Worms Rumble Reviews

Worms Rumble is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 3, 2020

In a word, Worms Rumble is great. It’s fun and as hilarious as ever, whether it be from an over-the-top-kill or the witty banter from the Worms themselves. I worry that the steep learning curve may turn some players off, but if you’re able to stick with it, you’ll have a ton of fun in the latest game from a longstanding franchise that keeps on delivering.

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Top Critic
Jun 28, 2021

Technical limitations aside, Worms Rumble on Nintendo Switch is a solid addition to the eShop, which is surprisingly sparse in its collection of Worms titles – Worms W.M.D. being the only other title available digitally right now. The better Worms Rumble experience can be found on other platforms, but the Switch version is good enough for wherever you have just a few minutes to play or while traveling.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2020

Worms Rumble is a fun twist on the tried-and-true Worms format. While it can be purchased standalone for $14.99, considering the online nature of its matches, most players will be better off subscribing to PlayStation Plus and adding it to their library via the free download being offered this month. Regardless, Worms Rumble is worth playing for a few rounds, and then a couple more, and so on until suddenly it's 2 AM and you really should be asleep as you have work in a few hours but just one more game couldn't hurt since you're so close to unlocking that next skin anyway… While destructible terrain may no longer be a feature, the interactivity of the sprawling maps makes up for it. Worms Rumble is easy to play but difficult to master, and worth your time whether you're a fan of the series or enjoy fast-paced competitive games that test your reflexes and quick thinking.

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Dec 7, 2020

Worms Rumble may not be the same Worms fans have come to know and love, but it is still a wacky action-packed game that everyone can enjoy.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2021

‎Giving a drastic twist to the franchise, Worms Rumble offers us a concept that may not please the most staunch players who have been there since the beginning of it, but that gives ‎‎a breath of fresh air to the playable section‎‎ and that maintains many of the characteristics that made these worms famous. By singing goodbye to turn-based strategy, Team17's work adapts to the new times through an experience that offers action-based encounters and can only fall short due to the few game modes it treasures. Although, that's something that only time will tell.‎

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Legendary Worms are back - this time with realtime combat! It is acceptable new challenge, but there are not enough maps and game modes.

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7.8 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2020

Net of a not exactly impressive content offer, Worms Rumble is a very enjoyable iteration of the series and has not forgotten that strategic component that has always characterized the crazy battles between annelids.

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77 / 100
Dec 4, 2020

The "mutation" of the Worms essence to battle royale dynamics works surprisingly well. Rumble is a fast, attractive and, more importantly, fun experience. It needs to grow in content, though.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

Worms Rumble proves that worms don't need to take turns to sentence one another to a sheepy death. Not only that, but Worms Rumble succeeds in giving us an accessibly fun shooter with a decent amount of nuance for the competitive to wrestle with. The real-time combat and traversal work very well, and with speedy matchmaking, you'll always be up for one more game. The levels are well designed for a fun experience, although we would hope for more options in the future.

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The Games Machine
Emanuele Feronato
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2020

It's not Worms. With that out of the way, let's talk about what it actually is: an easy-to-get-into Battle Royale with fast matches, fun and quite casual as there isn't that much to do in the way of unlocking stuff: you'll just play, and play, play. This could be an issue in the long run: for how long will Worms Rumble be able to keep its players entertained? But do we really need to have an answer right now, or should we still be able to play just for fun, without worrying about seasons, events, tournaments we'll never take part and prizes we'll never win?

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2020

Worms Rumble is a solid adjustment to the series, being familiar while also tipping the scales towards a battle royale in a fine way.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 4, 2020

A surprisingly successful reinvention of the Worms formula that turns the more slow-paced originals into an engagingly silly multiplayer free-for-all.

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7 / 10
Dec 7, 2020

Although purists may balk at Worms Rumble, I found Team17's reinvention to be a welcome change in direction for the series. Real-time action wrapped around the battle royale genre works a treat here when combined with the zany, explosive world of Worms, but in order to become a multiple mainstay it needs more depth both in terms of strategy and player progression.

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7 / 10
Dec 3, 2020

Completing matches earns you XP, and as you level up your character and each weapon, you'll unlock more cosmetics. It's a very simple structure, but the game is fun and frantic enough to keep you hooked. With just 10 weapons and three maps, it feels a little barebones at launch, although this will undoubtedly be supported over time. What's here is a great start, and well worth checking out for some simple multiplayer mishaps.

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PlayStation Universe
Dan Twohig
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Worms Rumble excels similarly on PS4 as it does on PS5. The differences in performance are noticeable but not significant. Matchmaking works just as quick on both console versions of the game, so you'll always find it easy to scratch that itch for one more round no matter where you play. The PS4 version is another good addition to the already stellar library of the console, and although there isn't much content at launch, Worms Rumble is a worthwhile investment with future promise.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2020

Worms Rumble is an extremely imaginative and fun riff on multiplayer shooters, and manages to transition the classic franchise to an entirely new genre and format extremely well.

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7 / 10
Dec 5, 2020

It is kind of a tough sell to hardcore Worms fans, but it ultimately works quite well. Worms Rumble is a more fast-paced variety of Battle Royale, with a Deathmatch mode thrown in for those who want a more conventional multiplayer experience. The experience is quite a lot of fun, at least for a few hours until the repetition sets in.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2020

Worms Rumble is an interesting try to renew Worms with a bit of hybridation from battle royales, but it lacks depths and, if the game will not be appropriately supported in the future, it may leave a bitter taste both for Worms' and for battle royale' lovers alike.

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7 / 10 stars
Dec 11, 2020

Worms Rumble takes the long-running turn-based series into the world of real-time online action for the first time.

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7 / 10
Jan 5, 2021

There's not much to say about Worms: Rumble. It is a kind of beautiful canapé that will outrage avid fans and will definitely please others. You will laugh with your friends and here and there you will swear at places with breakneck control. But that's enough for a beautiful 7 points out of 10.

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