Knockout Home Fitness Reviews
Knoutout Home Fitness is one of the more enjoyable exercise games in existence.
Knockout Home Fitness doesn't do anything inherently wrong with the selection of short fitness routines it offers, but it fails to support its bare-minimum motion tracking with any extra notable features or gamification to differentiate it from fitness DVDs or YouTube videos. Ring Fit Adventure has blown the fitness genre open on Switch, and with various other alternatives available, Knockout Home Fitness feels a little too limited, old-fashioned, and outclassed by the competition.
Ultimately, the only thing that really matters here is determining whether or not Knockout Home Fitness is effective. As is the case with almost every other exercise game, it is. If you stick with it and get those daily stamps, you should be able to notice it making a difference whether you’re working out for 15 minutes a day or an hour. It’s certainly made a difference in my life, but I want to stress this game is not here to hold your hand. It sets a quick pace and expects you to keep up. If you need an exercise game that is a bit more amicable to the beginnings of a fitness journey, you may want to look elsewhere.
Knockout Home Fitness has a clear objective and target audience: this is a game for people looking to get in shape that replicates a workout routine with a personal trainer. It never really pretends to be much more, like an addictive video game. That will be fine for many people, but if you’re hoping for more, Ring Fit Adventure is still the undisputed champ.
Knockout Home Fitness is a Switch exclusive competing with the Fitness Boxing series and the expanding number of Switch workout games. I always welcome additional choices, and it manages to hold its own, more or less. But the price might be high for the content of a title that never aims to be anything more than "good enough." Weigh the pros and cons and check out the demo to decide if you want to "Knock out inactivity" with this one.
There’s nothing quite like wiping sweat off the floorboards in your living room after a thorough workout, and Knockout Home Fitness manages to deliver high-octane thrills with its intense exercise routines. However, an unintuitive user interface with no customisation options, a lack of substantial unlockable content, and imprecision in its motion controls hamper the experience for players seriously committed to getting fit.
Knockout Home Fitness is fairly simple when it comes to content and presentation, but there’s everything here you need for a great workout. The exercise regimes it has you completing are energetic, fun, and really do work up a sweat. It’s easy enough to follow along even if you’re a complete beginner, and the fact that you can tailor your daily workout to suit you is a nice touch. If you’re looking for a video game to help you get in shape, this is a fine choice.
Knockout Home Fitness is perhaps not the best fitness game on the market but makes for a decent starting point for those wanting a bite size workout at home.
Knockout Home Fitness is a nice way to keep in shape and the focus on boxing moves does make it stand out from other fitness games I’ve played on the Nintendo Switch recently. When you land those punches in time with the beat it feels really good, but it can be equally infuriating when it incorrectly loses track of the Joycons. It’s a decent game, but it really lacks more unlockables to keep you motivated to play beyond the first few weeks.
With the judges having reached their final decision, it would seem that Knockout Home Fitness doesn't quite live up to its name. It ends up being more of a split decision. If you're looking for a fitness game focused on boxing, it's worth going a few rounds with this one, but otherwise you might be better off with another trainer.
Barring some minor flaws, with Knockout Home Fitness, Marvelous has managed to create one of the best home fitness games available on the market. It involves the whole body, offers faster and more intense workouts, and doesn't even require much space to play (just make sure you don't kick a table or anything else). If you're looking for a fitness game that keeps you active through an unconventional system while teaching you some basic martial arts moves, you won't go wrong by buying Knockout Home Fitness.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Knockout Home Fitness is a game that acts like a personal trainer where players, using the joycons, will mimic the avatar’s movement in hope of creating a combo by hitting the targets displayed on-screen with the best timing possible. As with any game of the genre, there are precautions to take and you need to make sure that you don’t hurt yourself as there is no physical personal trainer to stop you from making mistakes.
If you were satisfied with most of these ‘home training’ style games already, then this may not be a surprise to your collection. At the same time, there isn't much of a beginner guideline set in for those who really want to start working out, so it may not be the best choice to be their first fitness game. Still, the exercises are real and a decent lower body workout may be a good mix for those who were tired of the old typical fitness titles. If you’re at a rock and a hard place for when it comes to training at home, this could be that little ‘push’ that you needed to soldier on.
Review in Korean | Read full review
Knockout Home Fitness provides a decent fitness experience while also staying fun. You can break a sweat while playing, but it doesn’t feel like a long term fitness solution.
In general, Knockout Home Fitness is a handy exercise game for the Switch and fills a niche. It isn’t as intensive or potentially lengthy as, say, something like Ring Fit Adventure. Rather, it invites someone to show up every day for a few minutes to be active.
Knockout Home Fitness is a game that combines exercises from different disciplines in which it allows us to exercise from home with just 20 minutes a day, so it is highly recommended for those who have little time to exercise.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
With Knockout Home Fitness you won't learn to fight or get rocky, but it is a great and healthy alternative for daily exercise to keep your joints and muscles in good shape.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The true yardstick by which an exercise game should be measured is whether or not it was effective in getting players off the couch and into physical activity; I think it’s safe to say that Knockout Home Fitness clears the mark. Its short but intense sessions are appealing to those who, like me, struggle to commit to cardio; after only 15 minutes each day, you really do feel like you’ve gotten in a good workout. While I do wish it better instructed players on form and stretching, its rhythm-based mechanics make martial arts-based exercise fun and, dare I say, addicting. If you’re ready to jumpstart your fitness journey but don’t know where to begin, Knockout Home Fitness will absolutely get you going on the right track.
However, the game’s weakness lies in its apparent failure to make full use of the available technology of the Nintendo Switch system. Because of this, the game has to simply trust that you’re doing everything when it calculates your calories burned. For most people, I admit this won’t be a problem, since anyone who buys this is probably interested in getting an actual workout rather than cheating it. But the game could have definitely benefited from tech that it didn’t fully utilize. Knockout Home Fitness is both effective and reasonably fun in spite of this, so it is recommendable as long as you approach it as the fitness program it is supposed to be.