AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative Reviews

AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.5 / 5.0
Jun 20, 2022

Ultimately, AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is a detective story that needs to be experienced. If you’re a fan of Japanese mystery games such as the Zero Escape series or the Danganronpa games (by the same developer/publisher), Nirvana Initiative is definitely something you shouldn’t pass up. The only thing better is that if you haven’t experienced the first game in the series, you get to go back and experience another terrific detective tale.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2022

AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES – nirvanA Initiative can throw a lot of information at you, and it will take some time to digest the tutorials and the events of the game. But once you manage to find your footing, you will be investigating an intriguing mystery that crosses different timelines with powerful tools. It’s a story that requires patience, understanding, and some outside-the-box thinking, but it pays off with a fantastic resolution when you reach the real conclusion.

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9 / 10
Jun 22, 2022

Just like its predecessor, AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is full of heart, hilariously self-aware, and reflective on the style of writing that built the foundation that built the Somnium Files series. Both AI games are deeply personal, subversive, and reflective works, some of my favorite games in the genre. Now that we have one miracle sequel that ended up great, I could go for another one in a few years.

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Jun 20, 2022

While AI: The Somium Files - nirvanA Initiative might be minor Uchikoshi, it's still Uchikoshi, which makes it worth experiencing for most fans.

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4.3 / 5.0
Jul 4, 2022

Overall, AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES – nirvanA Initiative is a superior game compared to its predecessor in almost every aspect. While some of the puzzle segments are a bit long-winded and can be quite complicated, the experiences they provide alone are incredibly worth it, and the characters make the game so fun to play. Additionally, as the game has different routes, some mysteries and twists are intense and can be incredibly unexpected. As a result, I can't help but recommend the game to anyone looking for a refreshing murder mystery game that will both challenge and shock them, and to visual novel fans in general especially as the game can be experienced by new and returning players.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 3, 2022

While it's not Uchikoshi at its best, Ai The Somnium Files The Nirvana Initiative is still a Uchikoshi game, and, as such, it's a well written adventure/visual novel, with quirky characters and a plot with some twist and turns.

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Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2022

AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES nirvanA Intiative is a continuation of the Yue style and one of the best word games of the year.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2022

nirvanA Initiative combines the best of AI: The Somnium Files’s presentation with the sharpest puzzles and best writing across Team Zero Escape’s catalogue.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2022

The cast in AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is full of interesting and fleshed out characters that you’ll care about. Everyone’s motivations are deftly defined and everyone gets a moment to shine. AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is as perfect as a visual novel can get and receives our highest recommendation. Even ignoring its engrossing story, the gameplay alone is novel and explores concepts rarely seen in games.

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Jun 20, 2022

As we said up top, there is a good mystery story at the core here, even if its complications aren’t quite as compelling as those of the first game’s. (And if you have a taste for the meta, Uchikoshi has you covered, as always.) And those Somnium sequences really are a major step up from the original. But if Uchikoshi’s work has always involved digging through the less savory or interesting elements to get to the treasure buried underneath, then Nirvana Initiative may be the biggest such pile of his career.

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Jan 16, 2023

As previously noted, there’s actually no need to play the first AI: The Somnium Files before jumping into Nirvana Initiative thanks to its excellent spoiler-limiting option — you even have to prove you played the original by answering a couple of questions about its finale — but, having now played both in immediate succession, I highly recommend that you plough through both as one big project. This is an exceptionally well-realised narrative world filled with absolutely wonderful characters — and after a while, you won’t want to leave them behind.

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Jun 22, 2022

AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is an exceptional game that hits the same beats as the original, while introducing plenty of fun new characters and a winding, complex plot that is going to keep you second-guessing right to the end. If only we had more games that respected the intelligence of their players like this one does.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2022

AI: The Somnium Files – nivranA Initiative is a bigger and better version of the first game that left me thinking about its story long after I rolled credits. It’s got another captivating story that is a delight to unravel, great cast of characters to interact with, some smartly designed puzzles, and a wonderful soundtrack and voice overs to listen to. My only real complains are that I wish there was an actual PS5 version so that the visuals and load times were a bit better. If you were a fan of the first game or just enjoy visual novels based around mysteries then this is a must-buy.

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Saudi Gamer
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 16, 2022

A rich and satisfying journey with some unforgettable characters and moments, only marred by some low budget concessions. A sequel with a much more ambitious scope and slight QoL improvements.

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9 / 10
Jun 24, 2022

All told, AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES: nirvanA Initiative is a worthy sequel to the 2019 original. While some elements of the story don't always fit with the cast of characters, the core of the narrative keeps players invested throughout. The new somniums are very well designed in both pace and aesthetic, making them each feel unique. The additional hints and difficulty options are welcome, too, for those who want them. Virtual Reality sequences do well to add to the gameplay outside of somniums themselves, providing some great variety. This science fiction mystery thriller is certainly worth a look for fans of Zero Escape and visual novels in general.

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90 / 100
Jun 20, 2022

AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is yet another huge hit from Kotaro Uchikoshi. The plot captivates you from the beginning, leaving you practically unable to let go by the constant desire to know what else is coming. That's thanks to the captivating mystery and well-written characters that make even the little glitches in the exploration parts go unnoticed.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2022

I didn't mention it during the original game's review, but a good portion of its playtime was while waiting for power to return after my hometown got clobbered by the remnants of a hurricane; this time, the worst it got was some pretty heavy thunderstorms. And just as the weather wasn't as extreme this time, nirvanA Initiative gets close to the levels of the original but just falls slightly short.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2022

AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES- nirvanA Initiative is an amazing point-and-click adventure and an even better murder mystery. I truly believe that it belongs on the shelves of most gamers, but I really am mad about that one puzzle. Also, 9 is a really funny score if you've played the game.

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8.9 / 10.0
Jun 20, 2022

AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative is a worthy sequel with a gripping story and an expanded cast of loveable characters. Plus, the new re-enactment mode adds an extra layer of gameplay to help keep things fresh and interesting but it still suffers from a lack of a hint system that can make progressing through the otherwise intriguing story occasionally feel like a chore.

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Jul 5, 2022

FRAY TO THE FREE A deep dive into the mind of conspiracy theories and a bit of vaporwave.

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