Nioh 2 Reviews

Nioh 2 is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
95 / 100
Mar 30, 2020

I finished the first Nioh enchanted, loving his combat and how he used Japanese history and mythology. Nioh 2 gives you that multiplied by ten, improves the main setbacks of the previous one, and generally ends up rounding out the set to offer a long, replayable, fun, challenging but fair game, and a long etcetera. His only mistake could be to be a continuity player at his base, but he offers such an obvious improvement that in the end this happens.

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May 18, 2020

Nioh 2 leaves me very divided. The combat system is extensive, varied and is one of the best I've experienced in action role-playing games so far. Besides, the hunt for better equipment and armor sets is just as motivating as in Diablo or Destiny. The bosses are originally designed and many have interesting mechanics. But then there is this balancing, which was only really right for me in a few moments. I like hard games, have played through all the titles from From Software several times since Demon's Souls, and I've also enjoyed defeating titles from other manufacturers - except Lords of the Fallen, which was a bummer. I never had the feeling that the difficulty was so strongly defined by the boss' life energy and my character level as in Nioh 2, which could be compensated by grinding a little bit, but it just doesn't feel quite right. Friends of the genre and the scenario should definitely have a look into the game, because despite all criticism I liked the game. But it is not enough for the throne, which is still occupied by Bloodborne.

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9.2 / 10.0
May 13, 2020

Team Ninja opts for the bigger is better approach. More mechanics, weapons,story and a bunch of insane bosses make Nioh 2 an action delight.

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9 / 10
Apr 14, 2020

Nioh 2 [encourages] you to be creative and personalize your whole gameplay experience. The only hurdle for players new to the franchise is it'ss very steep difficulty and learning curve. But if you can tough it out and get past that, this is a game you may even see yourself revisiting time and again.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2020

Nioh 2 is everything that From Software’s fans wished Sekiro to be – a Dark Souls game with a Japanese theme. Even though it has some problems and from time to time you may feel a bit tired of the repetitive missions, Nioh 2 remains both a great game and a perfect sequel.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2020

Although starting from the excellent foundations laid by the previous chapter of the saga, Nioh 2 manages to innovate almost every aspect of it, proving to be a game of absolute excellence, able to meet the needs of every type of player. The most demanding and hardcore gamer will find his teeth, but even the user less accustomed to punitive mechanics will find his space, using certain builds and the Graves of Mercy. The soul cores and explosive counterattack are great additions to a gameplay already solid and compelling, but now it is even deeper and more varied, able to satisfy all palates. The only two flaws are the crafting and multiplayer, not developed enough, but nothing that may cloud our overall judgment.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9.2 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2020

Nioh 2 is a very good video game. Fun, entertaining and, although it does not revolutionize and we can piss off dying so much, it brings new ways of playing and enough novelties to spend hundreds of hours testing builds to be the best samurai. It can get desperate at times, but with patience we will be powerful warriors.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2020

Nioh 2 is a must have - and a great edition to your PS4 library

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Apr 3, 2020

Dark Souls 2 couldn't match the original, however Nioh 2 crushes in that regard. The sequel didn't lose any of the charm of the first game and the quality bar stayed firmly in its place. If you're into soulslikes, don't hesitate even for a moment.

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9.1 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2020

Master the intricacies of Nioh 2 and immerse yourself in a world of splendid combat, satisfying challenge, and a transcendent experience like only Team Ninja can.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2020

Nioh 2 is an extremely well done sequel that adds enough to an already complex combat system, but not too much to make systems redundant or cumbersome. The changes aren’t drastic, and this may lead to some feeling like it feels too similar, but the first game already had fantastic gameplay variety.

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8.1 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2020

I do not see a single reason to miss this game that climbs a step at all levels with respect to its predecessor and that does not have any major shortcomings.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2020

The end result is a game that feels too familiar all the way through with fleeting moments of originality. That being said, it is still worth it for diehard Soulsborne fans and/or lovers of the original Nioh.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2020

While Team Ninja leave us wanting more from their unique Souls series, they are an inspiring reminder to all gamers everywhere of how innovative the Kyoto based, development company are, and how it will forever be associated with this franchise. Nioh 2 forges a legacy that will ultimately set a benchmark for future Souls-like titles, in hopes to eventually lead us into a new generation of vigorous, yet compelling video games.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2020

Nioh 2 offers best in class combat but suffers from an overwhelming number of upgrade systems and a story that is utterly incoherent.

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9 / 10
Mar 15, 2020

Nioh 2 nicely builds on the groundwork laid by the first game. The original mechanics were refined and new ones add further depth and options that enrich the combat system and take the risk-reward system one step further.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2020

Nioh 2 is not your average hardcore RPG. Its combat has become a fast-paced flurry of attacks, parries and abilities which sets it apart from other games in the genre. It successfully improves on the original game’s mechanics and merges some new fun ways to build your character that will see you venturing into new game plus with a beastly build. There is a lot of content to enjoy here too with the first playthrough lasting well over 50 hours.

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Mar 12, 2020

Nioh 2 crafts its tough experience with precise, delicious Team Ninja combat. On top of that is an entire mass of additional systems that offer players a way forward if your skills aren't top-notch. When those systems come together, Nioh 2 can make you feel powerful, but it does feel like a mess of numbers and bonuses thrown your way at times. You're surprisingly versatile, but you're also forced into a lot of management. A bit of trimming would've led to a near-perfect experience, rather than just a great one.

89 / 100
Mar 10, 2020

One of the best Soulslike games ever made. With its gripping story in Japan, where supernatural beings intervene, and more advanced combat mechanics, Nioh 2 has managed to become one of the best action games on Playstation 4. Prepare to fight, prepare to die and loot everything you find!

Review in Turkish | Read full review

Mar 10, 2020

Nioh 2 builds in a meaningful way on everything that Team Ninja established in the first game.

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