Battlefield Hardline Reviews
While Hardline isn't the Battlefield you may be used to it offers a unique approach that will surely please fans of the genre. The campaign is a big step up from previous entries and while the multiplayer anarchy has been trimmed down, the gameplay in its place is more tactical and intimate.
The cops 'n' robbers theme often does more harm than good to the Battlefield formula, but this peculiar spin-off has just enough tricks of is own to be worth a collar.
There are some who can dominate Battlefield's multiplayer with an Olympian efficiency, but the overwhelming majority are marooned in the middle, where the concussive sound of bullets and the smoldering plumes left by grenades aren't signs of domination but reminders that you're still on your feet, not dominating the world, but surviving in it for another few seconds. There's genuine awe in these moments, a beauty particular to video games, demanding respect for scale and the necessary investment of thought, coordination, and time to accomplish simple acts like moving a duffel bag from A to B. It's a poetic antithesis of the game's story mode, proof that order can more easily come from conflict than from conflict's preemptive repression.

At the very least, it's "more Battlefield", which is by no means a bad thing – yet – and at its highest points, it's a bit of silly, Vice-inspired fun. I do not think the world will care to remember Hardline very much in future, but for what it is, it's a good effort to be more than another disposable shooter, even if that's all it really is at its core.
Battlefield: Hardline is a lateral move for the series. Even with a more ambitious single player offering, multiplayer continues to steal the show, offering best in-class gameplay when it works.
Thankfully, while Hardline might be a more different than veterans may have hopped for, it does enough of its own to come off as a solid start to a new type of Battlefield. Although, it does need to be said that with it being such a departure, it's easy to see that it is still trying to figure itself out when put against its more militant and seasoned counterpart. Fans of the series will find many moments that harken back to the heart of franchise if they are willing to try something new and are are able to make a few gameplay adjustments. Anyone trying out a Battlefield title for the first time will find a game that's much more accessible than any of the other ones in the past, but much like the previous ones, if you're getting in the helicopter, please practice in an empty lobby before crash landing with your whole team on board.
Hardline's release was smooth, and although it did feel like a modified BF4, it also plays like something novel and worthwhile all on its own. If you have recently built a gaming PC, and you don't yet have Battlefield 4, I would recommend buying that title first, and then grabbing Hardline down the road when the price drops.
Battlefield Hardline is easily the most complete game in the franchise since Battlefield: Bad Company 2's release five years ago. The story makes you actually care about the characters and introduces some much-needed new gameplay with the addition of stealth and non-violent takedowns. It's not the strongest story you'll see, but the positives far outweigh any negatives that the stupid AI and cliched story provides.The multiplayer is genuinely refreshing, and whilst veterans of the franchise may notice the missing game modes and vehicular combat that they are used to, the majority of gamers will find the fast-paced and amusing action to be fun-filled.Visceral's first attempt at taking control of the Battlefield series can only be seen as a success, and whilst it maintains the unique feel of the series, they've added a fresh and new twist to every aspect. Just as Forza Horizon's differences perfectly compliment Forza Motorsport, EA may have finally found a winning combination to compete with Call of Duty.
Battlefield Hardline has a decent campaign and great multiplayer action, but a lack of personality means it feels more like an expansion than full sequel.

There are people that say that Battlefield Hardline is just a DLC pack disguised as a new release, but that's not quite true. It feels familiar in terms of gameplay, but fresh enough in theme and heavy enough in content that it's worth its own release. It's a decent game that gets points for originality of concept, but how much value it has is down to how much you enjoyed previous entries in the franchise, and how much you'd like to see the Cop FPS genre become a thing.
Battlefield: Hardline may seem like simply an expansion to the fourth entry in the game, but after diving in I enjoy it a lot more than the previous effort. The campaign is a breath of fresh air, and the multiplayer adds enough to make it stand out.
Just like BF: Vietnam and BF: 2142, it does not reinvent the wheel, but it does enough unique things to be called its own, and if you're looking for chaotic multiplayer fun, you can never go wrong with Battlefield Hardline.
Battlefield Hardline takes a fresh look at the traditional warfare gameplay with a focus on combat between criminals and cops. The single-player campaign makes for a compelling and innovative approach to the traditional Battlefield gameplay with an increased focus on multiple victory paths and stealth. A variety of new game modes and redesigned progression system make for some of the best online multiplayer gameplay found in a Battlefield series game. Battlefield Hardline is a worthwhile entry in the series that shouldn't be passed over by fans.
It wouldn't be a Battlefield game without a host of multiplayer scenarios, and Hardline is definitely no slouch in that department.
Ultimately, Battlefield Hardline is a solid shooter that controls well and marks a lot of the items off the FPS checklist. At the same time, it is also faced with the same problem that confronts any new shooter in this day and age.
Devoid of any real personality, Battlefield: Hardline's single-player campaign is cheesier than an 80's pick-up line. It is however saved by a superb multiplayer that is both solid and entertaining.
Even with a shift in focus and a different studio behind it all, Battlefield Hardline doesn't feel all that different from previous efforts.
While not as bad as many had feared it would be, Battlefield Hardline simply feels unnecessary and unless you'r a diehard fan of the series, there's not much reason to pick it up.