Shantae and the Seven Sirens Reviews
While the difficulty level is unbalanced everything else in Shantae and the Seven Sirens works together to create an incredibly entertaining platform-adventure.
In many ways, it feels like Shantae and the Seven Sirens is the culmination of everything WayForward has learned since that initial release a little less than two decades back. Shantae and the Seven Sirens pulls some of the best elements from the titles that came before it – such as the dungeons and fast transformations – while adding in several cool new ones too, like the collectable cards and lovable new characters. A short but sweet runtime, well-drawn visuals, a catchy soundtrack and a well-designed map make this one an easy recommendation to anybody looking for the next must-have Metroidvania for their Switch.
The latest entry in the Shantae series, Shantae and the Seven Sirens, is every bit as beautiful and fun to play as the previous titles.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a game that is formally enjoyable, but fails to stand out like the chapters that preceded it. The game runs smoothly and apart from a few too many loads, the pace is always strong. However, the general automation of the gamplay and the flattening of the challenge confine the latest creation of the WayForward in the circle of the unsuspecting.
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Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a compact, attractive, and agreeable adventure, but its muddled design lacks variety, innovation, and vital story engagement. As such, Seven Sirens feels like a sequel on auto-pilot, one that doesn't seize the opportunities offered by its exciting world and lively new cast, ultimately resulting in an entry that's good enough, but had the capacity to be truly magical.
Shantae returns with her best adventure, at least in the technical side, with some original ideas (like the card system), but at the same time being faithful to the original formula. An entertaining metroidvania that will enjoy, in first place, longtime series' fans, as will the newcomers.
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A competent Metroidvania but although Shantae and her friends are as charming as ever the franchise is beginning to seem aimless and overly repetitive.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a summer adventure designed for children and casual players, offering a simple but interesting gameplay, nice cartoon graphics and a large world to explore. And this is what you need right now after a long absence of interesting games and quarantine.
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Shantae and the Seven Sirens has evolved the Shantae formula yet again and nothing feels out of place on Paradise Island unless it’s meant to.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a great addition to the series and a return to its more Metroidvania roots. I loved it a lot more than the last iteration and continue to look forward to each new chapter. While the series is not as well-known as other games, I feel like it should be. The quality is there and each version just seems to add enough new to keep it fresh. This is a title that should not be overlooked, and it is available on absolutely everything, so there is no excuse not to give it a go.
Despite some annoyingly prevalent fan-service and clunky fetch quests, Shantae and The Seven Sirens won me over with it’s beautiful realised world, charming characters and thoroughly polished metroidvania design
Shantae and the Seven Sirens adds one more chapter to a very appreciated series and while the ambition to be the best game to carry the Shantae name is not a full success, this is a very appealing work that combines a marvelous presentation, good level design and a gameplay experience that will please veterans of the series as well as welcome any newcomers.
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Admittedly it is rather a reinvention than a creation, but WayForward focused on the fundamentals of the saga, with the construction of a world in trees as massive as complex.
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Shantae and the Seven Sirens experiments with the metroidvania genre within the series. Some traditional elements of the franchise have been streamlined to reach a new audience, but the experience is still entertaining and one of the best installments in the Shantae series.
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It retreads the same ground of the prior games' fetch-quest-driven, backtracking-filled action-adventuring.
Fans of the series may feel a sense of déjà vu when playing through the extremely short Shantae and the Seven Sirens. But it's still a game worth your time, even if it doesn't meet the high bar set by the rest of the series.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is a cute game with funny dialogue and clever puzzles that are interspersed with great mini-games that draw you into the story world at every turn.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens is an entirely typical game in the Metroid-like genre that will be very familiar to anyone who plays them. Despite this, the game's gorgeous visuals, extremely responsive controls, strong level design, and witty writing make it a joy to play through.
Shantae And The Seven Sirens brings some very nice additions to the franchise like cutscenes, voice acting, and more. But it comes at a cost because they expanded a bit too much, and the game suffers as a result.
Overall if you like the recent Shantae games you will like Seven Sirens. Do not expect anything game changing from this game as it is more of a follow on continuation from the previous game in terms of style and substance.