Phantom Fury Reviews

Phantom Fury is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2024

But regardless of what caused the project to get derailed, it still means that Phantom Fury is a disappointing result. It’s a mash of ‘00s FPS cliches without reprieve. I spent most of its runtime wishing it was over. Or, at least, wishing it was what it promised to be. Its overall blandness has done the impossible and made me appreciate Duke Nukem Forever just a little bit more.

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2.5 / 5.0
Apr 23, 2024

Phantom Fury simply doesn't feel like it's ready yet, with too many bugs and nowhere near enough polish to become the game that it could be. Too many encounters are designed to only be beatable once you memorize enemy placement and a giant-mech boss shouldn't be an easier, more enjoyable encounter than a handful of guys in a hallway. Bugs are also abound, with enemies zipping between cover points while stuck in the kneeling position, music that you can almost hear playing in the background despite the volume being maxed out, or getting trapped in an elevator when its doors won't open. "Reset to checkpoint" is always an option, but in this case it was an open service elevator, and while sticking to the '90s/early-2000s gameplay convention of a hero who can't hop over a waist-high obstacle is authentic, it's the wrong kind of authenticity. Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison has the potential to be a great 90s throwback character, but Phantom Fury is nowhere near what's needed to see her reach her potential.

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Apr 26, 2024

A first-person-shooter that sometimes falters but makes up for it with strong devotion to detail.

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50 / 100
Apr 23, 2024

Phantom Fury is an unapologetic boomer-shooter that can definitely talk the talk, but fails to walk the same walk that its inspirations did some 25 years ago. Countless technical problems, obscure level design, and a sad excuse for a story unfortunately make what could have been a good game a middling one.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2024

Fans of the shooter genre will find a good time with Phantom Fury. While not perfect, slipping a bit with map design and pacing among some other smaller things, Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison's latest outing still hits more than it misses.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2024

Phantom Fury is a classic FPS that manages to engage and entertain. It is a simple but well-finished evolution of its predecessor, to whom it owes a lot and which can still be an excellent yardstick in the panorama of boomer shooters. The new production, while not shining for originality, knows how to be a remarkable follow-up.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Apr 28, 2024

Nostalgic feeling is no longer enough.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2024

Phantom Fury is a fun experience from start to finish, with a great roster of weapons and plenty of exciting levels to blast your way through. It does have some noticeable flaws such as technical issues and a subpar finale, but the gunplay won't leave you unsatisfied.

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6.8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2024

Phantom Fury is a decent boomer shooter, albeit one that emphasizes environmental interactivity over an arcade-inspired killing spree in which everything is a weapon. The few moments of cinematic silliness are par for the course in the boomer shooter genre, but they’re not enough to make this any less of a slog.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2024

Phantom Fury is quite easily one of the most refined boomer shooters in the market today. It combines classic action movie tropes and 90s shooter gameplay with more modern visual technology and level design, making for a fun rampage across America.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2024

Phantom Fury feels like stepping back in time to the late 90s in an explosion of pixilated carnage that only occasionally stumbles due to its unwavering reliance on old-school sensibilities.

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75 / 100
May 29, 2024

Phantom Fury satisfactorily fulfills what it promises to be. With fluidity in gameplay, constant action and a plot that serves as the basis for continuous progression, the game overcomes a dubious level design to deliver one of the best boomer shooters today.

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7 / 10.0
May 12, 2024

Phantom Fury could have been great – after another half a year of development and completely revamped final act. But now it is ok at best.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2024

Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is back again to show the charm of retro action that continues to the present day. Dynamic FPS will not be lost among current competitors in the genre.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2024

Despite being a game with exceptional ideas developed by a talented team, the reality is grim: Phantom Fury debuts with fundamental design flaws amidst the crossfire of survival, Embracer Group, and layoffs during development. Unfortunately, it is a rushed game, plagued by constant errors and a hastily constructed third act.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2024

I love it when a developer gets things right. Yes, there are minor issues with Phantom Fury, but it is mostly a raving success. I adored the visuals and the incredible audio. What’s more, the range of enemies and the challenging gameplay will keep you on your toes. However, a few bugs were annoying, and I’m hoping that these problems are ironed out. Despite this small indiscretion, this title is great, and I recommend buying it here! Can you save humanity? Grab some weapons, master your bionic arm, and make every goon pay.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 31, 2024

Phantom Fury unfortunately doesn't work as it should. The levels are unimpressive, confusing and packed with an inflationary number of enemies. The weapons are really fun and there are lots of nice little gimmicks and attempts to add some variety to the game, but it remains an average shooter that falls well short of its potential.

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Nexus Hub
Ryan Pretorius
5 / 10.0
May 30, 2024

Phantom Fury attempts to be a love-letter to retro shooters like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, but only ends up disappointing with its plethora of bugs, poor level design and frustrating enemy AI.

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May 14, 2024

So many recent shooters have emulated the glory days of the 1990s. These games now hugely outnumber the ones which inspired them to begin with. In this context, a game which instead mines inspiration from the early 2000s is very welcome and Phantom Fury could have been a superb entry in the genre. Sadly, something seems to be very wrong with Slipgate’s design and development process, and much of their game’s potential has been squandered. While this is a fun and occasionally great experience, it could and probably should have been much more.

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May 7, 2024

While Phantom Fury started as a charming, fun and easy-going game, issues began to crop up. The final parts of the game were too long, and some boss fights were tedious. The worst problem I encountered was a bug that made all my weapon and bionic arm upgrades disappear. I had to reload the game two levels back to fix it, which is worse, considering there is no manual saving. While early-level designs were great, later levels lacked decent cover from the mass of enemies attacking you. A level that frustrated me was an underwater level. It was too dark to navigate well, and I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to go, and the submersible was awful to control. Some of the weapon's damage didn't seem effective, even upgraded. I wish the bionic arm had more upgrades besides a shield and punching.

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