Pikmin 3 Deluxe Reviews

Pikmin 3 Deluxe is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Tom Marks
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe makes an already excellent game even better with some small but enjoyable content additions and a boatload of quality of life improvements.

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Oct 28, 2020

Like its many buried riches, Nintendo's Pikmin series remains a treasure ready to be rediscovered.

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Oct 28, 2020

Even if it's not brand new, Pikmin 3 Deluxe deserves a place in your Nintendo Switch library.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2020

Pikmin 3's blend of strategic action and exploration is as captivating as ever, whether this is your maiden voyage or a return flight

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Oct 30, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe does a great job of catering to fans of the entire breadth of the series, from its time-crunchy roots to the chiller days of Pikmin 2. But if you find the relaxed pace of the campaign a bit too lovey-dovey for your hardcore gamer sensibilities, just know that there’s a serious challenge waiting for you at the end of this road.

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8 / 10
Oct 28, 2020

One of Wii U's earliest gems remains a delight to play on Nintendo Switch.

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4.5 / 5.0
Nov 5, 2020

Of the many titles from Wii U that still need and deserve to be ported to Switch, Pikmin 3 Deluxe was a great choice to bring over.

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8 / 10
Oct 28, 2020

Visually, Pikmin 3 Deluxe doesn't push the boat out much further than the original Wii U version did. Where its changes lie are in its revamped control system and the addition of a new Side Stories mode. Neither are necessarily transformative enough to warrant double dipping if you're perfectly happy with your Wii U copy, but if you're one of the vast majority who don't have a Wii U copy, this Switch update is unquestionably the best way to play it.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe has blossomed on Nintendo Switch into the complete package. With excellent coop and bags of content, it's an experience not to be missed

8.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

‎Pikmin 3 Deluxe was one of the best Wii U games and becomes one of the best Nintendo Switch games. The adaptation is good although it could have been deeper at a technical level, as well as a control that despite the improvements continues to be imprecise of more. But what a pleasure it gives to complete each new day on this planet with these wonderful creatures. Hopefully Pikmin 4 soon.‎

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8 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2020

While the full MSRP for Pikmin 3 Deluxe might be hard to justify, the port is the definitive way to experience the best entry in the series.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2020

Even for all its charm, it’s easy to see an older version of Nintendo at work in Pikmin 3 Deluxe. It is defined by a competence and execution of interlocking systems rather than the expansive wonder that came to define the developer’s biggest hits of the Switch era. For all the ways that the game does manage to convey a certain sense of scale at times, it’s a far cry from the open horizons of Breath of the Wild or the maddeningly deep puzzle boxes of Super Mario Odyssey. It’s a game from the Wii U era, before Nintendo had quite figured out how to expand its sense of whimsy to a much wider audience.

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Nov 5, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe does what Starcraft 64 could not: make a real-time strategy game work well on console. It does have its aggravating flaws and quirks, but these are balanced out in part by robust quality-of-life features and sensible design. Despite its flaws, Pikmin 3 Deluxe gets most of its gameplay right and will hopefully serve as the blueprint for the continuation of the franchise on the Nintendo Switch.

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8 / 10
Nov 3, 2020

Pikmin 3 feels like the strategy game for people who aren't really into strategy games, sort of like how Hades is the roguelike for people who don't dig roguelikes. After a while, you forget that you're playing a strategy game and you become enraptured by the beautiful environments, the adorable Pikmin creatures, and the chaos that gradually descends on you as the day goes on. That's the Pikmin 3 Deluxe experience and it's one worth checking out if you haven't already.

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7 / 10
Oct 28, 2020

Nintendo continues to revive what some might call their lost generation of games. Pikmin 3 Deluxe is yet another Wii U transplant though one that slots seamlessly into Switch's first party line-up. Although unwieldy and slow to start, Nintendo's charming inventiveness has produced an intriguing, if not excellent, entry in the strategy genre.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 28, 2020

After years out of the limelight Pikmin 3 has resprouted, with its mellow take on real-time strategy more enjoyable than ever, especially thanks to the expanded co-op options.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

One unforgettable experience, that unfortunately comes too soon to an end. But still, this is one journey everyone should embark on.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe is another re-release that isn't going to blow some people away, but provides another means with which to play a potentially forgotten Wii U classic. For me, it still holds up, and then some.

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88 / 100
Oct 28, 2020

7 years after its original release, Pikmin 3 for Nintendo Switch is a great strategy and exploration game, with unique characters and interesting additions (prologue, epilogue and main story multiplayer).

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Nov 2, 2020

Pikmin 3 Deluxe is another successful upgrade of an already enjoyable Wii U release. If this were a trilogy release or even just the first two games it'd be a home run. But it's a solid hit anyway.

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