Undertale Reviews
The way Undertale can emotionally engage the player is worth the highest rating. Amazingly cute and exciting story with hilarious and original moments.
Review in Polish |
Everything in this game feels perfectly crafted for an adventure which you hopefully want to be a part of. The combat feels very engaging, even though turn based combat usually feels detached from the player themselves. The writing is absolutely superb with every line and character filled with comedy, which should make even the most cynical person, such as myself, remember that games are still worth defending as an art form.
Those who do not know him, to satisfy his thirst for curiosity will go looking for some videos and will probably archive the whole thing with the most superficial of comments, asserting that Undertale is basically just yet another title in pixel art that is worth less than everything else just because its aesthetic is secretly considered a deterrent. Undertale, in fact, is none of that. Nor is it the object of praise for certain hipsters who reward pacifist messages and invitations to civil dialogue always and in any case. It would be a stupid exploitation that does not do justice to the articulated work behind this game, which has the merit of demonstrating to an entire genre (and also to the sector) that you do not need dizziness investments to offer users something different than usual. But perhaps Toby Fox, in his heart, knows that indies are metaphorical monsters that humanity has skilfully confined to the ground. Just like in Undertale.
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It fills you with determination
The script is fun and fresh and appropriate. The depth and the humor especially separate Undertale from the pack and give it a touch of class. I like games that don't take themselves too seriously and there is a whimsicality to this game that I love. The experience of playing it is nothing short of enchanting.
Every moment in Undertale is made special by the superb artistry that has been put into the music; it's far from a second thought and it shows
Despite its inconsistencies, Undertale is a memorable romp that sticks with you long after it's over. It's not perfect and it's definitely not for everyone and that's just fine.
I found myself smiling through a majority of my time with this game, unable to put it down until I'd beaten it. For only $10 USD (or your regional equivalent) on Steam, it's hard not to recommend at least giving it a try. For me, it might just be my game of the year.
A copy of this game was provided by the publisher.
If you like from crazy fantasy adventures, don't miss this game.
Review in Persian | Read full review
The way Undertale can move a player makes him deserve only one rating. Incredibly charming and beautiful story, and at the same time deadly funny and original adventure.
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Undertale remains an innovative and refreshing work, with a great depth hidden in its false simplicity that communicates very effectively through its gameplay. With his way of destroying the fourth wall, Undertale makes us the protagonist in a way that makes our hair stand up and makes our decisions truly have definitive consequences.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The highest praise I can give to Undertale is to warn the player that he will not be the same before and after finishing it: too many decisions, too many memories and too many feels await. Will you seek to forgive the proud Amazon who pursued you with her spear as her attacks lose strength before your eyes and her terrifying agony begins? Will you betray your maternal protector to go out into the world and discover the truth? Are you willing to confront the coolest skeleton you've ever seen? Will you confess to that poor fellow who helps you along the way that you have unknowingly killed the love of her life? Dozens of decisions like these (or different, because every Undertale game is different) will be presented to you before you get to the moment of truth. Will you accept the challenge? I do, and I don't regret it.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
'Undertale' doesn't seem like much, but it is really just a wonderful experience. This title really stuck with me this year, even beyond beating the game itself. 'Undertale' may appear unassuming, but it's full of charm, humor, and emotion. Everyone playing games in search of distinct experiences owes it to themselves to play beyond the first slow hour or so. It may not resonate with absolutely everyone, but it's a game that is best played to truly experience, at which point, the debate can begin.
The first game in a very long time to put an honest smile on my face. Smart, silly, and unfailingly creative from beginning to end. It's not much of an RPG, but only because it's too busy accomplishing so much more.
Its charming, morally earnest rhetoric of Undertale conceals the coercive weaknesses of its systemic approach to those same moral issues. Its limited combat options and often obtuse puzzle solving, alongside the sheer endurance required to survive boss fights long enough to end them, add up to a system that doesn't point to any elaborate moral insight. It simply points to itself.
It's very short. Even getting all the main endings can be done in under 20 hours, but aside from that, Undertale is a tour de force to be reckoned with. It's filled with heart, humour, and raw emotion, while never forgetting that it's a game. Its gameplay is just as strong as its stellar writing. Undertale is a crowning achievement in RPGs and games in general.
Going through the experience today, it's easy to see why Undertale was the talk of the town two years ago. It's not an overly long playthrough, but it's an impactful 7+ hours. A slow burn that starts off cute, but builds up to an absolutely thrilling last couple hours. I'm not sure if the Pope has gotten around to playing it yet, but he would be doing himself a disservice if he hasn't.
Undertale has personality in spades, paired with one of the most unique hooks in recent history. Those looking for something new need not look any farther – Undertale is your game.
A simple and compact game that is big in its characters and interactions, that is full of surprises and secrets. One that has a unique take on the genre making it worth playing even for those who aren't usually fans of RPGs.
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