lobbies, which stop it from being considered a classic.

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IGN Middle East
Ali El Sayed
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2016

Assetto Corsa is a perfect example of ambition. Kunos Simulazioni is not a very big studio but that didn't stop them from working hard to release a simulation game that can compete against existing series. Yet the studio fell short of delivering the expected and necessary standard to pose any real threat to other driving simulation games out there.

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68 / 100
Sep 12, 2016

It all comes down to the feel of the cars and Assetto Corsa passes that test as they all play just right and different enough between the various classes.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2016

When racing you versus the track Assetto Corsa is hands down the best available simulator. Venture beyond this, however, and there's disappointment to be had at every turn.

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Tom Matthews
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 9, 2016

It's a shame really, it really is. I like the PC version of this game, and was excited for it to come to console, it just seems that they haven't quiet managed to pull it off, but fingers crossed it will be fixed in the future. Better late than never.

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54 / 100
Sep 7, 2016

I'm left with a disappointing feeling, the console version for Assetto Corsa is not what I was expecting. The terrible frame rate issues and AI mistakes completely ruin what a racing simulation game should be.

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Sep 5, 2016

In summary, it's a brilliant simulation, but it comes at the price of even being called a game.

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Aug 31, 2016

Assetto Corsa is now available for consoles, and while it manages to stay true to its roots, some of the features have been stripped down.

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Top Critic
No Recommendation / Blank
Aug 31, 2016

There's a superb driving simulation at the core of this rough-hewn package, but it's strictly for enthusiasts only.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2016

Despite its amazing driving simulation, Assetto Corsa just doesn't get the racing right. Out on track alone it feels amazing; there's no denying the remarkable realism Kunos Simulazioni has captured here. Unfortunately the team just hasn't been able to wrap a comprehensive or competitive racing experience around it this time.

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6 / 10
Aug 31, 2016

While the car handling and actual driving is excellent, Kunos Simulazioni don't successfully turn this into an enjoyable game, stuffing it with single player events and a career that are both frustrating rather than fun. At its best, Assetto Corsa is quite simply a sublime driving sim. I just wish I could say that without caveats.

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5.5 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2016

Assetto Corsa may try to parade around on console as a video game, but it's not fooling anyone. It's a simulator made for those that want the most realistic driving experience possible. Even then, it's fairly rough around the edges and is only in any way recommended to diehard racing fans who are willing to drop money on a decent wheel and pedal setup.

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Aug 30, 2016

It may come with some of the best driving physics to ever grace a console, but they come at the cost of everything else that makes console racers any good.

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4 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2016

With that said, hopefully the game grows over time. I know Evolution Studios turned Driveclub into an enjoyable experience after a failed launch. Maybe Kunos Simulazioni can do the same for Assetto Corsa.

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4.5 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

The higher class of racing fan may come to appreciate Assetto Corsa, but to the rest of the driving crowd, it'll simply feel like Ass.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

While it may provide a great simulation for the hardcore racer, Assetto Corsa will leave the more casual racing audience behind.

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