Dying Light 2: Stay Human Reviews

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2: Stay Human has been a long time coming, and thankfully it's worth the wait. I loved the time I spent exploring Villedor; finding random events and scaling buildings took me back to the old days of Assassins Creed II. While I wish I wasn't being timed on the occasions I went into a dark building or decided to explore at night, it's a minor issue to overlook when most of the game is so brilliantly executed and fun to play.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is another exhilarating parkour and zombie-pummeling playground from Techland, although at times, the seams holding it all together are a bit obvious. Given the game's glitches, minor gameplay annoyances, and crudely bisected story and world, reports of behind-the-scenes issues feel all-too-plausible. That said, the foundation here is rock solid, and Techland has proven they're capable long-term builders, so I'm confident Dying Light 2's embers can be stoked to a full flame in time.

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Top Critic
Feb 28, 2022

Dying Light 2 should appeal to fans of the original game with is terrific graphics and zombie-bashing action, though it suffers from poor pacing, a bland story, and technical issues.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2022

Dying Light 2 is probably exactly what fans of the first game wanted. The story may not be particularly motivating, but combat is fun while the PS5 powers a smooth experience. A few questionable tweaks by Techland will not be appreciated by all players, but co-op will make it easy to forgive some of that. If you're not completely tired of zombie games yet, give Dying Light 2 a try. There's plenty to see and do, and you'll likely enjoy your harrowing stay in Villedor.

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Feb 4, 2022

Restoring power to different places, searching for people and clearing out areas of zombies are pretty much the types of activities I’d expected. But I was utterly enthralled by Dying Light 2 Stay Human’s mechanical panache, entrancing soundtrack, and charismatic NPCs.

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Feb 2, 2022
I recommend: Dying Light 2 - Stay Human (Review) video thumbnail
Top Critic
Wait for Sale
Feb 2, 2022
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Review - Should it have stayed Dead? - In Progress video thumbnail
78 / 100
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 is a fantastic game in its best moments, but leaves an enormous amount of potential as the playing time increases.

Review in German | Read full review

Feb 2, 2022

Unfortunately, though, the narrative is a black hole of missed opportunities, surfacing time and again to remind players of what’s missing from the experience even as they try to forget and just enjoy what does work. If only “Stay Human” could navigate its story of post-apocalyptic morality with the same deftness as its assured, acrobatic protagonist.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 2, 2022

Overall, though, I enjoyed my time with Dying Light 2 and found it an entertaining open-world experience that I want to keep playing beyond the 30 or so hours I put into the main storyline. Techland has plans to support Dying Light 2 with five years of post-launch DLC, which is a pledge I’m certain it will deliver given its resume with the original. My hope, then, is that its future content doubles down on the intrigue of the new choice/consequence branching dialog but delivers better and more varied questing to make the unfolding of these stories more engaging.

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Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 is constantly introducing new abilities through its missions, and in such clever ways that that players become naturally acclimated to them. Consistently, the world here overwhelms us in lockstep with the dazzlingly dense gameplay. This is game about choice and consequences, and it rewards the player for exploring and engaging with the City’s environments. Unlike the derivative setting of last year’s Far Cry 6, the City is a character of its own, alive with lived-in detail and a refinement of the use of environmental storytelling. And it’s all the more incredible for making us feel as if we can change it for the better.

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7.6 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is a title that struggles to bear the weight of its ambitions, as a result of a development path that in all probability turned out to be bumpier than expected.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Feb 2, 2022

I’ve had a lot of fun with Dying Light 2, mainly dues to its fantastic parkour platforming and engaging story that can be shaped by your in-game decisions. Those hoping for a terrifying zombie slasher will likely be disappointed, but the thrill of escaping a zombie horde by hopping from rooftop to rooftop ensures this is still an exhilarating action game.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

There’s no doubt about it, Dying Light 2: Stay Human is a sequel of epic proportions. Everything fans loved about the original title is still very much present, but now with a bigger story, new features, and a vast open-world filled with areas to explore and loot.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 is no longer the surprise the first entry was, but it manages to enhance the formula that turned it great and delivers a story that is both action-packed and fun.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Feb 2, 2022
Dying Light 2 Stay Human - REVIEW video thumbnail
Top Critic
88 / 100
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 is a fantastic title that manages to improve almost every aspect of the original game. It is one of the most ambitious and beautiful open world games I have ever played, and if you were a fan of the first game, then you should definitely give this one a try. Not only does it blend combat, exploration and storytelling in a superb way, but it also delivers an unforgettable experience that will remain in my heart for years to come.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 is good in spite of struggles.

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Top Critic
Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2 Stay Human’s enhanced parkour and intricate level design make for some of the most fun you can have moving through a video game world, and the hand-to-hand combat is simple but effective. Most impressive is the sense of scale and gravity that makes leaping between rooftops feel so death-defying. Unfortunately, its story wallows in post-apocalyptic clichés and misanthropy, and its choice-based narrative often drops its most interesting plot threads.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2022

Let's get one thing straight: I do enjoy playing Dying Light 2 Stay Human. The story is great and warrants additional playthroughs thanks to multiple endings, the combat feels awesome, and there's a ton of stuff to do in this sprawling city (500 hours worth, apparently). It just needs to clean up the technical issues

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