Far Cry 6 Reviews

Far Cry 6 is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 prefers playing guerrilla over more serious reflection because “blowing up s*** is fun,” and Ubisoft just isn’t quite ready to give that up yet.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 finds itself sitting close to the excellent titles thanks to its strong plot, characters, world design, gameplay and presentation.

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Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is just another Far Cry game, one that desperately wants to utilize the imagery of a revolution without having anything meaningful to say about one.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is a massive game, with plenty to do and see. It features a gripping story and combat that plays like a dream. I had so much fun doing everything I possibly could, and I'll be diving back in to finish off all the side content.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Oct 11, 2021

As it happens, though I played for much longer, I had had more than my fill after the first four hours, with no desire to venture back in.

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Oct 7, 2021

I guess the best accolade I can give this game so far is that it’s another Far Cry game, and it’s a good one at that. It’s nice to see the return of the player character’s actual character. The villain is monstrous yet complex. Things explode. But it’s probably going to feel like a drag for far longer than it should, both in gameplay and in the story.

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3.5 / 5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 isn't quite the powerful, cinematic experience that Ubisoft promised, but this flawed adventure is still great fun for open-world shooter fans.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Ubisoft's new tropical adventure delivers dozens of hours of shooty fun, but little in the way of innovation or meaningful commentary

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is an amazing journey in one of the most expansive iterations of the series to date. With explosive performances from the whole cast, it’s a game that old fans and intrigued wannabe guerrillas shouldn’t sleep on.

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Oct 6, 2021

A gigantic open-world FPS that has you running between map markers to fell a dictatorship. It's undeniably fun, if a bit overwhelming.

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Oct 6, 2021

So inasmuch as I’m certain of my opinion of “Far Cry 6′s” gameplay, I am not confident at all when it comes to the game’s story, of which, coincidentally, the franchise has repeatedly invited scrutiny. There are good performances and narrative beats that are compelling and trenchant. But less charitably, some of these moments evoke conversations you might find if you poke around on Twitter for a few minutes. The story invites reflection on questions that are unresolvable — and are likely to remain that way, “Far Cry 6′s” effort notwithstanding.

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Top Critic
Oct 7, 2021

Far Cry 6 could be the most interesting and complex game Ubisoft has made in recent times.

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Oct 6, 2021
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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

While it may not wholly evolve the franchise in a radically new way, Far Cry 6 smooths out many of the wrinkles and growing pains previous Far Cry games have had, while building on a foundation that's largely worked for the series since 2012's Far Cry 3. Far Cry 6 strikes a great tonal balance, a variety of activities and exploration that never get dull, another imposing villain whose presence can be felt throughout, and a brilliant main character. Yara is a fun playground because it's Dani's playground, and that's a crucial part of the equation, part of the meaningful growth the latest entry brings to the Far Cry franchise. ¡Viva la Revolución!

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85 / 100
Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is the next iteration of the Far Cry universe, and you can see some of the blending from other Ubisoft properties here. While the formula may be a little more visible than we'd like, and the AI could use a shot in the arm, what is here is a thrill ride adventure sure to give fans of the franchise exactly what they are looking for.

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Oct 20, 2021

A believable villain and insider knowledge add to the exhilarations and refinements

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Oct 6, 2021

Far Cry 6 is like Far Cry 5, 4, and 3. Despite an incredible performance from Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad fame, there's very little new or fresh about this latest sandbox shooter.

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Top Critic
Oct 6, 2021

Open world shooter is back on solid – if occasionally silly – form

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Oct 6, 2021

If you’re interested in another Far Cry game that does the Far Cry stuff the way it’s been doing it for 10 years, you’ll probably have a good time, but if you’ve already hit your limit with this kind of game, Far Cry 6 is the ne plus ultra of why open-world game design is so badly in need of a revolution.

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7 / 10
Oct 11, 2021

Far Cry 6 is the best version of Ubisoft's open world formula to date, but whether that's still a selling point to you is up for debate. The few advancements and new mechanics won't be enough to convince those burnt out to return for one more exotic trip, but if you're down for another lengthy checklist to complete, then the series has never been better. It's another healthy serving of comfort food; one that sticks to what it knows best while slightly iterating positively.

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