Anthem Reviews
Anthem is an excellent Iron Man simulator bogged down with poor mission design set in a fascinating world with a lack-luster story. Coupled with a critical lack of end-game content, this is by far the weakest offering from BioWare. Enjoyment of this game will fully rest on how much you enjoy the combat.
Beautiful, broken, with flashes of brilliance, Anthem is a disorganised mess in search of a reason to be.
Anthem has energetic combat but it saves too much of what precious little content it has for the endgame, making playing through its mismatched story a tediously repetitive grind.
Anthem's disjointed story, boring loot, repetitive missions, and shallow endgame are all disappointing. At least it's pretty.
Anthem is ultimately severely flawed, and very unfinished. There's half a good game in there, but it doesn't do enough to diminish the overall feeling of emptiness and repetition.
Anthem tries to be too many things, and ends up losing focus in all aspects of the experience
BioWare's Anthem has good ideas, but most of those ideas don't end up working well together.
Anthem trips over itself trying to blend two genres into one
BioWare joins the ranks of developers who have learned the hard way how difficult it is to make a good loot game.
Wait until EA finishes the game, if that ever happens.
Anthem is a game based on a fantastic idea.
Bioware's latest sci-fi epic fails to stick the landing in an already crowded loot shooter genre.
I want to want to spend more time with it, because there are bits of it I really enjoy. But it needs more than the world map to change a bit, or have seasons, or better social interaction. It needs changes to how it actually works, which is a lot to ask. But the biggest fight I’ve had with Anthem so far is against Anthem.
Despite some new ideas and a core gameplay loop that does its best to carry the experience, Anthem is ultimately a bit of a disappointment from BioWare
Anthem is gorgeous to look at and can be fun in places, but for now it feels decidedly half-baked.
Anthem may thrive. Anthem may fail. It has the bones to be something great but I am tired of saying that about so many games in this genre and five years after Destiny 1, I can’t believe we’re here yet again. Get it right the first time, because everyone is losing patience.
Anthem is an entertaining game, but not for a long time because of its refined playing style. Offering stunning graphics with many visual details and a wide world, we encountered several problems. As the Javelins are the focus of the game, Anthem deserves the experience because of them, especially if the game price is less than $ 60.
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BioWare's Anthem is as disappointing as it is boring, with the game's biggest fault being that it just gets in the way of its own self.
We prefer to highlight the playable elements that make Anthem fun to play at times. Everything else that surrounds the Bioware game has yet to improve and add more content to mitigate the feeling of repetitiveness, because the history and the world of Bastion has a huge potential that at the date of its release still seems untapped.
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