Just Cause 3 Reviews
There are so few ways that this game could be a better version of itself, or better at what it does. Just Cause 3 is, from any way I care to think about it, a massive success.
Just Cause 3 is a joy to play and is easily a candidate for game of the year.
Filled with action, Just Cause 3 offers a massive and realized world with engrossing scenes inspired by works like those from Michael Bay. Skill development aside, this sequel delivers on all fronts.
Tying all of this together are the beautiful visuals that stand in perfect contrast against the ugliness of corruption and the ash of flames. Just Cause 3 takes place in a fictional Mediterranean country and, just like you probably imagined, it is gorgeous.
Just Cause 3 provides a ton of thrills. Its main goal from the outset seems to focus on raising the player's blood pressure and enthralling them with the action. While it achieves that feeling for a majority of the game, the console version suffers from some serious frame rate and loading issues that bog down their experiences. That being said, Just Cause 3 is a great game to simply sit down and have fun with. Turn your brain off, relax, and embrace the explosions happening on your television screen.
Just Cause 3 stays true to the series' core offerings, providing the player a ridiculous amount of firepower and tools to take down their enemies in the most action-filled, over the top creative fashion which would make even Michael Bay proud.
Just Cause 3 lives up to the series' standard of high quality explosiveness by exhibiting just how a sandbox game should operate, with chaos and variety.
Just Cause 3 is a fantastic, exhilarating experience. Packed full of content, it's a game that will keep you drawn in for a while.
Avalanche Studios returns with another sandbox of destruction. Just Cause 3 is a lot like Just Cause 2, but a host of additions including the wingsuit and gear mods make the game a joy to play. Add in some amazing graphics, stunning explosions, and a huge world and you have a nearly perfect title. One only brought low by online connection issues.
When you're not waiting for it to load, Just Cause 3 is an incredibly fun game. Crisp visuals and a clever soundtrack bring all the explosions to life. Even with the violence and destruction, it manages to maintain a lighter tone than the Far Cry games, without sliding into the outright silliness of Saints Row. But, it's still silly enough. Dropping boats on satellite dishes, tying enemy soldiers to exploding gas tanks, and grappling, wingsuiting, and parachuting the length and breadth of beautiful Medici, just to blow the crap out of it. Just Cause 3 is an absolute blast.
If you can judge a game based on the moments that make you put it down for the night, Just Cause 3 is hard to criticize: I only stopped when I needed to sleep, not because I wanted to put the game down. The "did you see that?!" factor seems unlimited here, and it kept me coming back to discover what unexpected domino of explosions I could start next with a single grenade. The formula of the Just Cause series hasn't been expanded, but it has been improved. And it's rare that a game is so comfortable in its own skin.
Just Cause 3 is truly a one-note experience, but one with a loop so addictive I can't stop playing it. This is the most fun sandbox I have toyed around in since the previous entry, and I can easily see myself sinking another couple dozen hours exploring the world of Medici. Those that found JC2 underwhelming or repetitive won't find much to change their mind here, but for fans like myself that simply can't get enough destruction, Just Cause 3 delivers on all levels.
In spite of some technical setbacks and repetitive tasks, Just Cause 3 delivers the kind of stress-relieving destruction to get you through the doldrums. It's easily the best looking game of the series thus far, and the awesome gameplay will have you continue to think up ways to bring down enemies. You're due a holiday vacation, and Rico's trip will certainly fulfill the need.
Thanks to over-the-top game mechanics that encourage not just mayhem but also creative ways of unleashing them, the game can be a hoot to play for action lovers who have imagination and a sense of humor. Some parts are admittedly shallow and the game could use a more memorable plot. If you like campy action, however, Just Cause 3 is for you.
Just Cause 2 Updated in the right places. The gameplay is as fun as ever, just as long as you can keep up your creativity with the tools in front of you. Worth a purchase, just make sure that you can run it on PC.
Just Cause 3 is purely an entertaining game; it’s not trying to tell a complex story with plot twists and deep characters. It knows it’s ridiculously over the top and it has fun with that. If, in your video games, you like explosions and causing serious amounts of destruction, you’re not going to find a better game this year to do so.
If you want to cap a relatively serious year of gaming off with no-brain-required explosive fun, it's difficult to look past Just Cause 3.
The game is immensely fun. It has heart and soul but also gives the vibe of not caring how stupid it can be; and while the game has a few flaws, none of them cause the game to have a reason not to be played. So if you haven’t done so (If you haven’t already, why not?) go out, get the game, buy a disk, get it from a digital store, play the shit out of it. If you’ve already got the game, keep playing it. Finished it? There’s always the multiplayer mod.
Just Cause 3 liefert wieder einmal eine action-geladene Story mit jeder Menge abgefahrener Möglichkeiten euch die Zeit in der riesigen Open World zu vertreiben. Leider kämpft der Titel auf der Playstation 4 mit leichten technischen Problemen und auch die Langzeitmotivation fehlt wie auch schon in den Vorgängern, wegen den wiederholenden Aufgaben und der schwachen KI. Falls ihr auf der Suche nach einem schnellen und vor allem action-geladenen Open World Trip seid (mit einem Hang zu Explosionen), gibt es von uns eine klare Empfehlung.
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Just Cause 3 is over-the-top, dumb fun, and incredibly beautiful to boot—when it all eventually loads, of course.