Park Beyond Reviews

Park Beyond is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2023

Park Beyond brings a delightful sense of whimsy to park sims, but gets derailed by frequent bugs, poor staff control, and bad economics.

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50 / 100
Jun 23, 2023

This throwback management sim's incredible building tools are let down by a limp campaign and a serious lack of depth.

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Jun 20, 2023

Despite making an excellent first impression, Park Beyond ends in a downward spiral that's exciting in a coaster, but lethal in an economy.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2023

Even with its twisted takes on nostalgic ride designs and copious whimsical fanfare, I was left feeling deflated by Park Beyond's business-oriented objectives and lack of investment in unbridled player creativity. For a game that endeavors to push the limits of your imagination, it's a little too concerned with whether you’re tall enough to ride.

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Jun 15, 2023

More creative and cartoony than managerial, thus a bit of a treat for people less boring than me.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 15, 2023

Park Beyond may lack a bit of meat on its bones, but it's a mostly stress-free park building experience nonetheless.

6.5 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2023

Park Beyond is a decent game for fans of the theme park simulation genre, its gameplay is solid enough, and there are many options to choose from when building the park of our dreams. It lacks originality, though, and there are still quite a few bugs and glitches that can negatively impact players' experience.

Review in Italian | Read full review

5 / 10
Jun 30, 2023

Despite its veneer of limitless design possibilities, players are ultimately constrained in the types of attractions they can create and pursue during the campaign. While Sandbox mode is your best bet for getting creative with all the bells and whistles Park Beyond has to offer, it too is not immune to the myriad of glitches and technical issues present throughout the game. Although you can spend hours designing and constructing your ideal park, the looming threat of crashes diminishes the incentive to do so, even in Sandbox mode. While there is an innovative theme park sim beneath all the glitches and design flaws, Park Beyond ultimately doesn’t break new ground in its genre and would benefit from taking a few pointers from its predecessors.

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8 / 10
Jun 19, 2023

Park Beyond is a hugely enjoyable park builder that thrives on accessibility, personality and creativity.

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65 / 100
Jun 15, 2023

Park Beyond is a good theme park management simulator, deeper than it seems, but with a differentiating factor (impossible fantasy attractions) that does not convince or compensate for the scarcity of roller coaster models available.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Jun 15, 2023

A vibrant and saccharine sweet world of possibilities awaits where you can manage every minute detail of your theme park to your liking without being burdened by everyday problems like gravity and public safety. Limbic Entertainment and Bandai Namco presents a world where you can create the theme park of your dreams—or nightmares—via the power of impossification.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2023

Park Beyond offers a delightful theme park sandbox to challenge your imagination. With a vast number of attractions and the possibility to turn them into stomach-churning experiences with Impossification, Bandai Namco has built a theme park management game well worth visiting. It's held back slightly by some poor performance issues, but following some post-launch support, Park Beyond has the potential to make an impact on the genre.

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74 / 100
Jun 27, 2023

Theme park and coaster sims have come a long, long way since Rollercoaster Tycoon hijacked my free time. Park Beyond is a generally approachable and inviting sim that’s definitely not for the realism-minded. Its campaign is held back by an unpredictable and not well-explained economic model, but it’s pretty easy to get lost in the sandbox, enjoying the intentional impossibility of your creations.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2023

Park Beyond comes with some intriguing ideas, some technical flaws, and some compromises to make. It's good at entertaining those who want to unleash their creativity by building the theme park they've always dreamed of and newbies to the genre, but those looking for a managerial soul to lose sleep over and their sanity might want deeper and more challenging gameplay.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Jun 19, 2023

Park Beyond feels like a throwback to the tycoon games that crowded shelves twenty years ago, intent on recapturing the more manic elements of a genre that sobered up over time. Players interested principally in simulating the management of an actual business might find that Park Beyond's quirks could drag it behind competitors. For gamers looking to scratch the imaginative itch, however, the game rises to the mantle admirably, encouraging the devious designs and flights of fancy that other games might reject. A little more polish could make Park Beyond great, but even with some rough edges, its charm is largely irresistible.

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4 / 10
Jun 19, 2023

Park Beyond will probably be pretty good one day, but it is not this day. Currently, it's a theme park building sim that doesn't include features that we'd consider to be a basic requirement of the genre, it's poorly balanced with systems that feel wildly misjudged, and it's also riddled with bugs and glitches that range from comical to pad-tossingly infuriating. Avoid it like Alton Towers during the school holidays.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jul 14, 2023

Park Beyond is not a bad game, far from it, but it will fully satisfy only the curious, those who have never really had the opportunity to dive into a real management game, or who have neither the desire nor the time to devote themselves to it.

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Top Critic
75 / 100
Jun 22, 2023

Park Beyond is a pretty decent amusement park management simulator, because those who are supporters of this type of title are going to love the creativity with which one of these themed centers can be created from scratch. Although for first timers, it could be a bit tricky to tackle at first.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

86 / 100
Jun 20, 2023

Park Beyond has not disappointed me at all, being honest, I had some doubts about the possibilities it could offer in the long term and the truth is that since I have been playing with it these past days I have found a very fun game full of possibilities. One of the things that I liked the most is the possibility of creating roller coasters and how to carry them out we have a powerful editor that allows us to create almost everything we can imagine, also always having a realistic point within the creation.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

85 / 100
Jun 26, 2023

Park Beyond is a theme park simulation game from Bandai Namco that offers players a thrilling journey of creativity, strategy, and park management. The Impossification takes your park to the next level, making this a truly Amazing and Fun theme park building experience. The game does have a few bugs to be addressed, however, there's so much to love here for newcomers and players returning to the genre that they can be easily overlooked once you get hooked.

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