Batman: Arkham Knight Reviews

Batman: Arkham Knight is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jun 28, 2015

This is the Batman game the fans deserve, and the one they need right now.

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8 / 10
Jun 27, 2015

It's a superior game that plays brilliantly, and certainly stands in a league of its own in the Arkham line-up for the most part, but it simply doesn't leave your jaw agape like Arkham City seemed to manage with such ease and finesse.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight may mark the end of Rocksteady's trilogy, but it goes out with a bang. There is so much to love about it, it is easily in contention for one of the best of 2015. I am truly excited to see what the team is up to next, but their take on the Dark Knight has been the best, and this final entry is no exception.

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Jul 2, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is another exceptional effort for the Caped Crusader from Rocksteady. It's not perfect, but it's a whole lot of fun.

8 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2015

In the end, Arkham Knight proves to be an excellent new chapter in the Arkham franchise. The story is absolutely fantastic, as is most of the gameplay, just prepare to be inundated with constant tank battles.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 19, 2015

In short, Arkham Kinght would have needed only a little more inspiration, while he does not lack innovations, quantity and glance.

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93 / 100
Jun 24, 2015

‎If you are a fan of the Dark Knight and of course the Arkham series, this is an experience that you simply cannot pass up. Its brilliant gameplay mechanics, amazing level design, memorable story and well-thought-out additions, make ‎‎Batman Arkham Knight‎‎ undoubtedly join the race for the title of Game of the Year.‎

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10 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2015

What Rocksteady games has accomplished with the "Arkham" series is nothing short of historic for video games. This used to be a medium where games based on comic book heroes were comparable to the quality of games based on movies. Some may have had decent action or gameplay, but games based on comic heroes always lacked the depth that was found in the source material. The "Arkham" series found that depth that is essential to any great Batman story, and then built some of the most satisfying gameplay in the action genre. "Arkham Knight" is the perfect sendoff for their work; the perfect exclamation point. Batman's "Arkham" story has come to a close. Let us celebrate what it has given world of video games.

Jun 28, 2015

Even with all the gadgets, all the exhilaration of success, its greatest achievement is in making it feel like it just might not be enough.

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Top Critic
Jun 23, 2015
Official Batman Arkham Knight Review (Spoiler Free) video thumbnail
9 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2015

Reinvigorated and ready for the ultimate fight to save Gotham City, Rocksteady's Batman is going out with the biggest of bangs in the definitive Dark Knight game.

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Nov 17, 2015

It this is the end of the Arkham series, Rocksteady leaves it on a high note. This is an even bigger and more epic game than Arkham City, but one which luxuriates in the details and doesn't lose track of what makes the Dark Knight such a powerful protagonist. We could pick faults in the tedious Batmobile battling or the way the gameplay hasn't evolved, but that wouldn't do the game justice. Powerful, thrilling and ambitious, this is one of the best games on PS4 and Xbox One.

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5 / 5.0
Jun 26, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight manages to be a perfect example of what a solid AAA experience can offer, and it should not be missed under any circumstances. Even if you aren't a fan of the hero, or the world as you may have known it before, this is an experience that will help to define a generation of consoles, just like its predecessors did before it.

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9.8 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2015

The Batman Arkham trilogy from Rocksteady Studios ends with Batman: Arkham Knight and the result is a fantastic adventure in the gritty streets of Gotham, clashing with super villains and saving a city you love. Be the Batman, indeed.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 8, 2015

Despite its issues, however, Arkham Knight is a great addition to the series overall thanks to excellent visuals and presentation, solid storytelling and tight gameplay. If this is indeed Rocksteady's swansong for the Arkham series, the developer will be ending it on a great note by serving up one of the best games of the new console generation or any console generation, for that matter.

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Jun 28, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is a fantastic game that exudes fan service, as well as a great attention to detail. It's large, lengthy and a heck of a lot of fun, and is only marred by its own ambition.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is a visual treat. This sets a high standard the gameplay and story largely match, and the result is a closing chapter that's easy to recommend.

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Jun 23, 2015

Still, Batman: Arkham Knight is a game that shows what can happen when an insanely talented development studio is completely invested in a fictional universe and has mastered the technology to bring it to life. We've become the Batman before, but never quite like this.

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Top Critic
Jun 29, 2015

Rocksteady has created the quintessential Batman game with Arkham Knight. Where could they possibly go from here in the future? That is something to worry about way down the road as everyone that is a Batman fan, whether if they play video games or not, should experience Arkham Knight. Rocksteady does such a great job with these games in blending a movie and comic book experience.

9 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2015

Despite its over-reliance on a few new tricks, Batman: Arkham Knight is a stellar game that cements Rocksteady Studios as one of the premiere action game developers of the modern era.

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