Riders Republic Reviews

Riders Republic is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 10, 2021

Riders Republic triumphs not only for the fact that you can bring together a lot of different extreme sports in one game, but also by implementing online features: you have a world where you always see other players, massive and competitive races, and the possibility to play in co-op mode in groups of six players.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

6 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2021

Anyone that has played Ubisoft’s past decade of output will find much of Riders Republic to be incredibly familiar despite it technically being a new franchise. It does do many things better than its spiritual predecessor, as the controls and user interface are much more welcoming than Steep‘s, but it doesn’t push the extreme sports genre forward or in any interesting directions.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 5, 2022

Riders Republic is a big step up from Steep in many ways and is a whole lot of fun with multiple disciplines and biomes to keep your interest at an all time high. With banging music tracks and plenty of sights to explore, the game has a long life ahead, particularly with seasonal content and just the sheer variety on offer.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2021

Readers Repubble is an incredibly fun to play arcade title, with intense action, awesome adrenaline levels, great depth in its mechanisms and great variety in the way we play.

Review in Greek | Read full review

8 / 10
Oct 29, 2021

Riders Republic counters many of the issues live service games of the past have faced. It doesn’t feel like an unfinished game, nor does it feel like one simply padded out with mundane content. The base structure remains but without that dullness it becomes an easy experience to get on board with. You may have to endure some awful narrative flare, but there is a lot of game here for those looking for it. What’s better is that there isn’t just plenty to be excited about now, but so much more to get excited about in the future, giving Riders Republic some serious potential to remain as a solid continuing sports franchise. Undoubtedly, it’ll have some growing pains to face, as all live service games do, because there is a particular need to make some of its modes more accessible to casual players. However, it doesn’t demand too much of those that are playing more vigorously, making it one of the most casual experiences Ubisoft has developed to date. Whether you are in it for the races, tricks or the odd bit of co-op fun, Riders Republic is a live service game that feels less like a chore, and more like a fun-filled take on the Ubisoft formula.

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Nov 9, 2021

The arcade formula of this new Ubisoft's bet is as accessible as realistic and brings fun to any kind of player.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

4.8 / 5.0
Nov 19, 2021

Riders Republic represents so many things that a sports game should have and is simply the best extreme sports game I’ve ever played.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2021

Riders Republic is a game that will entertain fans of the genre who are looking for challenges, and will approach those who are a little more hesitant, without pretending to become a gem of the genre. The game is also technically valid, considering the Cross-Gen nature and all the problems that an Open World like this can unfortunately suffer from.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9.1 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2021

Riders Republic is a gem of a game, and most importantly it is simply just fun to play. It is not often we have the opportunity to play a sports game such as this one. Especially one that provides such a broad variety of experiences from the wild world of extreme sports. Thankfully it is done without trying to be a simulator as well. It is the perfect blend of making surfaces feel good to control your character on, without having it be too over the top. From the vast amount of biomes to the abundance of races and variety of sports that you can enjoy, there is no end in sight with the number of shenanigans that you can pull off. Unfortunately, there is basically no story, and where there is a character chatting, they try a little hard to be “Hip” with the cool kids. Even then, Riders Republic is worth playing through if you have that extreme sports itch you need to scratch. This could very well be a new era of open-world sports growing as we know it.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2021

All the woo-hooing and cringe-inducing dialogue can be a little off-putting at first, but once you get past that and embrace the absurdity of it all, you get to enjoy one of the best arcade games available on Xbox today.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2021

Riders Republic is one of the more fun things I have been looking forward to playing and relaxing with after a big day. There isn't immense pressure to win every event, and the progression happens with or without it.

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Nov 11, 2021

The online/career mode presentation in Riders Republic can be a bit ostentatious at times, but it quickly fades out of memory as soon as an event loads up; for this is what the game is all about. Races and events are exhilarating, with all-out action and speed around every corner. The game has its fair share of unlockables and there are more than enough collectibles dotted around its open world map to keep one busy for many hours. Of particular note is how Riders Republic allows for any and all players to enjoy its many sports disciplines. The game’s reliance on simple button inputs for every race welcomes players of all skill levels, and thus enhances the number of players available for multiplayer events. Ubisoft Annecy truly went all out with this one, and their love for this brand-new intellectual property beautifully shines through. There are one or two niggles that need some work, but overall it is a great experience worthy of any player’s time.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2021

A stupendously fun time awaits in a world brimming with possibilities and mayhem at every turn in Riders Republic, just be wary of technical hiccups.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2021

Riders Republic is unquestionably a one-of-a-kind sports game with an exciting idea that feels like it will carry on for a long time.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2021

Riders Republic is a worthy successor to both Steep and The Crew. This massive multiplayer sports game offers access to a beautiful area where players can go all out and hardly be put in the way.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

Nov 8, 2021

Riders Republic is fast, frenetic, and unequivocally fun. Representing the best of extreme sports with a splash of personality. It’s X Games meets Ridiculousness. This is why we come to games: for fun and adventure. Ubisoft Annecy took lessons learned with Steep and Riders Republic is better game because of it. Riders Republic is rambunctious freedom with harrowing sports that’s unparalleled excitement.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2021

The game had a balanced mixture of unexpected fun and the usual sense of draining. As an extreme sports game, they’ve creatively recreated the formula to provide a new perspective of the genre. But perhaps due to the limitations of budgeting, you won’t really get prolonged enjoyment but it will be that typical game that will be remembered for a quick burst of fun whenever you decide to play it.

Review in Korean | Read full review

9 / 10
Nov 8, 2021

Riders Republic is a solid game all around; even in terms of its technical aspects, I hardly experienced hiccups that would hamper the experience. It can make you a believer in games like it - Ubisoft has a clear winner on their hands that, if nurtured properly, could spawn a community that will gladly take in any new content coming their way in the future.

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Nov 7, 2021

Riders Republic is a stellar throwback to the arcadey sports titles of previous generations and provides a ton of content for your buck.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2021

Riders Republic is an enjoyable game with incredible potential.

Review in Polish | Read full review