Anthem Reviews
Anthem is a blast at times, but its best moments are separated by too much grind and an inconsistent story.
Anthem is an imperfect and evolving game, but if you are looking for a rewarding experience in terms of gunplay, fighting and settings, you will hardly be disappointed.
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Right now, Anthem is not good. And given what's come out of BioWare in the past and the kinds of lasting, impactful experiences that the gaming world knows BioWare is capable of delivering, that's truly sad.
Under a myriad of problems and bad design choices, lays a fun game, with rich lore and lots of potential... Maybe even a Bioware game. Sadly, right now it's difficult to find it.
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Unfortunately, I feel like fixing this game goes beyond patching glitches, fixing bugs, and then cramming in expansions.
There are flashes of brilliance, especially when it comes to the flying, but confused storytelling, boring loot, and unsatisfying missions don't justify the game's massive time investment.
BioWare will need to build quickly on top of its shimmering jet-fueled foundation to hold people's interest, but folks looking for a new neighborhood to move into might want to give Anthem a try -- either now or after fixes and updates.
Edmonton-based BioWare's first kick at the cooperative online shooter can needs a little more oomph
I have no doubt that Anthem will dramatically improve over time, but right now, this flight should remain grounded.
Anthem impresses on the presentation front and the javelin suits are a blast to play with, but a lack of diversity in the game and uninspired loot-driven progression system make it feel like Anthem could be a much better game than it currently is with a few updates.
Anthem offers amazing combat, astounding visuals, and excellent all-around production value, but suffers from baffling design choices and awful writing that hold it back from being something truly special.
It's not all bad. The combat and the flying are legitimately amazing in Anthem. They're so good that, despite everything else about the game being quite bad, I still thought about playing the game during my hours away from it. In a few years, Anthem might be a good experience. Today, it's hard to recommend.
It would be easy to write off the bewildering state that Anthem is in as the result of video game design by committee.
BioWare's shooter jets promisingly into battle on a stunning alien world, but what unfolds is patchy
I am sorry to say that Anthem has fallen short in pretty much every way.
It is frustrating to rate Anthem. The game looks great, plays even better and has an intriguing setting to boot. However, the fragmented world design, overabundance of loading screens and severe lack of content considerably drag down the experience, at least for the time being. Still, this is a live service game after all and the folks at BioWare have the chance to right this ship by adding enough content in the upcoming months, though it won't be easy.
For many of us, BioWare RPGs became very special. Now we have Anthem, a product created by the hollow shell of the once great studio in the miserable attempts to jump onto the leaving Destiny train. It is difficult to say what lies ahead for this game and the company that created it, but we have serious concerns.
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Given time, ANTHEM could slowly start to bloom into a much more cohesive experience, but the worry is that it won't be given a chance. There's a good game in here somewhere, but only the flashy, satisfying combat stands out amongst a background mess of shockingly bad design decisions and woefully undercooked systems. ANTHEM feels unfinished and, frankly, undeserving of your time when there are much better live titles currently available on PS4. Check back in a year from now, and we might be onto something.