Pokémon Sword and Shield - The Crown Tundra Reviews

Pokémon Sword and Shield - The Crown Tundra is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
No Recommendation / Blank
Oct 30, 2020

Pok'mon Sword and Shield's final expansion is a fantastic, enticing endgame area that also shows just how great these games could have been.

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Travis Northup
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2020

Pokémon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra puts your legendary monster hunting skills to the test in a fun but short-lived expansion.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2020

In short, The Crown Tundra is another fine addition to Pokémon Sword & Shield, but it emphasises many of both the highlights and shortcomings of the base games. The highs are excellent, white hot flashes of wonderment, but they're a little spoiled by a foundation of ageing game design. We would recommend this to anyone who enjoyed The Isle of Armor, but considering if you've paid for that you've already paid for this, it's hard to argue otherwise. The Crown Tundra offers a glimpse of a possible future, and what it does well, it does seriously well, but the series as a whole deserves to be completely dug out of the nearly 25 year-old design philosophies that made the originals great. The world has moved on since Pokémon first arrived, and it's time for the series to catch up.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2020

A good DLC that marks the ending for the new, experimental path chosen by Game Freak and Nintendo for the Pokémon saga. The second expansion included in Shield and Sword Season Pass adds lots of contents and legendary creatures to discover in a brand new area.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Oct 26, 2020

It features some of the best moments from this generation of Pokémon but this final slice of DLC still suffers from a lack of substance and ambition.

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65 / 100
Oct 26, 2020

Pokémon Sword and Shield The Crown Tundra it's a finish line in Pokémon eighth generation, but also a sad and limited one. Mostly because nothing makes really difference, altough the challenges makes us curious it really doesn't enough.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2020

Now that the season pass is in the hopper, it's easy to feel like Pokemon Sword and Shield are a transitional generation to something greater. Sure, I liked Sword and Shield for what they were and filled out my Pokedex in a matter of weeks, but there are several half-baked elements that needed more time in the oven to really bring the whole loaf together. For now though, with two DLCs under its belt, that loaf doesn't taste half bad with some butter.

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Nov 4, 2020

Compared to the lackluster The Isle of Armor expansion, The Crown Tundra feels much more fleshed out with enjoyable story quests, on top of the very addictive Dynamax Adventures and Galarian Star Tournament, though there is still something missing that prevents it from taking the series to the next level.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2020

Pokémon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra is the better of the two DLCs for the game, though that's not saying much. It manages to weave Pokémon's modern sensibilities with some strong nostalgia for old-time fans like myself, and I found myself more than happy to cycle around The Crown Tundra for hours on end, catching all of the Pokémon I found. If that's not a good result, I don't know what is.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2020

The most frustrating part of the whole experience was that it proves Pokémon Sword & Shield could’ve been so much better than they were. Despite its short length and graphical limitation, The Crown Tundra gives a further glimpse into how magical Galar could’ve been.It’s a steep price point for an Expansion Pass where only half of it is enjoyable. Combine that with the full price of the base game, which is necessary to play The Crown Tundra, and you’re looking at a hefty price tag for very little joy. However, if you’ve already finished the base game or completed the Isle of Armour, The Crown Tundra is a very enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

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Top Critic
Oct 31, 2020
Is The Crown Tundra Worth It? - REVIEW (Pokémon Sword & Shield DLC) video thumbnail
4 / 5.0
Oct 27, 2020

These efforts seen in The Crown Tundra make up for the disappointment that was Isle of Armor and leaves Sword and Shield’s expansion pass off on a positive note.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2020

All in all, I think The Crown Tundra is the better of Pokémon Sword and Shield's two expansions. It's yet another step forward over improving the Wild Area, so much so that I think it could serve as a really good foundation for creating a full open-world Pokémon title. It's not without its faults, but I haven't been able to stop playing since I started it and don't see myself voluntarily letting up any time soon.

7.5 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2020

There's not as many new Pokémon as I'd have liked, and two-thirds of the legendary hunt is lacking. But, with new features, tons of legendary Pokémon, and a cool new environment to explore, this is an expansion worth picking up.

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8 / 10
Nov 1, 2020

Although it may come at an additional cost, Pokemon Sword & Shield's Expansion Pass has salvaged the games for this fan.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2020

The Crown Tundra gives you a lot more engaging content than The Isle of Armor, but it's still a bit lacking in polish. If you like Legendary Pokemon though, this is the DLC for you.

5 / 10.0
Nov 1, 2020

Ultimately, there are better RPGs on the Nintendo Switch to play. For the highest-grossing media franchise, Pokemon is an emperor with no clothes. Instead of giving loyal fans bang for their buck, they’re now asking for DLC that barely adds instead of improving. If Pokemon is the king, it’s about time the fans had a coup.

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Rudy Lavaux
Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 11, 2020

As an expansion to the main game, The Crown Tundra offers perhaps even less varied distractions than its predecessor, The Isle of Armor, and fewer rewards or strategic advantages to unlock. However, it also potentially offers more playtime, since Dynamax Adventures are sure to keep players invested in search of a sought-after rare or legendary shiny Pokémon with good IVs. Since both expansions can't be bought separately and come bundled no matter what, both ultimately complement one another rather well. It is therefore hard to scoff at what's on offer in the Expansion Pass, although it should only be considered indispensable by the most eager Pokémon fans, who are more likely to get the most value out of it.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2020

A much welcome expansion for Pokémon Sword and Shield that introduces two, very well-designed areas, brimming with Pokémon to catch. Perfect for fans of the games, but likely won’t change the minds of others.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2020

Pokemon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra isn’t exactly big on the story, but the way it focuses on exploration encapsulates Pokemon’s pure essence. It’s about exploring new places, making new discoveries, hunting down monumental beings, and doing it all with friends. Combine this with the Isle of Armor, and I feel this DLC is well worth the admission price.

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