Cult of the Lamb Reviews

Cult of the Lamb is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

While Cult of the Lamb doesn’t always feel cohesive, it’s an enjoyable 10-hour ride. Give it a shot if you’re looking for a game with a striking art style and unique mechanics. Your followers are waiting to be indoctrinated.

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8 / 10
Aug 12, 2022

That’s not to say it’s completely perfect. There is a little bit of that indie game jank, it’s not terribly long, and there are a few bugs here and there ranging from minor graphical ones to more major ones that halted my progress temporarily. Thankfully the devs are already hard at work on a patch, and while the main story may be short, I’ve managed to sink 20 hours in so far and I’m nowhere close to stopping.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is an absurdly delightful time, with fun gameplay, unique ideas, and a fantastically sick and twisted sense of humor.

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4 / 5
Aug 10, 2022

Strong satanic style outweighs nearly everything else even if the gameplay is a bit flat.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb combines two genres in a mesmerizing journey. The dungeon exploration moments stand out with their agile and uncomplicated action, while the cult administration is relaxing and with good possibilities — the synergy between the activities makes the game cycle very addictive. Plus, it's hard not to be impressed by the simultaneously cute and macabre atmosphere. The two styles complement each other reasonably well, but alone they prove to be a bit shallow: the game lack variety and more challenge options, which hinders the experience, especially in the final stretches. However, it is undeniable that the concept of the title is creative and unique. In the end, Cult of the Lamb is a pilgrimage worth experiencing.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Aug 9, 2022

You’ll reap what you sow as you cultivate a cult following towards you goals. While it has many gameplay elements that are introduced over time, it can get overwhelming. This is a bigger game than it lets on, that said, I enjoyed engaging with everything it had to offer me. Cults have never been cuter, and the art style is a perfect match for the personality with such dark undertones that many will flock to. Cult of the Lamb is every bit successful as a roguelike as it is a colony management sim for a truly rich experience.

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Oct 28, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is of course a very popular game and I understand why: it's cute, disturbing, and an excellent game to stream.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2022

An enjoyable and entertaining experience that blends two seemingly unrelated genres with very good ideas. The initial impressiveness fades as you play, but still, anyone who likes this type of game should give it a chance.

Review in Turkish | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Aug 20, 2022

Working at the camp can be frustrating sometimes, but despite that Cult of the Lamb is a fun and original title.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2022

Acting on those doctrines you've worked hard to bring in. Or should we say 'executing' them?

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8 / 10
Sep 20, 2022

Despite some mechanical gripes, Cult of the Lamb is delightfully blasphemous in the best of ways, from the creepy-cute visuals to the fast-paced roguelite combat to the engrossing base building. Being a possessed sheep leading an evil cult has never been so much fun.

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Michał Pajda
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is a very solid, pleasant rougelite game with unforgiving gameplay and some brutal sequences that will leave an impression only once. And it has a fair base price. But it’s NOT for kids.

Review in Polish | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is sure to be a homegrown success on the back of its tremendous presentation, which is helped along by captivating notions of cultism and devotion. I just wish there was more of an accord between the game's working parts, which ultimately feels like a game of two individually brilliant halves.

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Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is a spooky-cute experience worth picking up, even if it can't quite make the final ascent to godhood.

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Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is a Satanic blend of a few genre greats -- the loop of action and settlement management is fueled perpetually by satisfying combat and rewarding unlocks. And it's all adorned with fantastic art direction and music.

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Top Critic
Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is two games in one. Part roguelike, part management sim, neither of the halves feel totally fleshed out on their own, and provide little challenge. Still, the synergy between the two halves is undeniably compelling, and the art style is infectiously adorable, giving you enough reason to play through one more in-game day, and then one more, until you've been awake for an entire out-of-game day, feeling totally brainwashed.

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8 / 10
Aug 14, 2022

Cult of the Lamb is a game that is much more than the sum of its parts. Taken on their own neither the combat nor the cult management would be strong enough to carry the title, but together they form a compelling whole that's then further enhanced by the delightful art style and pervasive sinister tone. It's evil and wonderful and more than a little unhinged. It's also one of the most impressive games of the year.

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80 / 100
Aug 10, 2022

If you want a roguelite with a sinister twist, you’re in luck. Cult of The Lamb is just the game you’re looking for.

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Aug 10, 2022

Cult of the Lamb isn't always perfectly balanced, but it does expertly blend two opposing game genres into a unique, action-packed occult adventure oozing with personality. This is another shining example of unparalleled indie developer creativity.

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Sep 8, 2022

Cult of the Lamb has its share of bugs, but the addictive cult management gameplay blends perfectly with its combat crusades and catchy soundtrack. It's a must-play indie game.

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