Conan Exiles Reviews
Conan Exiles offers hundreds of hours worth of addicting gameplay for those who love the grind and tediousness of crafting combined with the challenge of survival. The play modes are so flexible that anyone, regardless of experience with the genre, can jump in and get a fair start.
Despite its issues and flaunts, I couldn't keep myself away from Conan Exiles. Its meaty combat, huge map and nicely paced objectives made the game morish, even when I got lost (in the menus, not the jungles).
The most accessible and enjoyable survival MMO in years, Conan Exiles is a remarkable triumph and the best of its kind on PS4.
Conan Exiles is a surprisingly good open world survival game that does a good job of blending genre mechanics with the harsh world of Conan the Barbarian. It's seriously addictive stuff despite general jankiness and a strange obsession with nudity, but the multiplayer is the real highlight. If you're looking for something new to play with your friends for a bit, look no further.
Maybe check back in a few months...
Conan Exiles is one of the most disappointing games I have played this generation. I have not experienced another game on PlayStation 4 as broken as Exiles. It is hard to believe that a game could be released for purchase in such bad condition. In another genre, the bugs in Exiles might be fun or amusing. In a survival game, they are crippling. Gamers deserve, and should demand, better.
In this case, the sum of the parts is greater than each system on its own.
Funcom has delivered an above-average open world survival game that lives up to the mythos created by Robert E Howard. It fits in perfectly with the rest of the lore. However, while it is a fun game, it lacks a lot of polish, but if you can look beyond the flawed exterior, Conan Exiles will deliver hours of enjoyment.
Versatile survival game in the Hyborian Age with a dynamic combat system and a lot of variety for builders, adventurers and explorers.
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In fact, that pretty much sums up the game as a whole. It's a game of magnificent vistas and embarrassing glitches, epic ambitions and humdrum work. The world is vast and beautiful, yet filled with dumb animals and even dumber enemies. While never less than absorbing, it can be hideously annoying too.
Given its dark and mature fantasy theme, Conan Exiles is a surprisingly accessible online survival experience. Even under the most generous conditions the game will still challenge you as you make your mark on the world, and players who fancy themselves as survival game experts will find plenty to pit their abilities against. No matter your level of experience, Conan Exiles is a survival experience that is very much worth investing in.
When things click, Conan Exiles is a unique and moreish survival-RPG that does scratch a primal itch. Unfortunately, it's also sadly mired by a multitude of bugs, framerate stutters, audio dropouts and some head-scratchingly confusing menu systems.
Conan Exiles is one of the last games in the survival genre – it's dark and violent, but not without flaws typical for similar titles.
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Conan Exiles is a game where you make your own experience. Much like Minecraft, Exiles will have you exploring, creating, and building, while also providing a fully immersive game set in the world of Conan the Barbarian. Most of the time that will equal out to fun.
Conan Exiles isn't revolutionary, and it has its fair share of issues, but it's also a very engaging, addictive experience that can keep you hooked for dozens of hours.
Conan Exiles is not a bad game, although it's not a great game either. It's far more enjoyable than Sea of Thieves thanks to giving players more direction, although gamers that don't play survival genre video games aren't going to enjoy this game a lot. Only gamers that have many online friends and love survival games are going to get the most enjoyment out of Conan Exiles.
I had a lot of fun while playing Conan Exiles, despite the fact that playing MMO game in solo mode makes almost no sense and that you have to join a clan pretty quickly. Even though it doesn't offer anything new nor it is better than the competition, it is still a good game. Really!
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Conan Exiles takes a more mature approach to the survival/crafting genre and fulfils all your barbaric desires
Hardcore fans of the survival genre may find it really fun to try and build a small empire in the exiled lands of the Conan universe but newcomers may find that it is uneven and janky.
Conan Exiles may not have the budget and finesse of those Triple A games, however at the end of the day, it is a decent open world survival game. The inconsistences with the gameplay and at times buggy graphics can be forgiven because it has charm and more importantly it successfully draws you into the world of Conan as you build your own Kingdom in an attempt to make your own mark in this godforsaken world.