The Jackbox Naughty Pack Reviews

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Sep 17, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is a spicy but slight collection. The inconsistent NSFW-ness often detracts from the series' comedy value, and it's a shame there aren't more games to dive into, but those looking to heat up a grown-up game night will still find some good laughs to be had here.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack isn't an essential addition to the overall Jackbox collection but by no meansa disaster, either.

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3 / 10
Sep 18, 2024

Ultimately, Jackbox Naughty Pack is the worst Party Pack to date, and while the bar is pretty high on the whole – tee hee – that doesn't change the fact that this just feels like a miss. It certainly doesn't help that there's only three games and two of them reskins, but maybe what's funny about being pure filth in normal Jackbox games is that you're doing it even if the game isn't winking and nudging you constantly. Maybe making our own fun and our own filth is the way forwards to a truly naughty experience.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2024

Although it is always fun to play a new Jackbox Party Pack, the Jackbox Naughty Pack misses the mark slightly with its selection of games and limited game modes. Two of the games feel too similar to other game modes that Jackbox In has put out before and feel you are paying for something that you could create on your own. The adult topics are raunchy at first but a majority of the questions and prompts feel like they were written by children pretending to be adults. Honestly, it would have been interesting if Jackbox pushed the envelope a bit further and gave more options; it felt like they played it too safe.

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Sep 16, 2024

Jackbox Naughty Pack has two really fun games for fans to check out, and one that is an all-time worst for the series.

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Sep 12, 2024

In all, every group of friends will have their favorite games in the Jackbox Naughty Pack, like all the other Jackbox packs. We probably won’t go back to Let Me Finish, but Fakin’ It and Dirty Drawful both got lots of belly laughs. Some of the people in our group were meeting for the first time, and nothing bonds new friends together quite like having to justify why you picked a trumpet emoji when Fakin’ It asks about your sex life. The game will go over well with some folks, and I did enjoy my time with it, but if you’re friends with people who already find ways to make every Jackbox pack into a ‘naughty’ pack, then being forced to do so may sometimes feel a little constricting.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack contains three R-rated party games to share with the closest members of your groupchat. Fakin' It is a standout success if you're wanting to learn that much more about your friends, otherwise Dirty Drawful and Let Me Finish are great ways to share some crude chuckles with friends.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack delivers on its M rating and gives you a new way to play a classic party game with your friends, but prudes need not join in.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is a fascinating experiment that, while we had a lot of fun with it, we couldn't help but feel was missing something. The lightness of the pack certainly had a lot to do with it. Three games in a Jackbox pack is way more noticeable than you'd expect. And the single note theming lost its appeal for us quicker than we expected. That said, Jackbox Naughty Pack is a pack best suited for very specific scenarios. When the vibes are just right and the company you keep is just as unhinged as you, break out the Naughty Pack and debate the preferred sexual positions of various type of nuts (THE FOOD) with your friends and have a good time. Just don't invite Uncle Ed over to play this version of "the game with the phones." You'll be much happier, I promise.

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7.2 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

For fans of Jackbox games, myself included, this is a rock solid addition for game nights with friends and family (maybe not your parents though). The addition of genuinely adult subject matter is a lot of fun, even though at times, it literally devolves into drawing multiple cartoon dicks or boobs.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack lives up to its name as it’s an M-rated good time that will lead to many laughs when played with friends.

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7 / 10
Sep 12, 2024

While not every pack is loaded with hit after hit, Naughty Pack brings enough solid content to players that some might excuse the fact that they’re leaning into reliable properties. It may not be an evolution of the concept, but it is a fun and goofy aside to the main games that will satisfy those looking for a little spice in their party game repritoire. My hope is that this will be a jumping off point for more spicy shenanigans in the future.

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Sep 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is a fine bundle of games. There are only three, so it is light on the variety, but it is just a fun little morsel to tide you over till the eventual Jackbox Party Pack 11. It is an M-rated game, and the prompts and artwork really nail that M-rating. If you have kids or usually play these games with kids, maybe skip this one. But you know your kids best, though, so if you’re ok with them playing Jackbox with these sexual tones in the prompts, then by all means, have a blast with them! Think of this as a few Jackbox games with the tone of Cards Against Humanity. There are hours of fun to be had with this Naughty Pack, which I would recommend adding to your game night rotations.

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