Star Fox Zero Reviews

Star Fox Zero is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero is worthy of the name, but a few inconsistencies stop it from hitting the highs it otherwise may well have achieved.

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83 / 100
Apr 20, 2016

It's a little sad that Star Fox Zero, a game that wonderfully shows the benefits of the Wii U Gamepad, came out so late in the system's life. Still, it's worth getting for anyone who owns the console, especially if you were a fan of the series in the '90s. Star Fox Adventures now seems like a distant, unpleasant memory.

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2 / 10.0
Apr 26, 2016

Star Fox Zero is just plain rotten. An otherwise run-of-the-mill space shooter that couldn't be content with its own mediocrity and subsequently mutilated itself in a desperate attempt to stand out.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2016

One of the Nintendo Wii U's final games in its release pipeline has arrived, but perhaps it could have used another delay or two before hitting shelves

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2016

Despite Star Fox Zero's relatively brief story mode (around 4-5 hours, absent the branching paths), the game remains a great value, with Guard's inclusion giving even more incentive to pick up this title.

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Apr 21, 2016

Star Fox Zero is a barrel roll of N64 nostalgia, and that's about it.

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75 / 100
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero revisits on the series' best days, while recapturing its great ship combat, but motion controls and too many recycled elements dampen the experience.

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Apr 22, 2016

[T]his is when Star Fox Zero is at its best: a thrilling, fleeting and flawed joyride.

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Apr 20, 2016

The Star Fox game fans have been waiting for; however, getting to the experience will require wading through unique controls.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
May 11, 2016

Star Fox Zero is exactly what I expected it would be, and I love it for that. The motion controls are not the most ideal way to play the game, but they do offer up some unique ideas on a classic formula. Players that have graduated past the simplistic design of the original Star Fox games won't find much to bring them back in, but those that still enjoy doing barrel rolls will feel right at home with Fox's latest adventure.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero is great. It's loads of fun, even more fun with friends, and I can't help but recommend it. Another Wii U essential? Well, it might not be for everyone but Star Fox fans will adore it.

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81 / 100
May 3, 2016

Part of what makes Star Fox so engaging, at least for me, is the atmosphere it lays out with its environments, number of enemies on screen, and of course music.

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7.4 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero offers a blend of a familiar story with fresh gameplay experiences and mission variety. The controls are the biggest hurdle for this game and will likely deter a lot of players. Those who stick with it and eventually get the hang of things will be thankful that they did in the end.

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Apr 20, 2016

Sometimes great, sometimes rough but mostly patchy, Star Fox Zero is depressingly mediocre. Fox and the gang deserve much better next time around.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero is a surprising game that gets better level after level. The unusual control scheme might be hard to master, but you'll soon discover that is the fulcrum for an original and innovative experience, shaped by the creative talent of Shigeru Miyamoto.

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7 / 10
Apr 19, 2016

Star Fox Zero follows the classic structure of its predecessors and tops it off with a new control system that will make or break how the players perceive Nintendo's latest opus in the Star Fox series. It could certainly benefit from a more luxurious visual environment but once its new control system has been mastered, the players will find this new collectables-packed journey across the Lylat system nothing short of rewarding and satisfying.

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3.5 / 5.0
Apr 29, 2016

There are plenty of nostalgic aspects present in this crisp and beautiful high-definition title, reminiscent of games gone by. At the same time it shakes things up with some drastic changes to the game play that can be too jarring for some to want to put up with, making it a bit of a black sheep to many. For those who take the time to master the play style, however, it is incredibly rewarding and satisfying.

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6.3 / 10.0
Apr 26, 2016

Star Fox Zero tries and fails to blend the nostalgic feel of StarFox 64 with new controls. While the game can be enjoyable and comes with some exciting moments, it is muddled down by unwieldy controls and bland level design.

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3.8 / 5.0
Apr 20, 2016

Overall, Star Fox harkens back to a time when a different kind of shooter ruled the roost, making it a blast from the past for old-school gamers and a refreshing experience for younger players. The hybrid controls will likely be divisive for purists and the on-rails sections and invisible borders of All-Range Mode might feel confining for some. Like getting the hang of a stick shift car, however, the gameplay can be a hoot once you master its operation.

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Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Apr 20, 2016

Star Fox Zero is a fun trip back to the days of the Super FX chip on the SNES, but for a modern sci-fi shooter on the Wii U it feels a bit threadbare.

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