Onrush Reviews
Onrush is one of the most original driving games I've played in years, giving it a unique flavor. By forgetting about simply going faster than everyone else and mixing traditional racing mechanics with modes and subtle nuances typically found in other genres, Onrush managed to change the way I think about racing games. Its unorthodox online car-brawls and varied objectives go out of their way to feel different, and even when the maps become repetitive after a short while, its appeal remains for the simple fact that there's no other arcade driving game quite like this.
A racing game that mostly does away with the racing, Onrush is a chaotic and curious spin on a much-loved genre.
What I still find most appealing is the seemingly impossible nature of its action, vehicles endlessly slamming into one another in a flurry of wheels and steel.
Onrush's unique blend of influences results in an innovative and refreshing racing game that replaces the finish line with objectives and teamwork.
Sexy arcade racing in serious need of a tune-up
Onrush is the finest off-road racer ever made.
Onrush takes the team-based multiplayer of Overwatch and combines it with a blend of Motorstorm and Burnout, creating one of the most unique and fun arcade driving games of this generation.
Onrush is a great choice for those who do not like the standard racing games and look for something completely different and very carefully designed, there is a lack of content that can be repaired later, but be prepared for some addictions!
Review in Arabic | Read full review
When everything is clicking, Onrush feels amazing, but until your skill can catch up with the insanity that's happening on-screen, I can see this being a frustrating experience for less patient gamers.
Codemasters gives us a fun game but we'll have seen everything it has to offer in a matter of hours unless you're addicted to unlocking cosmetic customization elements.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
A fantastically original racer that goes out of its way to offer unique play modes without alienating anyone that just wants a fun arcade experience.
OnRush is an exhilarating, old-school arcade racer... with both its feet firmly planted in the new "online multiplayer" millennium. It needs more depth in its class system and more modes, but it's fun as hell!
Review in Italian | Read full review
There's a little bit of everything in Onrush, from racers to shooters, from destruction derbies to sports games. If you were expecting a sequel to MotorStorm, Onrush won't be for you, but give it a chance and its clever blend of different genres can draw you into its unrelenting vehicular action.
This is a light package that never reaches the heights of Evolution Studio's previous games, but for those seeking an arcade racer offering quick thrills, it does the trick.
Onrush It is an authentic madness, fun and vibrant. Although it seems that this is a long-term proposal that will depend on the support of the community.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Onrush could use some refinement when it comes to its modes but its core is strong, and the foundation is set for a great arcade racer. I'm anxious to see how it evolves and if people will really pick up on the class-based system enough to explore it past the first few weeks of launch, but for now I'm happy boosting off of a cliff and doing sweet flips on a motorcycle to earn points.
What we can be sure of though, is that Codemasters has at least put together a great foundation on which to build. They've promised that as well as that ranked mode, new content and features will roll out to players going forward and if they make the right steps, Onrush could end up being an absolutely huge deal. At launch though, it serves as a great taste of what could be, even if it could go with just a little bit more fuel in the tank.
ONRUSH rewrites the formula for what a racing game is, and it's enormous fun because of it.
If you're looking for a standard arcade racer to play alone, it's probably not for you, but if you're looking for something different and have a few friends willing to team up, ONRUSH feels wholly new and chaotically fun.