Super Dungeon Bros Reviews

Super Dungeon Bros is ranked in the 3rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2016

A decent attempt at a dungeon crawler, but there just isn't the same appeal or craftsmanship seen in games like Diablo 3 or Baldur's Gate.

6.5 / 10.0
Nov 7, 2016

Super Dungeon Bros. could be a really fun party game with friends, but starting dungeons over each time will still get old just as fast. At least the recent Gauntlet game saves progress so you can jump in any room you haven't cleared at any time. The rock-n-roll bro concept is very amusing, and the variety of weapons available to craft adds plenty of motivation to replay it. However, until the developer adds in the ability to save your dungeon progress, not many will stick around long enough to craft any of them.

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Nov 11, 2016

With better options for sale even in its own genre, it's more likely that SDB will sit in your digital library without a chance of ever actually taking up hard drive space.

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5 / 10
Nov 14, 2016

Super Dungeon Bros is a strange case. It's a pretty good dungeon crawler, with decent variety in its gameplay and enough of a fun factor in its scrappy multiplayer to keep you interested. However, the rock theme is underplayed; it lends the game some personality, but is largely ignored, leading to a muddled presentation. Some bugs also hold it back, and the online side isn't very healthy right now, but this could still be a fun distraction in couch co-op with a few friends.

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3.5 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2016

Falling short in just about every way a title of this ilk can, everything Super Dungeon Bros attempts to do, the three year old Diablo III does better. Avoid.

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51 / 100
Nov 19, 2016

Whether you're playing with one other person or a total of four, everyone shares the same set of lives.

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3 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2016

React Games may have had good intentions with Super Dungeon Bros, but it's miles off competing with the likes of Gauntlet or even older games like Castle Crashers. The game lacks originality, starving players of any truly enjoyable gameplay and its half-hearted attempt at embracing a rock theme doesn't amount to anything particularly unique or cool. Despite trying to keep things fresh by running daily and weekly challenges, it still doesn't offer anything that really draws players back in the long run. It's disappointing to see a game that had so much potential to add something new to the genre, fall short in so many ways. However, the most disappointing aspect of the game is its performance. With frequent crashes and poor frame rate when large numbers of enemies appear on-screen, Super Dungeon Bros is a title that I would advise people to avoid.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2016

Super Dungeon Bros is so focused on the co-op multiplayer that leaves behind all the fun that the single player could have offered.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2016

Super Dungeon Bros isn't an awful game but it does itself no favours at the same time. If you manage to convince three friends to pick it up it can be fun, otherwise you may find yourself disappointed.

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Luan Erasmus
Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2017

We desperately wanted to love Super Dungeon Bros. The characters are phenomenal, and the game's design is something to remember. Unfortunately, the rest of the game is let down by sub-par gameplay mechanics, unbalanced weapons and a complete lack of variety. Playing the solo campaign starts out too easy and quickly becomes way too difficult for one person to handle which means you'll need to play with your friends to get the most out of this game. Unfortunately, there have been numerous reports of issues with the multiplayer mode such as no players being available to join a game or the game itself constantly freezing up. It does seem like the developers have cleared most of these up but even when running smoothly, the multiplayer mode does little to excite.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Nov 30, 2016

There are good ideas in Super Dungeon Bros, such as the inclusion of challenges, the Call of Duty-esque upgrades, and the team-work centred dungeon-crawling. Where it falls down is at the basics: good, satisfying combat and challenging gameplay.

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3.5 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2016

A halfheartedly executed game that tries little and accomplishes less.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
May 19, 2018

Super Dungeon Bros. is one of those games that is best described as inoffensive. It doesn't do anything wrong, but at the same time it doesn't do anything right, either.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
May 27, 2017

Super Dungeon Bros functions, but gives way to repetitive dungeon layouts, poor enemy balancing, and less than interesting gameplay. Even with friends, it feels a bit watered down, like it wanted to meet the basic requirements of a dungeon crawler without upsetting any fans with risks. It's just too plain to be forgiven. In other words, sorry, bro, but this dungeon is a bit weak.

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54 / 100
Dec 2, 2016

A mildly fun multiplayer experience at best, and a flawed, derivative dungeon crawler at worst. Good for some fun with friends in short bursts, but has a knack for growing old rather quickly, especially when venturing out solo.

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Nov 9, 2016

I'll admit I was looking forward to 'Super Dungeon Bros' before playing. I love the genre, and a caricatured metal mash-up could have been interesting, but the game disappoints on all fronts. I like how much emphasis React put on co-op but it needed more under the hood - more choices for character building, more control, more abilities, just more.

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5 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2016

Super Dungeon Bros tries to be more than a typical dungeon crawler with its vibrant and colorful exterior, yet falls flat. Mostly because the game's few positives fail to stand out next to the mountain of negatives that plague it.

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4.5 / 10.0
Nov 26, 2016

It really seemed like Super Dungeon Bros was going to turn out well but it just wasn't to be. While patches could fix some of the technical issues such as the long loads or the bugs and glitches they probably won't fix the overly boring and simple gameplay. The fact that it's too difficult to play solo and the lack of an online community is going to hurt it as well. If you want a fun co-op romp for you and your friends then you are better off not introducing your bros to the Super Dungeon Bros.

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9 / 10
Nov 30, 2016

This game is a lot of fun if you have the patience and skills for it. The music is awesome and greatly complements the experience, but I do feel that the story could have been expanded a bit between each floor. That would be my only complaint for this game after having played it for my Super Dungeon Bros review.

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Nov 18, 2016

You'd be able to forgive Dungeon Bros if the action compensated for the misfiring sense of humour. But it doesn't. This is a slog and a grind of the highest order.

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