Days Gone Reviews

Days Gone is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 25, 2019

Days Gone has a couple of fantastic ideas, including the blockbuster horde battles that offer some of the most heart-pounding zombie spectacles I've seen yet.

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Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

Derivative and beset by astounding technical problems, Days Gone is a rare misfire among Sony's first-party efforts. While the core fantasy of surviving in a world overrun with infected occasionally shines through, Bend Studio doesn't deliver nearly enough compelling moments to justify the long slog it takes to see this mediocre story through to its end.

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6.5 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

Days Gone has moments where it reveals its brilliance, but they're buried under a litany of uninteresting and repetitive missions and numerous technical issues.

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3 / 5.0
Apr 25, 2019

Days Gone is an alright first step for Bend Studio. It’s a competent open world game with massive, diverse environments for you to explore, even if there aren’t actually a lot of interesting things to do. It’s also very vanilla, and there just isn’t much substance beneath its glossy surface.

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Daily Dot
Top Critic
Apr 25, 2019

The apocalypse has never been more aimless than in Days Gone

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Apr 25, 2019

The game meets the baseline level of quality we might expect from a big-budgeted joint, yet it remains a tiresome, empty experience.

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5.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2019

While it tries a few unique things, Days Gone's awful writing, abundance of glitches, and boring cookie cutter gameplay doesn't really make it worth spending time on.

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7 / 10
Jun 2, 2021

It's the different approach to Days Gone's storytelling that sets it apart from most other open world games. Despite this, the elongated storyline can make some parts feel like a slog but even so it's very much worth your time to experience it.

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May 18, 2021

I'm sure you're tired of me saying this, however, this port of Days Gone for the PC is easily one of the best ports I've seen. The game runs well, I haven't encountered a single performance-related issue with my time playing the game. And trust me, I've looked. I don't know what magic Bend Studios worked to get this game so darned optimized, but I'm not complaining either.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

Bend has delivered on a largely enjoyable open-world game with Days Gone. It has its fair share of hang-ups and though most are forgivable, some are not. Their depiction of Oregon, while bleak, is truly breathtaking and strikes me as the ideal mould for open-traversal. Its map isn't as big as many in the genre, though it's densely populated by things to do.

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May 5, 2019

While it has some flaws and can get repetitive during long sessions, it's still fun to try and survive in a violent world that is truly out to get you.

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The Outerhaven Productions
Diego Perez
Top Critic
May 10, 2019

Days Gone is so clearly inspired by other pillars of video game storytelling, but it fails to meet the standards set forth by those that came before it. While there are good ideas and a lot of heart in Days Gone, it ultimately stumbles in execution and is plagued by a number of technical issues, making it hard to recommend Bend's post-apocalyptic biker adventure.

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3.5 / 5.0
Apr 29, 2019

The best way to describe Days Gone is good but not great. There is arguably nothing that hits a point where you absolutely must see it, something Horizon, God of War and a few other exclusives have, leading to a mixed reaction. Even if I come off rather critical of a number of elements, it's the type of game where I might not tell people it's a can't miss experience, though it never hits the point where I'd actively discourage anyone from bothering. So, if you're okay with a good game that has hints of something better or simply enjoy the genre, give it a go.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

In Days Gone I receive all features I like in video games – atmosphere, interesting characters, realism, well-made shooting, and cool stealth mechanics. Despite that Days Gone may be a real disappointment for fans of Ubisoft's open world games – there’s a lot of content but it's all based on the story-driven campaign. It’s a long storyline but there's nothing else to do.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

Running on a treadmill and Days Gone are very similar experiences. You put in time and effort, yet you remain in the same spot. Thrilling gameplay and crazed "freakers" cannot save this game from its LONG, uncompelling story. Ultimately, the amount of hours invested in Days Gone do not pay off. This is not a full throttle Sony exclusive that we've come to know and love, it's miles away from that.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

While patches may be able to salvage quite a few of its bugs, there are some questionable design decisions that certainly can’t be fixed as easily.

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8 / 10.0
May 24, 2021

Days Gone's PC port doesn't fix the game's generic premise or writing issues, but it does offer a slew of technical improvements that takes advantage of the PC's better hardware. Pair those with a compelling world and some great gameplay and you have an adventure that's better than it's often given credit for.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
May 18, 2021

Days Gone is not the final, nor the definitive or the perfect version of Bend Studio's action adventure, as it never was, but with the upgrades coming from the PC release it sure is the best it could ever be.

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7 / 10.0
May 26, 2019

Days Gone may not hit the heights of Sony's previous first-party exclusives but it still has enough going for it to be worth your time

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4.2 / 5.0
May 8, 2019

Days Gone offers fun open-world exploration and survival-horror gameplay elevated by a compelling post apocalypse narrative and top-notch presentation.

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