Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Reviews

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Mar 15, 2014

A true labor of love from Square Enix, Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster are well worth revisiting thanks to an abundance of extras and an exemplary graphical update.

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May 23, 2016

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster for PC is the definitive version of two great entries in the overall series. There's more than enough additional content packed in, refined visuals and a remastered soundtrack that alone would be worth it, but put on top of it a few of the better Final Fantasy journeys and memorable characters, as well as mechanics and it's an easy recommendation.

8 / 10
Apr 18, 2019

Landing for the first time on a Nintendo hardware, these two episodes, especially the first one, are instant classics of the JRPG genre. This Switch version of the HD Remaster is quite clean, technically speaking, with high resolution textures and low loading time. Alas, the cartridge only includes Final Fantasy X (X-2 being available by downloading it), but it's not a reason to pass by these fantastic games.

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Mar 18, 2014

The graphics have received the expected uptick in resolution, but Square Enix has also given both games a decent once-over, adding additional environmental detail, effects, even facial animations for the main characters.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2019

The Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster collection is an incredible package, and it comes to the Switch with virtually the same quality and improvements as every other release before it.

85 / 100
May 18, 2016

There's no point in trying to sum up Final Fantasy X or X-2's storyline beyond saying that it is every bit as incredible as you remember, cringeworthy laughing sequences and all. The PC version brings accessibility and graphical upgrades, as well as the promises of unofficial mod-based improvements. If this is your first time with Final Fantasy X, I envy you — it's a powerful journey that you won't soon forget.

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May 28, 2015

Still two great games, but the PS3 version is $30 cheaper.

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9 / 10
Apr 16, 2019

Another fantastic Final Fantasy port arrives on the Nintendo Switch.

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7 / 10.0
May 11, 2015

There's no denying the quality of FFX, as it's often hailed by some as the last "good" JRPG Square Enix has made in the last 15 years, but there's already a much cheaper, slightly blurrier version of this compilation out there on the PS3.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2015

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a fantastic collection that brings together two great games, and a lot of supplementary material, to create the most complete Final Fantasy X release to date. A few bugs currently mar the PS4 version, but if you can look past them, you'll find the most beautiful and complete version of these games. If you're a fan of Final Fantasy X and X-2, and can get past the bugs, you owe it to yourself to check out this collection.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 15, 2018

Final Fantasy X remains a genre-defining legend while Final Fantasy X-2 still dances through its saccharine and exploitative expectations. Neither feel especially ravaged by time. As either an academic interest in turn-of-the-century gaming or a hopeful re-acquaintance with a bygone phenomenon, the collection makes it easy to invest another lifetime across Spira.

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8 / 10
May 12, 2015

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster has been released on the Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita already, so it's very possible that most players will be wondering whether or not they should bother with yet another rendition simply because it's on the current generation of console. It's a hard question to answer.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2019

Final Fantasy X/X-2 make for a lovely addition to the Switch's library – a touching experience for new and old players.

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4.3 / 5.0
Apr 16, 2019

If you haven't played Final Fantasy X by now, it's the perfect time, especially if you own the Switch. If you haven't played it by now, Switch is the perfect platform to try, given the portability and smooth experience. Unfortunately, those who played it recently or want something new might be disappointed, though it's hard to please everyone. Especially when PC and PlayStation 4 have been out for a while and are much cheaper.

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9 / 10
Jun 13, 2016

Simply put, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is the most complete package for one of the most celebrated entries in the series. Not everything included has stood up to the test of time, but the sentiment of the whole being better than the sum of its parts describes this HD collection perfectly.

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The Digital Fix
Lewis Brown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Apr 14, 2014

Really, for anyone that managed to be around as a gamer when these two games first came round, and, like me, are starting to feel like they've been round the houses a few times already themselves, the greatest element of this HD Remaster is that you can play it outside your home ' it's magic of the purest kind that gets JRPGs of this calibre running on a handheld. We've mentioned this before, back in our Metal Gear Solid HD Collection review on Vita and once again Sony have managed to bottle lightning. Not Lightning, because that would be silly, and is probably a mini-game reserved for FFXIII-4, but close enough in terms of the enjoyment you'll get out of it. Spira is a wonderful and lively place to visit, and quite honestly you could probably get enough content out of this collection to last you the rest of the year.

Jun 9, 2016

Final Fantasy X-2 is a fundamentally sound JRPG from a game mechanics perspective, but its cheese factor and lackluster narrative pay off hold it back from being anything more than "the other one." There are interesting ideas at work, and Square's logic of trying to present a different look at the same world makes sense, it just doesn't always work in its favor.

Apr 23, 2019

If you enjoy fantasy with a great story, then the choice is easy.

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4 / 5.0
May 3, 2019

Overall it's a very solid packaged. Both games are fantastic in their own way and still hold up. The feature upgrades available in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IX are nowhere to be found when they would have been most welcome. Considering the upcoming Final Fantasy XII remaster also contains these features makes this package stand out all the more. It is also a steep price point. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster may include two full games, but charging $80 seems a little ridiculous. Despite this it still comes highly recommended. Maybe just wait for a sale first.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2019

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster is still the timeless JRPG we all know and love, but the launch price and the lack of new content makes it hard to recommend this new version over the older ones.

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