Samurai Maiden Reviews

Samurai Maiden is ranked in the 19th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2022

An Exercise in apathy, neither solid nor liquid. Not exactly bad, but not very good either. Just a bit 'meh,' really.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 8, 2022

Despite having an original story and setting, many elements of Samurai Maiden bring about a feeling a deja vu.

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7 / 10
Dec 9, 2022

Samurai Maiden is mostly hack, slash, dodge, and hack some more. But, while naturally repetitive, it's not much different in that respect from many traditional arcade games. What it does well with is in expanding its combat options in enjoyable but never confusing ways; by giving your aides different skill functions in attack and healing, and in navigating stages. It's a simple but nicely layered adventure that will encourage grinders to unlock its galleries, weaponry and digital trinkets, while appreciating what is an attractive-looking and well-optimised game. Increased challenge is there if you need it, and, discounting the trite elements of its dialogue and story, the character models are exceptionally good, mildly bewitching, and do a great job of selling the product.

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50 / 100
Dec 8, 2022

Samurai Maiden would have been a fun and satisfying RPG if its several stark issues didn't hinder the experience so significantly.

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5 / 10
Dec 9, 2022

Every time you use your partners’ skills, your relationship with them rises. They're pleasantly designed in a way that means you don't have ton rely on them, acting more as stun mechanics. In addition, these attacks help mask the game's numerous frame rate dips. Sadly, these drops, alongside your main character's stiff attacks, make Samurai Maiden's encounters much more frustrating than they should be.

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60 / 100
Dec 8, 2022

Devotees of yuri, musou, or anime visual novels might find something to enjoy in Samurai Maiden. Aside from its genre trappings, fans of action RPGs won’t be impressed. The game’s combat is simply too frustrating, repetitive, and janky. Samurai Maiden doesn’t take any chances. The result is an overpriced, low-budget game with tepid combat bound to a collection of familiar genre tropes.

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4.5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2022

Very little about Samurai Maiden makes the game appealing. When you combine overtly simplified and imbalanced combat with slow attacks, fast enemies, and an incredibly humdrum storyline, a bad time is unavoidable. Unless you want something with mindless anime girls and half-baked gameplay, Samurai Maiden is not the game for you.

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Dec 8, 2022

Samurai Maiden is an enjoyable action Hack and slash game that has great visuals. The combat in the game is solid, but not all the mechanics are quite as polished as its combat. An enjoyable story that picks up quite a bit in the second half of the game. These characters are great and I do want to see more of them in the future!

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2022

Samurai Maiden gives players a goofy mix of hack-and-slash action, light platforming, and yuri fan service. Surprisingly, it also gives us some pretty fun combat when it's not being overly frustrating. The game will appeal more to achievement completionists than those seeking a good (or even coherent) story, so consider that when looking at this game at full price.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2024

It's nice that the developer is still supporting the game almost 18 months on, improving the post-launch state of the game, and the lesbian polyamory is just nice to see without delving too deep into fanservice.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2022

I actually would recommend it if you’re a fan of Waifu Hack ‘n’ Slashers, but the Switch’s framerate issues keep me from issuing a full-throated endorsement. If you have access to other modern consoles, maybe check out some gameplay videos. If it’s way smoother during combat situations, maybe go for that version. I’m enjoying the game on Switch, and will be buying some of the DLC, but it suffers a lot on the performance side. That and the terrible platforming segments that, thankfully, are pretty rare.

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40 / 100
Dec 8, 2022

SAMURAI MAIDEN mixes two completely opposite genres (action and visual novel) and fails to excel in either one. It is a weak, boring game with awful graphics, bad music, unresponsive controls and a monotonous story. The character models are very nice and the action is a little pleasing after evolving a lot and unlocking different moves, but it's not worth it.

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Dec 9, 2022

Musings over fan service aside, Samurai Maiden is wildly entertaining B-grade fun. Like many of D3 Publisher’s other most notable titles, it rolls with its trashiness and embraces B-grade aesthetics and tone in totality. It doesn’t take itself seriously (at all), and doesn’t aspire to be anything more than a genre piece, made for people that probably already knew if this was for them from the first batch of screenshots. The fact it actually plays nicely to go with its fun theme is the icing on the cake. These kinds of games are becoming less and less common, for reasons that are best left to opinion pieces elsewhere. The point is, we need to enjoy stuff like Samurai Maiden when we get the opportunity to, because when they’re done as well as this, they’re a riot, and it would be tragic to see these kinds of games disappear.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed SAMURAI MAIDEN's combat with its wealth of skills and charming cast of lovely ladies. However, it does have its issues, especially if you want to take photos of the characters' panties because you'll end up incredibly disappointed. 📸

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6 / 10
Dec 8, 2022

Despite some clunkiness in its controls and camera, along with a surface-level narrative, "Samurai Maiden" knows exactly what it is and what it's trying to do.

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Dec 8, 2022

Action packed, girls sword fighting against the demon lord? ! And wholesome love?

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8 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Players ready for the second or third choices need little else to bring them into the experience. However, if you want to piecemeal Samurai Maiden, you’ll lose steam quickly and get distracted by long dialogues between fights and stages. Personally, I went right down the middle, and I think that’s the best course for everyone. It’s fun, it’s funny, and it keeps me coming back for more, and that’s all I want in a game.

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Dec 12, 2022

At the end of the day, Samurai Maiden is a mediocre game that could’ve been better with just a few tweaks. There should’ve been some unlockable costumes, more enemy variety and a few tweaks could’ve been done to combat to make it feel less cheap. In the latter stages where the bigger enemies get a ton of minions, you will see just how cheap this can all be when you’re getting hacked on and juggled by things you cannot see. That being said, this is still a decent action game that has a great soundtrack, some good looking graphics and an amazing voice cast. I feel like the price tag is a bit much, but if you picked this one up on sale I think most folks would be satisfied with it. I know I really loved seeing Tsumugi and these girls grow closer on this grand adventure, even if it certainly wasn’t a perfect one.

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4 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2022

If it was a budget title, Samurai Maiden might be worth someone's time as a guilty pleasure. Unfortunately, it's not.

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3 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2022
SAMURAI MAIDEN (ACTUAL Review) video thumbnail