Monster Hunter Rise Reviews
com/games/monster-hunter-generations-ultimate/review/" target="_blank">Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate</a>, that felt like a great send off to the tried and true formula of old -- a tribute worthy of a salute, neatly wrapped flag, and solitary tear.
Monster Hunter Rise does more than rise to the occasion: it utterly outdoes itself.
Monster Hunter Rise is the best Monster Hunter experience to date from a gameplay standpoint. Iterating magnificently from World's shift in pace, the Wirebug gives you freedom and manoeuvrability in a way the clutch claw could only dream of. What holds it back at launch is its limited content offering, leaving long-time fans like myself dead in the water while we wait for the first of what will hopefully be many major content updates. For those wanting everything I'd recommend waiting a few months, or even grabbing the PC release next year. But for others content with a steady stream of new content to keep them coming back, there is no better time to jump into the series.
The dream is realized, and is unbelievably polished and tight. Capcom made not only an incredible entry with Monster Hunter: Rise, they made one of the most must-own Nintendo Switch games ever produced. This is not the kind of game played for the story, it is played for the experience and immersion of the world.
Monster Hunter Rise is the most accessible Monster Hunter game to date without removing any of it's hardcore aspects, it took what made World special and built upon it's foundation to create this excellent experience
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Monster Hunter Rise comes to new generation platforms with a version that promises to be the definitive one. Despite extensive visual enhancements, the game would have benefited from crossplay with no platform limitations and the Sunbreak expansion.
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Decadent in its visuals and with some new features that do not work, Monster Hunter Rise excels using an improved and more versatile gameplay, delivering with quality what made the franchise famous and offering dozens of hours of fun in a more accessible way.
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Monster Hunter Rise may be behind some past instalments of the series in levels design and the high-rank content , but the game still brings a high value content that extends to dozens of hours of epic hunts and addictive progression system
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If you've never been to Monster Hunter and you want to engage, or if you want a slightly different atmosphere after World, you can jump right on top of it.
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Monster Hunter: Rise is not a title for all tastes and takes a lot of patience, but developers have done their best to create a very convenient and ideal title for new fans and players familiar with the series.
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Monster Hunter Rise is a perfect entry into the MH series, especially with the PC version enhancements.
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With renewed accessibility for newcomers and superb new features for seasoned hunters to get to grips with, Monster Hunter Rise is an enjoyable action RPG that refines many of World’s most successful mechanics. Its impressive scale on screen, combined with its sheer depth in gameplay, makes for a great portable and challenging title. Though not without its flaws, Monster Hunter Rise certainly has the potential to reach a new generation of hunters on the Switch, alongside PC players with its expected arrival on Windows systems next year. Perhaps the question is not whether you will rise to the challenge, but when? And remember, it’s not for the faint of heart.
Ignoring leaks and datamines, the return to Switch feels like a revival and if this is supposed to be the B-Team's game, I think I know what games I'll be more interested in moving on. But that said, for a Monster Hunter game, the core game is only just better than World at launch but is open about stopping you from progressing further until a later date.
Monster Hunter Rise is a triumph. It may not have the shiny 4k HDR visuals of its predecessor but the more modest, design-driven visuals are a delight to behold. Gameplay is as solid as ever and features much more freeform with the new traversal tools putting it above many of the other games in the series. The new setting and characters create a much more involved scenario full of charm and fun Japanese influences. For fans of monster hunter this is an absolute no-brainer but for new players, this is a fantastic place to start. Not only will Rise teach everything there is to know about its systems, but it is one of the purest fun experiences currently available on Nintendo Switch.
Monster Hunter Rise is a perfect example of what can be done with Switch. It runs incredibly smoothly and only slows down a little when there’s a lot happening all at once, even during a Rampage with a full lobby. It has been some time since I have played World, but Rise looks almost as good. While some textures here and there are a bit rough, I highly doubt you’re going to be inspecting the wall textures with an angry Rathalos chasing you down. Monster Hunter Rise brings a lot of great new features for fans of the franchise while making it more accessible than ever. With the amount of future updates planned I can’t wait to see what Rise can become.
Monster Hunter Rise is not only not overshadowed by Monster Hunter World, but it provides users with new mechanisms that can further enhance the Monter Hunter's series.
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If you are a Monster Hunter fan then you probably already own the game; however, if like me you were slightly hesitant due to it being on Switch, I can confidently say that it’s not an issue at all. If you’re a new player to the series then this is a fantastic starting point as the lower rank quests are honestly quite easy in comparison to previous titles, but the high-rank quests still offer a challenge.
Monster Hunter Rise aims at old-school fans, those who were here before Monster Hunter World, and will be sure to enjoy themselves with this more compact entry. But for those who just recently came aboard the franchise, it will feel like a step down.
In designing the game with the Nintendo Switch in Mind, Capcom has crafted a condensed Monster Hunter experience. It also introduced exciting new additions and improvements to features in past Monster Hunter games that I hope are carried over into future installments because they’re just so good. However, the difficulty curve needs refining and there’s still a lot of work to do to iron out the game’s more archaic features. In conclusion, the game is as fresh and exciting as the dango you eat before battle.
Monster Hunter Rise is probably the most accessible and enjoyable entry of the long-running franchise to date. Streamlined, focused, and incredibly fun, Monster Hunter Rise is a must-have for fans and newcomers alike. One of the best action games on the Switch and easily one of its best console exclusives, it's everything a video game should be. Even if you've bounced off previous Monster Hunters, I recommend giving Rise's demo a shot, and if you're looking for a great way to hunt some monsters, there's no better option on the Switch.