Sifu Reviews
Sifu is an absolute blast, with incredibly fun bone-crunching combat and a well-designed world that forces you to improve with each run-through. Unfortunately, Sifu's difficulty and punishing systems just hold it back enough to miss the mark on its potential as a masterpiece.
Another awsome indie that takes ideias from other games to combine with some of its own to give you somenting that needs attention and time.
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Boasting an impressive combat system, Sifu excels in the gameplay department but some minor issues and the camera drag it down a bit from fulfilling its potential. Nonetheless a great beat-em-up with its unique concept coupled with impressive art direction.
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Sifu is a great game, an excellent martial arts game, and something any type of player could enjoy. It takes the beat ‘em-up genre to an unmatchable level. Sifu is absolutely a fun and engaging experience you should buy.
Sifu is a masterfully-made fighting game that demands you earn it.
Sifu was reportedly made as a love letter to martial arts movies, but it manages to go beyond that label and appeal to a much wider audience. Even with its moments of repetition and a bit aggressive grinding, its precise combat system is fun and creative, in addition to bringing the player a whole feeling of really being in the protagonist's shoes. It's an essential title for anyone who likes to challenge themselves and wants to feel firsthand what an aspiring martial artist has to go through to achieve their biggest goal.
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Sifu is a punishing and addicting roguelite that will challenge players to constantly improve as they beat up tons of enemies.
It's as much a combat puzzler as it is a button-mashing beat-em-up, and has proven itself to be one of the best brawlers in recent memory. However, Sifu goes one step beyond that, offering an addictive, highly replayable, and all-consuming game that will undoubtedly stand among the best of 2022. Even after you've beaten this game, you'll feel the urge to go back, knowing you can do better.
It all meshes together into a game that's far too difficult and without the satisfaction that comes from making progress in a difficult game. It's like bashing your head against the wall, and unlike other games with this approach, the wall isn't starting to crumble. The wall has grown a smug, laughing face as it prepares to take away one of your character's most important abilities, just in time for the final boss battle.
For every beatdown you take and every run lost to the ether, Sifu always maintains there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sloclap has crafted an astounding, rewarding experience, one that serves up engrossing combat and intricate visual / music direction to accompany each fist of fury. Even with only five levels to beat, this doesn’t mean there isn’t any nuance or sense of scope to them. Every level is filled with vibrant atmospheres that sell the notion of a kung-fu adventure. Sifu’s narrative shortcomings are unfortunate, but overall this is a tapestry of martial arts excellence. Is Sifu the best kung-fu game ever made? It wouldn’t be a stretch to think so.
Sifu offers smooth Kung Fu combat that's easy on the ears and eyes. While it probably won't win any storytelling awards, who cares? We're here to punch.
SIFU’s tight combat focus and gorgeous level design creates a compelling action experience. Sloclap has created something new, fresh and exciting to bring the beat em up genre to the next generation.
Despite its camera problems during certain fights, the difficulty which increases without any warning and the repetitive side of the levels, Sifu remains one of the only titles to offer such realistic fights. The developers also offer a very beautiful artistic direction which allows the game to stand out on the market. If the experience is clearly not intended for casual players, the proposed challenge should satisfy those accustomed to this style of play while using the features of your Dualsense on PS5.
Review in French | Read full review
Sifu puts you in control of your own kung-fu film, with an exhilarating combat system and style galore.
My view on Sifu is so complicated. Sloclap clearly has a lot of talent and their team has made something special on the pure gameplay side of things, although some decisions have been a bit misguided. Even with the best intentions, the impact is clear. We need to be more thoughtful with the stories that we tell and I hope that Sloclap takes this moment to listen rather than push away. Utilizing imagery of a culture carelessly is a bad look through and through, particularly in a time when members of the AAPI community are facing unprecedented harassment and violence. Ultimately, it's your decision to buy this game or not. I loved a lot about Sifu, in learning and growing through its death mechanics; in its musical and visual artistry; and in its deeply satisfying combat systems. But we can't ignore the conversation surrounding the game and its impact on the communities it claims to represent.
Should you overcome SIFU, you’ll find a game that has few peers, which will stick with you long after beating it.
Every year there is always that one indie game that feels as a standout amongst the rest. I’m not saying that Sifu is a perfect game or anything, but despite my minor complaints, I genuinely love this game for all it is. Sloclap set out to make a game that captures the very essence of Kung Fu. A foundation they started with Absolver that has flourished into a well defined experienced, held by its addictively fun combat, and stylish visuals. Did they deliver? A resounding yes, as Sifu is an absolute must-play.
Sifu knocks its players down with little remorse but also makes getting back up and overcoming obstacles immensely rewarding.
Some people will hate its art style, while others will love it. Some people will call it way too punishing and overcomplicated. I may agree that it is a punitive game, but I couldn’t stop playing it. I loved almost everything the game offered me, from its slick graphics and neat storytelling, to the cathartic sensation of clearing an entire room full of goons without losing a single chunk of health. This is a game that will demand a bit more from players, but those who decide to stick with it will be rewarded for their patience.
Combining a spectacular fighting system, a clever ageing mechanic and a boatload of style, Sloclap’s second game is a challenging triumph.