Chivalry 2 Reviews

Chivalry 2 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jun 20, 2021

Those that enjoy games that are bloody, bombastic, and have a pinch of humor will find an excellent experience in Chivalry 2. It's approachable, smooth, and an excellent time with friends. Plus, there's the promise of free content on the horizon, which should make the current offering even more appealing to those that engage with it. While there are some minor technical issues to be sorted out here and there, it's still one of the most enjoyable experiences to come out of 2021 so far.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
91 / 100
Jun 22, 2021

A brilliant mix of high skill and low comedy, and the best medieval combat game out there.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jun 18, 2021

An axe-cellent compromise between hack-and-slash fun and skill-based medieval melee makes Chivalry 2's 64-player medieval brawls a ton of fun.

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Jun 9, 2021

Chivalry 2 doesn’t necessarily feel like a totally new game, but it brings a lot of little changes that make it feel like a fresh experience. While there are still a few kinks to be worked out, Chivalry 2 brings everything that I loved from the first game and takes it to the next level in an incredibly fun and addicting experience.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jun 15, 2021

While the content is short sighted with Chivalry 2, the improvements over its predecessor make it a much better experience.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 14, 2021

Chivalry 2 is an excellent large-scale multiplayer game with enough humour, mission types and classes to appeal to any fan of medieval warfare.

8 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2021

Chivalry 2 has achieved its goal: while not perfect, it offers a great combat system that it's easy to learn but difficult to master. The game never takes itself too seriously and really shines using its best weapons.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Jun 15, 2021

The melee combat may not be as technical or strategic as some hardcore fans might like, yet it's hard to deny the appeal of Chivalry 2's dismembering deathmatches. Those first few sieges are truly enthralling as watch waves of red and blue troops smash against each other. Over time it may lose its edge though Chivalry 2 is still one of the most fun and unique multiplayer games out there.

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TJ Denzer
Top Critic
9 / 10
Jun 8, 2021

I often hear folks talk about their "comfort food game" – that game in which they can turn their mind off and just go at it for pure good feels and satisfaction. I feel like Chivalry 2 is that game for me. If it was even just that it’s a game in which I can pulp a folk or two with a big honkin’ sword, axe, or whatever I can get my mitts on to often hilarious effect, I would be satisfied. That said, Torn Banner and Tripwire Interactive have poured no shortage of love into this game’s environments, objectives, classes, and player customization. It’s that dedicated level of support that will keep me coming back to the game and crossing swords for a long time to come.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2021

The sequel to the classic is indeed worthy in most ways, and Chivalry II is a much needed upgrade to the original game. Combat has a lot going on, and while many players will behave as non-chivalrous bastards, there is a good amount of fun to be found on the medieval battlefields of Chivalry II.

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Jun 11, 2021

Chivalry 2 is perfect for folks who want to have a chaotic good time and enjoy the fantasy of fighting in romanticized medieval battlefields. There are a couple of downsides, but it's still an amazing game that we can't recommend enough.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2021

"Chivalry II could be the hallmark of medieval warfare for years to come."

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Jun 9, 2021

Chivalry 2 is a game that thrusts you into the brutality of medieval warfare without remorse and allows you to fully experience the reality that soldiers faced in those bloody times. The rewards come from extended gameplay and mastering your class and weapon choices, ultimately learning how to effectively defend yourself and go on the offensive. This is a must-have for anyone that enjoys melee combat within video games and wants to put their skills to the test. Aside from a few minor issues, the game feels polished throughout, and I look forward to playing it for many, many more hours.

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Top Critic
15 / 20
Jun 20, 2021

Chivalry 2 fulfills its function with brio, it is a fun game, delirious and pleasant to browse. The feeling of participating in real medieval jousts has never been so well transcribed and this is all the more true when you share the experience with friends.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 18, 2021

Chivalry 2 prides itself on its chaotic, yet comedic world. It's a glorious battle cry for gaming, with its spectacularly vicious combat, amazingly detailed maps and particularly awesome performance on PlayStation 5. An early contender for Game of the Year for sure.

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Jun 13, 2021

Melee mastery with a side of screaming.

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Top Critic
8.9 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2021

Chivalry 2 is a fantastic medieval multiplayer brawler created with care by the studio that first heralded the genre. Although there are a few missteps and issues here and there, you'll have an absolute blast playing whether you're a battle-hardened knight or a noob nave.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2021

As demanding as it is satisfying, Chivalry 2 pushes you to to keep an eye on mission objectives while managing its easy-to-learn-difficult-to-master fighting system. Unfortunately there is no single player campaign, but the missions are as varied as the maps are beautiful.

Review in Italian | Read full review

90 / 100
Jun 9, 2021

Chivalry 2 marries ridiculously violent melee combat to a tone that completely undercuts any notion that the mayhem should be taken seriously. With that out of the way, it provides accessible but ultimately challenging swordplay and the promise of nearly endless multiplayer fun. It doesn’t try to do everything, but instead picks a lane and absolutely owns it.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2021

Chivalry 2 shines in the combat department. Combat is fast, and the high ceiling of learning it all helps keep players invested. There may not be a ton of maps, but they are full, the movement of gameplay is refreshingly fun, and the promise of more post-launch content keeps me hopeful.

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