Bravely Default 2 Reviews

Bravely Default 2 is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Feb 25, 2021

As if it was ever in doubt, Square Enix has demonstrated once again that it understands exactly what ingredients are necessary to make a great RPG. The interesting, risk-based combat is supported by a diverse class system and a well-told story, which all combine to make for an experience that can be tough to put down. That said, one can't help but feel a consistent sense of 'been there, done that' with Bravely Default II; Square certainly could've pushed the envelope just a little more with this entry. That aside, you really can't go wrong with Bravely Default II. This is a well-crafted and expertly-made RPG that is easily worth your time and money; we'd highly recommend that fans and newcomers alike look into picking this up.

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Mar 5, 2021

Bravely Default II is an excellent turn-based JRPG, full of rich gameplay systems, endearing characters and flexibility that welcomes new players. You don't need to have played the previous games to enjoy this one.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 26, 2021

The latest retro RPG for Nintendo Switch should score well with genre fans, but probably won't win many fresh converts

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Mar 2, 2021

The reason to question Bravely Default 2‘s existence boils down to its inability to think for itself. The Brave and Default combat system strikes a near-perfect balance between two rival battle mechanics that have struggled to coexist over the decades, but that’s about the extent of the game’s individuality.

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David Flynn
Top Critic
65 / 100
Sep 4, 2021

Bravely Default II is a very flawed but good RPG that deserved a better PC port. With a lack of options that still somehow result in smeared textures, the console version is still the way to go at this price.

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75 / 100
Mar 11, 2021

Bravely Default II is a good RPG that undermines everything amazing the previous two games. The new battle style discourages risk taking and thus less freedom with the job system. The first 30 or so hours are great, despite a slow start in terms of gameplay, but the last 20 are too frustrating to be worthwhile and the story ends on an unsatisfying note.

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Feb 25, 2021

The tactical flexibility in Bravely Default 2 is among the best in class, and tinkering with its possibilities is a fine pass-time in itself. But it gets bogged down in a churn of routine battles, wayward balancing and humdrum fantasy. While the original game’s compact focus felt comfy on a 3DS, the Switch magnifies the blemishes of the sequel and leaves it looking a little underdressed.

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Top Critic
Feb 25, 2021

The new JRPG hitting Nintendo Switch is stuffed full of the genre's most recognisable tropes, for better or worse

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2021

While the combat system of the Bravely Default 2 is unique and offers a high risk, high reward style of gameplay not seen elsewhere, the overall experience plays out in classic JRPG fashion. Luckily it does an excellent job of being a classic JRPG. I had fun grinding out XP for the jobs I wanted, with it never feeling like a chore, the true sign of a well made JRPG. The lack of mouse support for the PC version though is next to unacceptable with all the menus you work in. Classic JRPG style, not necessarily a modern day classic. No true innovations keep it from perfection.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2021

Despite falling a bit short in the story and characters department compared to its predecessors, Bravely Default 2’s satisfying combat encounters, deep job customization and stellar soundtrack makes it a worthy comeback for this fan favorite series.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

Bravely Default II is a throwback to the Final Fantasy games of the '80s, in all the best ways. Some modern quality-of-life enhancements smooth the road a bit, but all the good stuff you remember is here for the taking. If grinding monsters for levels, unlocking new skills, and hunting for missing crystals is your idea of a good time, then Bravely Default is your video game nirvana.

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Mar 1, 2021

Bravely Default II to its core is what fans should expect from a well devised JRPG, with the depth of customisation and a stellar battle system combining for an enthralling experience. Only to be matched by its engaging script and blissful music making this a must have for Nintendo Switch owners. Saying that newcomers to the series or JRPGs in general may find Bravely Default II a bit too difficult and demanding, especially with the bosses dishing out defeats left, right and centre.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 25, 2021

It's hard to call Bravely Default II a masterpiece, but it's not trying to be one. Yet still it's a solid game, full of classic JRPG charm. And perhaps it's a great reminder of why we love the genre in the first place.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 25, 2021

Bravely Default 2 is a classic JRPG that certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel, but its intriguing combat system and the customization offered by the many classes available can make it interesting for fans of the genre.

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83 / 100
Feb 25, 2021

Overall, Bravely Default 2 is a solid RPG with a unique battle system and a satisfying job system.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Feb 25, 2021

Bravely Default 2 is a comfortable game in an uncomfortable season. It offers a well-refined experience with a few exciting elements but doesn't quite grasp the experimental or groundbreaking design it was shooting for.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2021

However, with that incredibly addictive gameplay alone, along with the plethora of side-content, I can see traditional Final Fantasy fans having a lot of fun here, even if it’s a bit of a shallow adventure. Now that this engine has proven it’s worth in terms of gameplay, I am very excited for their next project if they have more time to spare in the writing room.

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Mar 6, 2021

Bravely Default II borrows much from the games and franchises that came before it, while still carving out a fun and thrilling identity of its own.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2021

Bravely Default 2 brings us back to an older era of simpler RPGs with deep systems and shallow stories. If that sounds like a feature, not a bug, then this is the RPG for you.

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90 / 100
Feb 25, 2021

Bravely Default II is a great way to get into RPGs. A combat system and a spectacular soundtrack accompany a story that no fan of the genre should miss.

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