Kingdom Hearts III Reviews

Kingdom Hearts III is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2019

Kingdom Hearts 3 is rather enjoyable to play but it will end up being the black sheep of the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

I recommend the game even to newcomers, though at least a cursory knowledge of the events of prior titles is mandatory. It’s a must-have for fans of the series, though I’m sure most of the die-hard Kingdom Hearts fanatics have already finished it by the time of this review.

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8 / 10
Feb 1, 2019

If a strong narrative is crucial to your action role-playing game experience, look elsewhere. However, if you can stomach Kingdom Hearts 3's poor story-telling, it's a slick, fantastic adventure featuring diverse worlds and stellar combat.

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4.5 / 5.0
Feb 9, 2019

A great conclusion to a long running chapter brimming with imagination, variety and plain fun, but can't avoid being saddled with a convoluted and poorly-told story and occasional bouts of boredom. An uneven experience, albeit one that more than makes up for it with some of the best moments of this generation.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
9 / 10
Feb 18, 2019

The prospect of Disney parks and reality are two very different things. No-one thinks about the crowded places, the huge bills, or the huge waiting times. They think about the Disney magic. Kingdom Hearts is very much the same. There are some negative elements, paramount of which is the utterly incomprehensible story and the repetitive gameplay. However, like the parks, all those negative elements are soon forgotten when experiencing the game. Each of the Disney worlds completely captures the magic of the movies, plucking the heartstrings and embracing the nostalgia. This is exactly what fans of the series wanted and, best of all, somehow, someway, all the crazy plot threads are dragged together, kicking and screaming, into an utterly satisfying conclusion. The prospect of Kingdom Hearts III being the end of the road is a sad one. Sora's tale may be over, but there are so many other Disney worlds left to explore. The world needs a Moana level with Mau'i helping to take on a huge Tamatoa boss. Wreck it Ralph deserved its own levels, as did The Incredibles, and so many more. Here's hoping, one day, Kingdom Hearts will return.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III is a great action game that takes us to new worlds with proven gameplay. It extends the story and complements it with new factions

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Alexander Mackay
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2019

An easy 8, maybe even 9/10 for long time fans, but for most people points will be lost in the story department. It's never too late to catch up, but DO NOT start here!

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Oyungezer Online
Ömer Akdağ
Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2019

It'snot a top quality game, but it doesn't have to be one to conquer the hearts of longtime fans. If you're new to the series, this is just a "good" game for you. But if you're an old fan, KH3 is "the" game you've been waiting for.

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10 / 10
Feb 11, 2019

In short, Kingdom Hearts 3 is a memorable story driven masterpiece that, despite its flaws, delivers a fun story-driven action RPG into one neat little package.

8 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2019

When the game is over, you're left with a strange feeling of completions and melancholy, and that should be proof enough that you've experienced something worthwhile.

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9 / 10
Feb 8, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III is finally here, and the story of 7 guardians of light and 13 forces of darkness is now over. A story full of exciting, happy and sad moments that tries to show us that friendship is a force so strong that can defeat just anything.

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9.3 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2019

Kingdom Hearts 3 is probably the best game in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Each of the Disney worlds in this game is very well implemented both graphically and gameplay-wise. There are a lot of gameplay mechanics that makes the game interesting and exciting until the very end and this comes with gorgeous and beautiful graphics. There are few problems in the game that are not very important. One of these problems is that maybe the newcomers to the series will have problems understanding the story in the first few hours. The other one is the game is maybe not very challenging for Hardcore gamers. Anyway, If you have good memories with Disney Animation and Films or you’re a fan of the Kingdom Heart Franchise, then you absolutely should buy Kingdom Hearts 3.

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80 / 100
Feb 7, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III may not be the tour de force that fans have been craving for so many years, but it's brimming with beauty, variety, and setpieces that effectively utilize a fantastic combat system.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2019

Kingdom Hearts 3 is not the grand finale as someone hoped for, but nevertheless it's the decent ending of the Xehanort saga. The game wraps up all the story lines in a really nice, even kind manner, but leaves a few bridges to the future of the series.

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85 / 100
Feb 5, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III offers a visual spectacle, an epic journey and a worthy conclusion to patient fans. Old-fashioned elements of the franchise that already feel dated, such as camera problems and an unbalanced pace in story, are still present. However, there is much to enjoy here, with great gameplay, some of the best Disney worlds to date and a lot of epic moments. Kingdom Hearts III may not be a perfect game, but it's a worthwhile journey for those who waited so long.

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Feb 6, 2019

As much a love letter to the fans as it is a brilliant blend of the best from previous games in the series.

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9.5 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III is a visual spectacle that presents playable versions of the various Disney worlds in a way that has never been attempted by a video game. It has a convoluted story that might confuse newcomers but once you dig deeper into it, there is a surprising amount of depth underneath it backed by a refreshing combat system.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 4, 2019

Newcomers to the series will be baffled by the complexity and bizarre nature of Kingdom Hearts III's story. Despite this, if you like good combat and want to visit Disney World, you can do far worse than this title.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 29, 2019

Kingdom Hearts III is exactly the sequel it should be. Despite the absurdly long production time, it manages to hit all the right notes and feel like a satisfying and enjoyable conclusion to Square Enix's most confusing story. It's charming, it's funny, it's emotional, and it's a boatload of fun to play. It has its flaws, including a low difficulty level and a borderline incoherent story, but they're not enough to detract from the enjoyment of Sora's big adventure with Donald and Goofy.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2019

Without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is a satisfactory chapter in one of the most beloved JRPG franchise. It has some problems that could have been ironed out, but it still a great and magical experience that can be enjoyed by fans and newcomers alike. It was worth the long wait.

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